6 JAN 2023 >> US gov’t can now legally use technology to spy in citizens’ homes, cars
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Folks, it’s been going on for several years. Don’t go thinking this is new stuff.
We lived it in 2018.
Mark agreed to be watched in this manner on 17 September 2018. I was in the kitchen at the counter making myself a coffee. He was on the phone with BOUVIER (CSIS) who was telling him what I was doing in the kitchen.
And as BOUVIER (CSIS) was telling him . . . Mark was giggly and confirming what BOUVIER was saying him . . . . what I was doing in the kitchen.
Mark was tickled pink, comforted and relieved that the house inside and out would be surveilled 24/7. BOUVIER from CSIS was his SAVIOR. Anything BOUVIER (CSIS) said was trusted 100%.
When I didn’t behave such as questioning too much and created doubt, BOUVIER (CSIS) would then dish out horrific Intel reports making me out to be a suspicious character, a danger to Mark which would in turn make him sick for the rest of the day.
Mark agreed to it as well as thinking he was also giving permission to have in-house monitoring surveillance (audio) as well as all electronic communications.
“Oh thank you Mr. Bouvier, thank you for protecting me” said Mark.
Hangs up.
Mark turns to me >>”Babe, we have nothing to worry about because we are monitored for our protection by BOUVIER, isn’t that great . . . we are safe now”.
oh oh wait for it . .. wait .. . .
Listen to the black helicopter coming towards the house. It will fly right over us, super low making the house vibrate.
See how Mark is relieved feeling safe and happy >> “you see. . . they are even surveilling from the sky to make sure no one comes on the property”.
When I questioned too much, black helicopters would “on a dime” arrive super low above the house – vibrating the house and super noisy . . . my neighbor across the street (in fall 2018) thought he was under surveillance.
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On 16 September 2018, I was questioning how come CSIS was not investigating the kidnap attempt on 26 April 2018 by the GUERTIN? how come?
Audio >> 20180916-[T01.21-0.52s]-Talk-26april-kidnap.failed-who-investigating-why-delays.mp3
How come there are delays from CSIS on what they did?
Audio >> 20180916-[T08.48-01.44s]-Talk-csis-why-delays-BOUVIER-LOUISGuertin.mp3
How come CSIS is not prosecuting the Crown Attorney (Feldstein, L’Orignal Court) for falsifying my police interview of 23 April 2018 on 9 MAY 2018?
Audio >> 20180916-[T02.36-01.23s]-Talk-(Mark)-court-cheat-Why-No-See-delays-prosecute.mp3
Shut her down boys, send the aerial calvary. . .
The reality?
Online monitoring including in-house voice outs (all conversations) and most likely hidden cameras in the house were in place since January 2016.
Satellite feed aimed outside the house perimeter was activated by March 2016.
INSIDE THE HOUSE movements was the new addition to the arsenal of surveillance on us after mid-September 2018.
JUST LIKE CAGED ANIMALS – using government resources to do covert criminal activities.
Here’s a discovery paper I wrote on 8 MAY 2020 >> DISCOVERY PAPER – 8 MAY 2020 – I-SPY in the SKY “ICU in the house” – Probability
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This post narrates the start of a new strategy – All GUERTIN had burnt their bridges and CSIS would take over – the new strategy wasn’t about capturing (grab ops) it was about DISSOCIATING whatever was riding over his head by fraudulently using the COURT system.
While he was at home waiting, thinking that BOUVIER from CSIS was representing him in court to battle a family abuse case on his behalf, in reality, they were black marking him and me – they did an inversion – I strongly suspect it was to get the family to disown him/divorce him from the family – so that whatever was tied to him via Lavergne Estate could be re-absorbed and then distributed to the GUERTIN.
Bouvier (CSIS) to Mark >> “Don’t worry Mark you are winning your family abuse case against these horrible people . . . won’t be long”
Lyn to BOUVIER (CSIS) >> “Bouvier! if it wasn’t for those fly-overs I wouldn’t believe you” << because in my mind, if CSIS was involved and were able to command flyovers over our property in timing with BOUVIER (CSIS) calls, then it must be true? Right? because why would the military and OPP go along with it >> that was my reasoning.
Here’s the full story (September-December 2018)
After 2 years with these psychopaths, CSIS was able to trick me in false security after mid-September 2018.
Only after 2 January 2019, would I realize something was terribly wrong and that was validated by early February 2019 >> 6 February 2019 – Called CSIS – Said my Name – They HUNG UP | 12 Feb: OPP Station Walk-In| SKYPE “What bullsh!t did you CSIS use to command FLY-OVERS?” | Neighbor Thought his Farm Under Surveillance
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