Lucid dream on 10 FEBRUARY 2023 in a classroom auditorium – topic: Alien False Flag Operations – Next days >> USA & Canada announcement of shooting down UFOS >> 10 February 2023 – Lucid Dream Classroom Auditorium with Off-Worlders – TOPIC: Alien False Flag – 11 FEBRUARY 2023 >> USA & Canada Announcement of Shooting Down UFOS in Alaska & Elsewhere
Holographic Audio & Visual 3D Technology
Pay attention to this video . . . projecting space anomalies such as a planetary sphere coming to close to the Earth or a fleet of UFOS (uh-oh). Use your imagination as to how you could trick humanity to think its being invaded or in danger from a threat from space – then imagine to what ends you would do so.
It could be an ace card to introduce DNA + DIGITAL ID to everyone on the planet – newborns immediately implanted – forget so-called injections and plandemics.
Imagine this >> Shadow people, ghosts, people that vanish in thin air – Check this out:
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Mainstream folks are starting to think this way . . . LOL
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Wernher von Braun was Deputy Director at NASA from 1970 to 1972 — here is what he said in a 1974 interview while working as vice-president at Fairchild Industries, a private aerospace company located in Germantown, Maryland, USA:
“It became evident to me that NASA had an agenda when it started to blame others like the Russians, then the Middle East for terrorism and FINALLY little green men from outer space in order to justify the military weaponizing of outer space”
The ALIEN THREAT SPIN is a LIE — That was the real reason why he left NASA in 1972 – he could not tolerate the deception.
Dr. Wernher von Braun was a top ranking SS officer who was also the head of the Nazi rocket program during WWII. Von Braun was brought to America after the war.
My father knew everything about this man and the space vision – I believe he might have encountered him while he was stationed in Germany (three years).
Von Braun’s Legacy – Dr.h.c. Carol Rosin, Manager at Fairchild Industries – In her time at Fairchild, Rosin served as the spokesperson for Dr. Wernher Von Braun
Dr. Carol Rosin (born March 29, 1944) is the Founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and also works as a speaker, author, educator and military strategist.[1] She was also the first female executive of an aerospace company, working as a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries. She is executive director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, P.E.A.C.E. Inc. and the I.D.E.A Foundation, as well as a world peace ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World Peace.
Source: on Dr. Carol Rosin
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Paul Hellyer said that the ET/UFO file had fallen in the wrong hands by mid-1960 – he actually warns us about it in his last interview 1-2 months before he passed away.
I’ve put the link to Paul Hellyer’s last interview at the end of this post – You should view it after reading this post.
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What is a false flag operation?
A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.
A classic variance is where the other party and the saving party are the same — Unsuspectingly to the targeted party, the predators are the saviors. The Savior usually comes in with conditions and restrictions <– which is why in the first place they (predator) did the false flag. The false flag is a means to an end.
>> IN order to mandate DNA + DIGITAL ID onto the global population and no need to vaccinate or great a plandemic of sort. Easier . . .
PSY Warfare >> First you must put FEAR in the population “Prejudice” is a good key, here’s what I mean >> Transfer racism prejudice onto non-terrestrials, it’s called “exo-racism”. Many are prejudice and/or judgemental one way or the other “fear of the unknown”. So it is easy to think / spiritually fear / believe BAD aliens are going to invade, exploit, enslave us.
. . . exploit and enslave us? Yes . . .
they mirror onto others their hidden agenda – blame someone else. Who’s they? well . . . think of the transhumanism push . . . Schwab, Dr. Harari glorified as the Prophet by Bill Gates and Zuckenberg just to name a few.
DNA + Digital ID inside of you – social credit score – bent on having us registered on the MICROSOFT GLOBAL CLOUD – after all they consider us hackable animals >> good pet, bad bad pet (your defiance will be punished) – – – so-o who’s the bad alien? there are none, they will mirror what they are / smear the blame onto a fictitious group.
Here’s a realistic scenario . . . they could portray themselves as the FAUX SAVIOR and establish strict “safety” protocols – perhaps that would be a good way to advance the transhumanism program . . .
EVERYONE MUST BE a registered human – prove you are from Earth “for the safety of everyone” those who don’t comply are terrorists – DNA + Digital ID <– give up freedom for the safety and security of humanity (it’s false flag 101).
What if they told you that many off-world races looked just like us <- It’s true. What if you were made to think that non-human looking aliens can shapeshift (holographic illusion) to pass as a human?
. . . uh-oh . . . they could be walking among us – and worst what if some of them are not human at all . . . they are shape shifters – might look human but really is another species “uh oh impersonating being a human for nefarious reasons . . . after all global governments told you so . . . it’s not a conspiracy theory . . . to think and not trust the global governments makes you a conspiracy theorists – – – WONDERFUL”-
So you better be a registered Earth human! For the safety of everyone . . . something like that would work, right Klaus? ” Put fear in the hackable human-animals. They play with our emotions “the tender spot” – fear leads to compliance.
First off, bomb a few major cities – here and there on the planet – use that hologram technology to show space ships. False flag 101 . . . uh oh we are being invaded – – – don’t worry we will save you – so they play bad and good cop “predators turned savior” << age old tactic.
Then you get these kinds of scenarios happening “here and there” picture this >> You see a human person a few feet away from you or at a distance. Suddenly s/he shape shifts into a reptilian or a tall grey with a sinister demeanor. Perhaps full body but also maybe just the face – transposing on/off.
But since you don’t know they are able to do holograms you would think that the human you saw was a real person when in fact it was a projection in the first place.
Freaky isn’t it when you don’t know it’s technology — most people would think – it was a shape shifter and it disappeared when it realized you saw it!! It’s a shape-shifter – an imposter human uh oh.
A TWO Step projection program >> 1) human 2) another form 3) back to human
You wouldn’t know it was a holographic program unless someone told you it existed.
The only thing that would give it away as being a hologram is that it cannot interact and if it does, it follows a written script – very limited – you can’t ad lib with a hologram.
Here’s a typical example of hologram behavior, click here (short video clip).
. . . if you were to touch it or try to engage in a conversation it would most likely disappear in front of your eyes or repeat itself.
CHECK THESE PHOTOS and ASK YOURSELF “would you know the difference if you say one of these people come off a ship? would you think it’s a fraud or would you think it is really an alien >> MAKE-UP-DISGUISE-WOULD-U-KNOW-DIFFERENT.pdf
But hey! it would sure work to fool many of us. That’s how easy it is – they have the technology today and they do use it on targeted individuals (TI) in staged managed dream as well as in waking state.
In spiritual PSYOPS operations such as fake abductions and staged managed dreams, they often project tall greys (EBEN) and reptoids as instigators and predators. And the most recurring comment from targeted individuals is >> they had no expression very limited interaction.
it’s a projection, it’s limited – it projected in order to imbued an emotional response in the TI.
They have the technology to effect holograms that look very real. I have experienced it on 19 October 2015 while in my front room. Because I don’t scare easy, I examined it in order to document the experience and when I came to touch it, it disappeared – I was no more than 2 feet away.
From October to 13 November 2016, they did it to my SON by projecting holograms that looked like demonic creatures – very realistic. They brought my son to the brink of suicide.
They can also do voice projections. I experienced it twice >> 19 June 2016 and 24 July 2016 and Mark experienced it on 30 August 2018.
Mark Smith had several staged managed dreams in 2017 – the main host character was a project of a tall grey, he called Thor.
All experiences 2015-2017 are documented.
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On 17 September 2017, while having a sighting this thought came to mind loud and clear:
Here’s a short animation of the sighting 20170917-animation-two-msgs-no-divination-enslavement-humanity
At the time, I didn’t understand how this could be done. What kind of slavery?
Overcoming your prejudice and fears makes it harder to “pull the wool over your eyes” also realizing the technology exists to trick us.
Prejudice blinds
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HERE ARE A FEW PHOTOS of FRIENDLY ENCOUNTERS I have experienced. THERE IS A STORY FOR EACH PHOTO (tied circumstances/incidents not listed here) from 2012-2018
Synchronicity with mantid experience – quite the story – there’s always humor with mantids . . . chuckles
15 March 2018 – after completing a global initiative based on themes: TRUTH – RECONCILIATION – FORGIVENESS (not acceptance) – TRANSITION
6 June 2017 (below)- Also had a sighting at the same moment – click here for enhanced photos – there are two entities >> 20170606-two-entities.pdf
24 February 2018 – photo taken after I SKYPE uploaded an audio asking why did she want the Thailand shipping bag? They were setting me up for a crime (frame) – I knew since 16 February 2018 – I expected a knock at door and being taken away (termination) – then 20 min. after taking this photo it was the start of Full Force Kill Program that lasted three days – when I took this photo I had a mental download to be brave, to be strong and to stay the course – little did I know what was going to happen 20 minutes later – they tried everything to have him bash me INCLUDING demands that I kill myself.
On 24 February 2018, after uploading in SKYPE, an audio file regarding the fact that they wanted to setup me with a crime, I went outside and took this photo (above).
The message from this entity was BE BRAVE. BE STRONG. STAY THE COURSE.
VERY LOUD IN MIND – – SO LOUD THAT IT TOUCHED MY EMOTIONAL CORE – I was empowered when I returned in the house.
Twenty minutes later, the “Full Force Kill Program” started – Twenty minutes or so, Michelle GUERTIN screamed: “SHE’S GOING TO JAIL! NOT ME!” Mark outraged sided with her – they convinced him I was setting them up to send them to jail (Mark, her and the SON) – Now they had turned the Crime Setup “Frame me” (16-23 Feb 2018) onto them “I was setting them up” in order to take his whole inheritance “everything”, they would be in jail (lost everything) – And add this variable >> “Dad, she has people stalking me – she’s going to get me hurt. Please Dad Help!”
The Full Force Kill Program ran from 24 to 27 February 2018, three relentless days and nights with Michelle GUERTIN and the SON. They were not going to stop until he killed me or that I followed their demand and killed myself – it stopped on 27 Feb 2018 because Mark collapsed to the ground in full seizure.
They thought I would call 911 – a Death trap “an ambulance ride to their hell” – ON 27 February 2018, I knew it was Real. Our lives were in great danger. Although I was looking forward for him to leave the next day (28th scheduled move his new apartment). I recommended he not leave, I made a conscious decision to protect human life. I would have done the same for my neighbor.
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This post is dedicated to
Wernher von Braun and my father Champ Champagne
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Current version: 13 February 2023
This post was first published 6 November 2021
Redacted 30 March 2022
This version is dated 1 May 2022
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