Updated: 11 April 2024
(one pager)
From 2009 to 2014 – The GUERTIN on their own with family as forefront chaos attempted to isolate SMITH by breaking our relationship –
>> 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015 – FALSE FLAGS & CHAOS by Family with Guertin lurking in background
After six years fending off these people, I was able to stop them and keep them at bay from 13 JULY 2014 up until the NEW PARTNERS (CSIS) allied (mid-2015) – New Partners (CSIS) took over / managed the operation like a contractor, the directors.
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Highlights (there’s more)
** 21 NOVEMBER 2015 – Mark said aliens laser shot him (leg) – I say it’s man-made >> New Partnership’s Doing – His mother seeped knowing – photo included | 2018 – Leg Problem – Walking with a Cane – Strongly suspect he was lased behind the leg. His mother seeped knowing.
Day before, on 12 Dec 2015, I had did ONLINE research on Shadow People as well as call my aunt for the doctor involved in my 1963 experience – Next day, the family mocked by dishing out a very exaggerated story of being visited by Shadow people during the night. There was no way for them to know other than if I was monitored.
24 December 2015 – Christmas Eve – Nicole Insistent Pleas I attend – a LURE for In-House Bug Installation? | 1 January 2016 – Family At Bay Since 2014 No Longer Afraid – Back at Creating Chaos – A lure to get us out of the house so that they could bug the house while we were away.
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Highlights (there’s more)
2 January 2016 – FAMILY Back Creating Chaos like Past | 2 Jan-20 June 2016 – Abram on the Wall | 19 June – Voice Projection Technology used on me – Family back at forefront creating chaos in our household just like before 14 July 2014. I couldn’t understand why . . . what happened?! Today we know, NEW Partners (CSIS) took over like a contractor – Mr. and Mrs. GUERTIN just sit back and we will get rid of Lyn Champagne for you, you will have your human stock SMITH very soon.
2016 (May to 14 September) – Suicide Program #1 of 2 – Target: Lyn Champagne – V2K & Voice of God Technology? Most likely. By the way, you can defeat Voice to Skull, read this post – in my case, it came to be permanently ineffective on 14 September 2016 – when they realized it (early October) they turned to my SON. Get him to kill himself as means to get to me.
2016 (Oct to 13 Nov) – Suicide Program 2 of 2 – Target: My SON – Holograms, V2K & Voice of God Technologies – Abruptly stopped after I sent an email for urgent help on 13 November 2016. Poof! stopped. I strongly suspect they were FORCED to stop which brought on a new strategy in new year 2017.
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Highlights (there’s more)
Mar-June 2017 – Get Nicole PERIARD (Mark’s sister) On-Board to go along with Father-Son Trust Program – They did a successful False Flag Operation – They used the 13 JULY 2014 email to tweak PERIARD to agree to have me terminated (she wanted me dead) – now part of the organized crime operation.
LATE SPRING >> 2017 “Mrs. Periard do you know Lyn Champagne?” YES, I do. Then she gave CSIS the 2014 Email – CSIS & GUERTIN Blamed LYN for NICOLE Problems | Gets Nicole On-Board >> SON TRUST & LYN as Kill BAIT for Mark GRAB – Sometime in early May 2017, Nicole PERIARD called our house to warn me that I was in trouble with CSIS because she had to give them a copy of the 13 July 2014 email – She thought they were seeing it for the first time when in reality they USED the content of that email to tweak her. From that point forward, they announced I was the cause for all her problems with them (CSIS).
I just want to add that the ONLY things in that email, click here to see it, that were damning to PERIARD were not criminal things (which would have already been dealt with by Michelle GUERTIN perhaps) What was damning was the CREDITORS that came a-knocking/calling her house. I will venture that they paid whatever outstanding debts she had in addition for blaming me for all the trouble it caused – All along, this was the email CSIS agents used to tweak PERIARD, they high likely woke up the CREDITORS to come after her – then covered her dirty arse like SAVIORS. During that period, Theresa LAVERGNE who lived with PERIARD, complained how she was instructed NOT to answer the phone . . . collectors calling for PERIARD.
How relieved she must have felt, a sense of euphoria that she was accepted in their circle. She agreed that the SON should be brought in (like 1992) to foster father-son trust. Once that was achieved, then they would make me disappear (PLAN A) and Mark would run to GUERTIN for refuge and help (JUST LIKE 1992, a replay).
July-October 2017 – PLAN A – Step 1: Father-Son Trust Bond Program | Step 2: Remove Lyn Champagne – 12 October 2017 | Step 3: Mark runs to GUERTIN – Job Done – The SON appeared in our lives in mid-July 2017 – Fostered father-trust bond – Very nice SON >> up until PLAN A failed (12 OCT 2017). Then he turned very nasty – pushing perversions such as sodomy under guise of being a Doctor “doctor knows best” – “My son is a doctor! he knows what he’s talking about!”
15 MAY 2017- Day 1 of reviving Connecting Consciousness in CANADA after abrupt closure on 25 February 2017 (false flag) >> on 15 MAY 2017 @ 3am >> 20170515_0300-Look-Now-DAY1-CC.Canada.mp4 – Do I think it’s ETs? no, people from earth. High likely not them.
31 MAY 2017 – Sighting & Body Marking – Was it ETs? No, man-made, a psyop, a means to an end in the MARK SMITH Operation
6 JUNE 2017 – White object in sky & Anomalous Photo (included) happens a Week After Body Marking & Sighting captured on video – Do I think this was fabricated by them? No.
5-6-7-8 JULY 2017 – Alien False Flag Invasion using Human PREJUDICE to Control Narrative? They retaliated after I exposed it – Lucid dream on Ship & Sightings (videos included) – Not them. AFTER 8 JULY 2017 (second time), same heavy dark energy like in mid-February 2015 (first time). I would recognize it again on 26 AUGUST 2017 (third time) and this time, it was here to stay. Satanism occult wicked ancient psychology on human-animals – old world.
11-26 JULY 2017 – Creating Global Initiative “Focus on Earth” – “Look Now!” moments (2 videos) – Nefarious msg delivered via Staged Managed (Lucid) Dream Technology -Although heavy over looming energy . . . my attitude was get bent – if you’re here must be because I bother and i’m doing something good that’s how I saw it – I was creating a global initiative tied to earth – on 26 JULY 2017, I was told “snicker” we just let you think you’ll make a difference, we just let you play . .. but at the end it will do nothing ! hahahaha . . . the watchers ar coming!“
On 26 July 2017, as far as I knew, I thought I was being attacked because we had convinced Simon Parkes to revive CC in Canada. (Throughout 2016, CC was attacked in North America – I strongly suspected there had been a dark agenda to close it off in USA and Canada).
26 JULY 2017 – Saying “the watchers are coming!” might have been a way of announcing the arrival of the full-time monitoring team, right? Watching? Monitoring? Little did I know I was slotted to be killed to free up Mark SMITH for delivery to GUERTIN.
And a month later . . .
26 AUGUST 2017 – The day I declared as Day-1 with the Strategist (CSIS) assigned full-time to this operation – He made quite an entrance – during a disgusting (demonic) scene from a movie >> 27 July 2022 >> 26 AUGUST 2017 – The Day they came in – blanket of doom | A year (2016) before, a special day
This would be the third time I recognize the heavy energetic signature – first time, mid-February 2015 and second time, after 8 July 2017. Same signature “blanket of doom” that’s how I called it – Satanism, wicked, heartless, depraved, occult, ancient psychology with the human-animals – eugenics – generational.
The Strategist was/is a purist . . . Three years later (2020), same day, I lost access to site for four months >> 23 JUL 2023 >> 26 AUGUST 2020 – Denied Access 4 Months – What was I posting & investigating at the time? – the Strategist is into symbology, yes, a satanic purist who uses ancient psychology – most likely a Psychological Warfare Specialist and yes, the job title exists.
AFTER FAILURE TO REMOVE ME on 12 OCTOBER 2017, THEY BECAME DISORGANIZED – Too confident PLAN A “remove Champagne / isolate & deliver SMITH to GUERTIN” would be a success. It failed – no immediate PLAN B – Disorganized.
PLAN B – To get us intimate and close (trust) so that a CRIME of PASSION could be played out in January 2018 by dishing out horrific disinformation to provoke shocking deep sense of betrayal>> Crime of Passion – kill me and kill himself.
Black helicopters started 26 October 2017 and stopped on 29 November 2017 – During the flyover period, everything I would text or email anyone, anything, we would get, without fail, a flyover over the house within 20-22 minutes.
Like this (30 October 2017 – Day-5) >> 20171030_200123.mp4 (I have many of these videos stored on an older computer now in storage)
Now here’s an interesting flyby on the 27 October 2017 (Day-2) >> 20171027-BH-with-object.mp4 – interesting because you will soon notice the little object next to it in flight.
I noticed the pattern of texting then flyover 20-22 minutes to follow – so I used it to my advantage – When the son would tweak Mark to heightened conflict, I would email/text anything to anyone, then 4-5 minutes before the 20-22 minute threshold, I would tell Mark “you better stop because the black helicopters are protecting me and will come and check on me” – – – “Oh yeah “snicker” hahaha” – and sure enough they would flyover within the prescribed timing . . . over and over again. Gee, they flew over for “little dude” (forwarded to someone on Whatsapp) >> 20130619-little-dude.mp4 – anything, pics of dogs, etc.
That’s how I was able to subdue Mark to stop engaging with the gas-lighting of the SON from 26 October to 9 November 2017 –
Here’s a detailed report >> (14 slides) 20171026-1129-14-slides-Black-Hcopter-Fall2017.pdf on what they used to cover the start of flyovers, you know . . . “what I thought the reason was for these flyovers” >> I contacted MUFON & they replied on “day 1” – 26 October 2017 – start of flyovers and the reason why they stopped flyovers on 29 November (they stopped after I published about the time when I was falsely diagnosed with “18 months to live” – spoiler alert: I’m convinced same circle as New partners (CSIS) were responsible for the false diagnosis in 2003 and imagine this >> The GUERTIN leveraged those false test results in December 2009 to forge a medical letter under the name of my former physician.
I think it was a knee jerk reaction to stop flyovers to stop them completely.
Although flyovers stopped 29 November 2017, on 9 November, they did a staged managed dream – technology at a distance – provoked lucid dreaming to inject limerence & love/lust obsession “love bite” in the psyche.
After 9 November 2017, why did I stop manipulating them to fly over at a precise time “on demand”?
When they changed tactics he wasn’t dangerous/belligerent anymore. The SON took a step back – not calling to tweak probably amused by me fending off Romeo. After that emotional injection via lucid dreaming, he was infatuated, obsessed, like a witchcraft love spell (like in the movies). But this was pure psychology, you can re-arrange your target via lucid dreaming if your target is emotionally unsettled to start off with. Here’s an interesting article >> Scientists Successfully Communicate With Lucid Dreamers While They Are Dreaming
I didn’t engage – stayed away.
But if I had, and we had become a close couple . . . . well, come January 2018, they would have been able to instill great sense of betrayal . . . they were aiming for a crime of passion (kill me, the dogs and suicide) – These people GUERTIN and New Partners (CSIS) used suicide programs – a favorite – no one gets their hands dirty. “awwww the target killed him/herself . . . ” open/shut case.
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Highlights (there’s more)
1-30 January 2018 – 1st MONTH with Michelle Guertin and fake SON at forefront
7 JANUARY 2018 – MICHELLE GUERTIN who faked CANCER in 2017 now crashes our Lives – Attempts to Provoke Serious Injuries/Death – “Destroy CHAMPAGNE & Rescue SMITH” Operation – Michelle GUERTIN with her SON attempted to have Mark SMITH reach homicidal rage up until 18 JANUARY 2018 – Even PERIARD got involved by grooming her grand-son in prep to perform at my funerary service – They were very sure to succeed in having me killed within a few days.
By 18 January 2018, they stopped high likely for New Partners (CSIS) to organize / coordinate the laser shot operation on 22 JANUARY 2018 – They would inject false memories and a killer’s personality in Mark SMITH – Artificially induce what was necessary to commit a crime of passion.
What was I doing on 22 January 2018?
Just finished this – life changing experiences 1962 tie with 14 September 2016 >> 22 JANUARY 2018 – Uploaded Details of Life Changing Experiences – Later in evening Mark laser shot hypnotic dangerous persona
At the request of my Russian friend Alex, I agreed to remotely protect him and others while they were in India clearing/cleaning satanic symbols around ancient moments tied to NAGA and SHIVA – from 22 to 30 January 2018 >> 22-30 January 2018 – India – Remote Protection Initiative | Day I – Mark Laser Shot
So you can imagine as to what I thought when I realized they had laser shot him (evening 22 Jan) – That’s when I knew they wanted to kill me .
I broke the hypnotic trance. They didn’t call for three days. Then we have demon hag Michelle GUERTIN lashing out at me from 26 to 30 January 2018. I baptized her “Exorcist-Girl” from the movie “The Exorcist”. Here I was remote protecting people in India clearing satanic symbols while battling a demonic creature and her troll-son – how telling. It motivated me “must be doing something good if I’m being attacked by she-devil and her spawn”. Keep in mind, that I didn’t know yet they wanted to isolate SMITH in order to deliver him to GUERTIN. As far as I knew, they wanted to kill me for other reasons.
Edited 10 Nov 2021 >> 2-9 Feb 2018 – Song of 1992 “Love don’t live here anymore” becomes Trigger during “Facebook Cheaters Program” – the song was psychologically implanted in 1992 (it’s in the post you can see it).
This song ties with the breakup and institutionalization in 1992 >> GUERTIN Containment Area was Mental Hospital – Set up in 1990s – FAMILY in conspiracy – 1992 is the point of life enslavement – Psychiatry to psy re-arrange and mark as dangerous
The psychiatrist was in conspiracy with GUERTIN – he created a monster >> Best analogy in 3 minutes – Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD with Mark SMITH – Psychological Re-arrangement for GUERTIN 1992 – 2017-18 In Conspiracy for Grab Operations – and in conspiracy in 2016-2018 during Smith Grab operations – most likely on stand-by if Mark was seized.
The Facebook Cheaters Program was successful – Mark was leaving 10th Feb morning to join them – but then they called to cancel his leave stating I was being nice because I was going to trap them. “Dad! Dad! you can’t leave she’s coming after you and will taken your inheritance and institutionalize you! Please Dad do something because you can’t leave!” – THEY WOULD GAS-LIGHT HIM TO REACH HOMICIDAL RAGE – KILL ME
18 February 2018 – Continuation SKYPE message – “who the hell are you to monitor” read on
MARCH 2018
After 27 FEBRUARY 2018, they became disorganized – they had just reeled us for three consecutive days and nights the period I call “Full Force Kill Program” 24-27 FEB 2018 – On the 27th, he fell to the ground having a serious seizure. They highly expected me to call 911 and get this guy out of my life.
Since 9 February 2018, I was looking forward to his permanent departure. Instead on 10 February 2018, they canceled his leave and convinced him I was out to get them all and take the inheritance. Apparently, I was the boss of an organization who was stalking the SON. On 27th, he was scheduled to move out the next da (28th) all packed ready to move out. BUT as he was having that seizure, I REALIZED >> they wanted me dead (knew since 22 JAN 2018) BUT NOW I KNEW THEY ALSO WANTED THIS GUY DEAD or alive (killed later using the medical system) – for me that was a “holy shit” moment. SO I DIDN’T CALL 911.
That’s the day I made a conscious decision to protect this human. I could have made belief I didn’t know they would kill him, and just call 911, get him out of my life. I couldn’t do that. I actually despise humans who would do that. Fuck you I was not going to deliver him to them so we canceled his move scheduled for the next day and that put a wrench in their grab operation.
The so-called SON who was a so-called DOCTOR, called and it was as if he hadn’t missed a beat and continued the same gas-lighting dialogue of 27 FEBRUARY 2018 (20 minutes before the seizure) – what an idiot. As a doctor, he never responded to MARK when he told the SON how sick he was. In addition, never mentioned “how come you didn’t move out dad?” – And Mark started to doubt the intentions of the SON. I started to call him Dr. Anton Death.
Since they could hear our in-house conversations, they came up with a cock-a-ninny story of witchcraft to regain the SON’s trust – the kid was hiving and sobbing as he dished out a story of curses, spells and hexes. Louis GUERTIN called to confirm the SON’s despair “Mark, you must be there for your SON” – It worked.
The following post is another version of the same narration >> 2 March 2018 – Father-Son Bond Broken – Michelle Guertin >>powerful story of Witchcraft restores father-son trust | 2nd time >> 10 April 2018 Louis blamed her again using Witchcraft
THESE ARE PAGES FROM THE LIST OF RECORDINGS DATED 22 MAY 2018 >> 20180303-list-of-recs-extracted-pages.pdf (these pages were created while we were still battling these psychopaths – this is part of the list that they didn’t want anyone to see . . . – in part why they faked death . . . to escape the recordings and being criminal charges . . . . so fake death, both did)
3 March 2018 – After midnight she called in a fury to sickness until 3am
Out of frustration, Michelle GUERTIN let the cat out of the bag. She basically told him what they intended to do all along >> grab him and hospitalize him (mental institution – Dr. BOYD waiting in the sidelines for him) – once at the hospital they would decline his health to his death – Using the medical system is GUERTIN’s organized crime signature.
3 March 2018 >> Michelle GUERTIN no longer trusted. She burnt the bridge no longer able to come in as his SAVIOR. Her actions (stupidity) shattered the trust fixation Mark SMITH had for her since 1979. Gone. He hated her. I am convinced she went behind the back of the Strategist (new partners) – frustrated waiting for my removal since 2016. >> Here’s my take on this incident >> 3 March 2018 – Use of Power of Attorney for forced hospitalization – Her own Initiative? or Peeved with New Partners? Was she frustrated with Promises & Delays Since January 2018?
9 March 2018 – Why use Secret Space Program as LURE For Me?
Older posts
8 March-1 April 2018 – NOTES on LURE Programs – LOUIS GUERTIN Operation signature >>False sense of security, tricking/lulling targeted victims – LOUIS the DEVIL with a SMILE
16 March 2018 – Fake Identical Recurring Dream shared by the Son and Mark’s Mother daily for 3-4 weeks >> “Mark Dead and Lady in Black laughing” – I Stopped it on 6 April 2018
APRIL 2018
The SON is no longer trusted.
on 18 April 2018, CSIS Team uses character Terrence Lepage to usher the SON back in our lives.
18 April 2018 – Callers of the Day and Priceless Encounter with CSIS Folks
Trusting the SON lasted 6 days – Lost trust on 26 APRIL 2018 . . . permanently
MAY 2018
>> Result of Investigation (4 May 2018)>> 20180504-8-slides-my-comments-20230504.pdf
7 May 2018 – Kidnap Attempt @ Giant Tiger – includes photos & videos
>> Result of investigation (7 May 2018)– same perp (female) involved in kidnap operation of 30 APRIL and 7 MAY 2018 – in both cases, I stopped the kidnap >> 20180507-7-slides-my-comments-20230507.pdf
>> Result of investigation (9 MAY 2018)>> 20180509-9-Slides-My-Comments-on-20230509.pdf
10 MAY 2018 – I called the Court Administrator. She was present when they tabled the FALSE written statement – She was outraged but couldn’t do anything – she saw the VIDEO STATEMENT >> 20180510-5-slides-Court-Administrator.pdf
ON 14 MAY 2018, someone from CSIS impersonated being RCMP – They did this after discovering I had drafted a Summary of Events document, CLICK HERE to see it. The impersonator called to say that they had an arrest warrant for Michelle GUERTIN. THEY IMPERSONATED RCMP three times.
>> Results of Investigation (IMPERSONATING RCMP – 3x) >> 20230530-6-slides-RCMP-Not-Involved-Mark-Smith-Case.pdf
JUNE 2018
WEEK BEFORE 22 JUNE 2018 (one page)>> 20180622-VOICE-OUT-MONOLOG-ALONE-AT-HOME(one.week.b4.solstice).JPG
I didn’t believe they were arrested as announced by INTERPOL + OPP – Apparently LOUIS GUERTIN had been the good citizen and “ratted” them out. Right. Interpol warned me to destroy the recordings and they told me “you are no longer monitored” (LOL).
Instead of destroying anything, I worked full-pin and while I worked I monologued alone in the house well knowing they could hear me. I targeted the SON “big time” . On 2 JULY 2018, just after midnight, I uploaded pieces of the Full Force Kill Program (24-27 FEB 2018) and two days later, LOUIS GUERTIN announced that the SON killed himself by cutting his throat. Same excuse for a real suicide that happened a few months earlier. Victims of SSP (Julie Phelps’ husband).
JULY 2018
Since I was blamed for the suicide . . . tell us Mark why did your child kill himself? “Because of the online writings and recordings of Lyn Champagne. SHE provoked my SON to kill himself.” He went to his grave believing this. Cruel.
2 JULY 2018 – How They Killed Off The SON Using My In-House Voice-Outs & Online Comms – I Was Blamed
But after Louis’ announcement that the kid killed himself, two days later (6 JULY 2018), I did a full backup of the recordings into an obscure sub-sub-folder and NEVER returned there. Out of sight, out of mind << for the monitoring team. No one noticed. Good. I didn’t return.
Why did I do this? because I knew there would come a time when I would be pressured to delete/destroy the recordings stored ONLINE in the Google Drive – and it did on 10 August 2018 with BOUVIER (CSIS) creating conflict and making me out to be suspicious character – making Mark sick with nasty intel reports “why is she not destroying them Mark? after all she’s the cause for the suicide of your SON . . . . tell her again to delete these recordings.”
MARK MOVES BACK TO THE HOUSE on 27 JULY 2018 – after seizure previous day.
On 21 JULY 2018, he announced to certain family members that he would return to live at the house on 1 September 2018. The moment he announced it, hell broke loose. On 26 JULY 2018, he had a seizure and will on the floor, people (new friends) were kicking him. He called me and I took him out of there.
On 27 July 2018, mid-afternoon, someone ramsacked his apartment and TOOK his COPY of the false written statement that was presented in Court on 9 MAY 2018. Many people got to read it. Many people including the Court administrator and Constable knew/know what they did – These two reliable witnesses would testify under oath.
10 August 2018 – THEY THOUGHT RECORDINGS WERE DESTROYED – FAMILY OPENLY VIOLENT and BOUVIER (CSIS) GAS-LIGHTING – So much pressure to delete the recordings on Google Drive – pressure by BOUVIER (CSIS). In early evening, I did a theatrical DELETION of all recordings, voicing out what I was doing at the same time (to make sure they heard). I remember saluting the original folder with all those recordings, DELETE ALL? YES. I remember humming this >> Honor the Fallen.
BOUVIER (CSIS) and the FAMILY had replaced the GUERTIN at forefront. They thought the recordings no longer existed and in addition, the FAKE SON was out of the picture . . . . faked suicide which we believed at the time.
August 2018 – Numerous calls from so-called CSIS operators urging him to go to a safe house.
#13 – 17-20 August 2018 – Mark very Sick / in Danger / Risk of Arrest Stopped on 19 August 2018
Mark was the end of his rope – He avoided BOUVIER (CSIS) and any calls from the FAMILY – BIKER gang 81 percenters (yes that’s the name) were after us WORKING with the family (alliance with his ex-wife Cynthia Rosebush).
Enough was enough – Mark wanted to press criminal charges against his FAMILY and Michelle GUERTIN and in addition we had the RECORDINGS – TA-DA-A !! on 29 August 2018, they discovered I had NEVER deleted the recordings ONLINE (at the time, it would have been a major task to re-load them – The internet was a security measure – people had access) – On 6 JULY 2018, I had done a full backup a few days after being blamed for the (fake) suicide of the SON.
A few days later after 29 August 2018, THEY WOULD kill off hag Michelle GUERTIN, just like they did with the SON when they realized I had not / would not deleted the recordings (2 July 2018).
In both cases, Mark wanted to press criminal charges, we had the recordings – Each time, BOOM! they faked death (July and September 2018)
>> What was highly the trigger to fake death in both cases? RECORDINGS
In Spring 2019, they discovered I had more recordings – surprise!! these recordings show the trail of chaos they did in August 2018 >> 201808-Full-Lengths-Family-DIscover-existence-in-2019.pdf – I was stalked afterwards.
10 September 2018 – Dr. B.A. BOYD Former Psychiatrist Greets Mark in Last Attempted Grab Operation – Dr. Death aka Dr. Joseph Mengele = Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD
ELECTRONIC MONITORING, IN-HOUSE MONITORING, SATELLITE FEED on PROPERTY NOW INCLUDES INFRARED for IN-HOUSE MOVEMENT << Mark agreed / relieved to being monitored THINKING he wasn’t monitored before – the new addition is Infrared. “oh thank you Mr. BOUVIER and CSIS Team for protecting us, right Babe? Say thank you.”
19 October 2018 – FALL Court – Profiling me? | Helicopter Pilot instinctively shields himself thinking I was pulling out a weapon
20181017-Lifequest-Sighting-Flying.Orb.with.drone.near.mp4– a drone and a flying orb at same time.
30 OCTOBER 2018 –
20181030 – D.E. @ Walmart – Too much pushing for VIDEO STATEMENT Release – let Mark See it at least – That evening, I wrote about this encounter – for the past week I had been pressuring BOUVIER to make arrangements so that MARK could see the VIDEO police interview of 23 APRIL 2018 – Mark wanted to see it – So I sent a report about this stalking (30 Oct 2018) to BOUVIER . . . I suppose he was amused because when I asked “do you want to see more stalking documents?” He said yes.
Next day >> 1 NOVEMBER 2018
I sent him my log entry for the stalking of 12 October 2017 – PLAN A: Remove Champagne. He was no longer amused . . .BUT WHY BE SO UPSET? He told me “to never send him this kind of stuff again” – Adamant, very stern and disturbed. But why? Here’s my take:
8-23 November 2018 – BOUVIER (CSIS) Announced Mark Won His Case Then Stopped Contact 23 November 2018 – By 8 November 2018, BOUVIER announced Mark had won the abuse case against his FAMILY. BOUVIER dished out a a series of excuses for delays – By 23 November 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) stopped contact with Mark.
16 DEC 2023 >> 11-16 December 2018 – Final Days – Organized Chain of Events of the Premeditated Homicide Operation – Death Successful
CARING CORRUPTED – The Killing Nurses – 12-16 DEC 2018 – Premeditated homicide “Euthanized”
20 December 2018 – Four days after Mark passed – Stalking at the Metro (Orleans) – video included
more links to come here
2 January 2019 – Stalking at Dollar store | 10 January 2019 – Same Stalker
10 January 2019 – I Did A Reconn – Organized Evening at a Jazz Venue – It Paid Off
2 FEBRUARY 2019 – Day 1 – Full-Time Investigation
On 2 FEBRUARY 2019 – I woke up as if ORDERED to start FULL-TIME Investigation. (more to come)
5 February 2019 – STALKING -Uploaded SUMMARY CASE document same day at 4am (included herein)
22 February 2019 – SURVEILLANCE- after uploading 1979 Photo & Draft Document Part II (included herein) – Stalking / Surveillance
17 October 2019 – A Cop said with unease “you see UFOS” – Sent him photos/videos of UAP sightings (included herein) – I Called Police because Investigative Material showed Family (Guertin in background) Abuse as early as 2009 – He had to remain single, I was the obstacle – This was a very telling encounter – Here’s information not found in this post:
When I mentioned the laser shot of 22 JANUARY 2018 – team of 4 men – organized. The Constable without hesitation, in my opinion, showed knowing, he immediately responded (In French): “NO! It’s not true!” wow, that was baffling. I replied: “Excuse me? It’s very true” and again he says: “NO! not true!” WTF. I immediately thought “Were you part of the team of four that night?” He seeped knowing, it showed in his response and his behavior.
I believe that this team of four was high likely men (with day jobs) who moonlighted – coming together to do organized jobs – Best men for these jobs are cops, military, mercenary, etc. Some training in tactical measures – recon, etc. “so . . . was this cop part of the team of four or perhaps knew some of the men who were?” that’s the impression he gave. Not a good liar, body and expression showed deceit.
Another very telling moment was when I asked the two constables if they knew BOUVIER from CSIS. Immediately, they straightened their body, look above my head and in unison like soldiers, retorted “NO!”.
I felt like telling them: “At ease gentlemen, at ease”. Again they seeped.
I will strongly say they were aware of 22 JANUARY 2018 the laser shot operation and THEY DEFINITELY KNEW BOUVIER (CSIS).
To shut me down, OR TRIED >> one of the constable with a smirk on his face, said: “Yeah . . . . but-a . . . huh . . . you see UFOs”
Now folks, where would he get that information? hm? I didn’t advertise it. But here’s the thing, the new partners (CSIS) with satellite view on the property knew when I was outside. Within seconds, less than a minute, star-like objects would appear in the direction I was looking. I’m a logical person, so best thing was to observe and DOCUMENT (due diligence).
Just to give an idea how left-brained I am – I come from an IT/IM Security background (CISSP) >> MYERS-BRIGG-Detail-Report-ENTJ.pdf, (Over the years, I’ve done this personality test several times – I’m not a dreamer or pie in the sky type personality).
These were high likely fabricated. Just to give you a sense, here are the tallies per month per year for >> UAPS-2016 and >> UAPS-2017. Now think about this . . . . you make your target see things so that you can then say/spread the rumour that the target is woo-woo. Wonderful.
I calmly replied: “Yes, in addition to this case, I do” Then in the following days, I sent them numerous emails with links to videos and photos (included in the post above).
Another important thing is that they showed being appalled that it took one month to tell the family that Mark had passed. WOW. Why would I go see the family if we were told MARK HAD WON THE FAMILY ABUSE CASE against these abusers? hm?
Nicole PERIARD by calling police to confirm Mark’s death (and look innocent) made it that an entry in the police database was made (THIS WAS DONE ON PURPOSE – keep in mind, PERIARD is a cop caller >> having entries in the police database and then dramatically weaves stories)
NICOLE PERIARD told everyone Mark had died of stomach cancer (like his grand-ma) then she changed the story to lung cancer. CANCER is the excuse they gave in order to transfer him to a palliative centre and kill him a few days later. A few hours before they killed him, I cut 6″ strands of hair (he had long hair) and if forensic analysis would be done it would clearly show Mark SMITH did not die of cancer.
They comatosed him when they realized he wanted to get out of there – three days later, they euthanized him – he should be alive today, HIS DEATH IS DIRECTLY DONE BY GUERTIN ORGANIZED MEDICAL CRIME, the FAMILY AIDED and ABETTED, the NEW PARTNERS (CSIS) enabled when they warned GUERTIN (on 10 DEC 2018) that someone wanted to speak to me – I was about to discover what they had done in COURT . . . . inversion. So they told Mark you have terminal cancer, and Mark believed in doctors “word of god” – there was nothing I could do to dissuade that it might not be true, I was shut down – they killed him, they won.
APRIL 2019
In April 2019, I re-encountered the Freemason of 18 JANUARY 2019 and his attitude had changed, he tried to honeypot me after I saw him acknowledge another brother who was following me – Both brothers thought I hadn’t seen them acknowledge one another – I C U – Then the honeypotting? insisting I contact him? even made me promise – yes I remember his name but will not write here – I never contacted him – cannot be trusted – showed deceit. I was being followed again because THEY had just discovered I had more RECORDINGS.
In Spring 2019, they discovered I had more recordings – surprise!! these recordings show the trail of chaos they did in August 2018 >> 201808-Full-Lengths-Family-DIscover-existence-in-2019.pdf – I was stalked afterwards.
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My all-time favorite TV or Netflix series is The Blacklist – so much that I bought the whole series (DVD) . In my opinion, it’s educational. Those who abuse governmental / state assets and resources to commit organized crimes are like “Ian Garvey, No. 13 on the blacklist” – Ian was a U.S. Marshall who used and abused security intelligence governmental assets and resources to carry out crimes, who had accessed to WITSEC, HUMINT, etc. including illegal monitoring with no fear of retribution and protected a powerful drug cartel. This blacklister was a psychopath, cruel, heartless, brutal, relentless, hired mercenaries to do select jobs.
Ian Garvey, no. 13 . . . New Partners who used CSIS assets and resources reminded me of this blacklister.
The GUERTIN are also blacklisters – They would be equivalent to the “Drug cartel protected by Garvey, no 13” aka New partners (CSIS) . . . The GUERTIN use their power and influence to commit organized crimes using the legal and MEDICAL system to incapacitate and terminate targets. Do you think Mark SMITH is the only one? ple-ease. They were/are organized at the snap of their fingers. Too experienced – know the drill – no fear of retribution.
Corrupt Cops & Criminals with a Badge (11 minutes)
more links to come here
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It has details on 2009-2014 period such as the suspicioius deaths of Marcel Trepanier and Candy (girlfriend) and more
11 FEB 2022 >> List of Operations & Programs – Timeline
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