follows highlights below or click here to go to it)
30 December 2024
January 2018 – Digest of Events
Michelle GUERTIN at forefront, a psychopath.
Now in our face, life endangerment – They gave it all they had – pure evil.
Laser shot started multiple seizures and health decline. They leveraged health decline (accelerated) by continuously provoking sickness by dishing out horrific “hair rising” disinformation.
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13-16 December 2018 – Panicked He Wanted Out, They Shut Him Down – Organized Killing Nurse Willing – Dead Three Days Later
20 December 2018 – Four Days After Mark Euthanized – Stalking In Orleans – Photo Included
29 November – 10 December 2018 – Bypassed BOUVIER’s WAIT for Hospital – Discovery Someone Wanted to Speak To Me Led To Accelerating Termination By Having Mark Moved To GUERTIN’s Choice Of Hospital To Do Deed – Safe
15-19 October 2018 – COURT Profiling Me – Black Helicopter Surveillance
(audios included)
Canada’s Criminal Code
380(1) Fraud – Section 137 – Misleading Justice – Fabricating Evidence
– Falsifying Documents
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SEPTEMBER 2018 – Digest of Events
AUGUST 2018 – Digest of Events
JUNE-JULY 2018 – Digest of Events
Feb and Jan 2018 to come
November – December 2017 – Digest of Events
New Strategy In Motion – Prep Stage
For Execution in January 2018
July – October 2017 – Digest of Events
Operation in Full-Bloom – PLAN A My Removal Failed
February – June 2017 – Digest of Events
When rogue CSIS came at forefront
Prep Family Blackmail On-board – Secure
2015 and 2016
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Points in Time – Physicians & Medical Staff In Conspiracy with GUERTIN — Twelve known points in time – GUERTIN didn’t need New Partners (CSIS) to do medical organized crimes – GUERTIN can fly on their own.
2011 – GUERTIN w/t PERIARD – Organized Operations – Forged Arrest Warrant & 2 Attempts to Set Me Up – Organized operations by GUERTIN and PERIARD before New Partners (CSIS) joined them and took over.
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11-16 December 2018 – FINAL DAYS – Organized Chain of Events of the Premeditated Homicide Operation – Death Successful– this case is pre-COVID . . . I will venture if it had occurred during COVID up to this day, they would have leveraged it under false pretense he contracted it while in the hospital and died from it. Isolated. No visits. Perfect crime.
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The people who premeditated Mark Smith’s murder are responsible for human trafficking of Mark Smith (sold by family in 1979) then continued life enslavement using psychiatry (1990s), psychological abuse & sickness (1990s to 2018), attempted kidnappings (2018) and ultimately premeditated homicide using the medical system (December 2018).
These people are LOUIS, MICHELLE and ANTON GUERTIN who claim to be generational Templar “Freemasons” and above the law. They were aided by a new partner who used CSIS’ assets and resources. The new partners are more powerful that the GUERTIN. They had recourse to illegal mind neuro technologies as well as unlimited access to communication interception, the golden tool to effect the criminal operation at level equal to crimes against humanity. Mark’s family got trapped the moment they sold him in 1979 (unknowing of the real agenda) and became accessory, aiding and abetting.
All to get access to whatever was running over MARK SMITH’s head – whatever it is it is high likely illegal and most likely also crimes against humanity (human trafficking, weapons, drugs, etc.).
In their agenda to terminate Smith, their first choice was to terminate me (2016-2018). Once I would be gone he would have fallen to pieces and ran to them as he was clueless they were the predators – Throughout his life they covertly created bad situations and always came in as his saviors.
They attempted to terminate me for 2 years. After 23 April 2018, they stopped going after me when they realized I had secretly recorded to show what they had attempted to do (there are over 145 recs) – I uploaded them in Skype, Google Drive, shared them with people and to ensure my survival, I exposed them via this site. That’s why i’m alive today.
Now why did they want this guy?
They bought him in 1979 (age 13) from the family. So why do you want this guy later in life? >> They had financial assets and high likely criminal operations riding over his head USING HIS NAME.
If you have to hide under an innocent’s name, whatever you’re hiding is high likely criminal. What do I think it is? I strongly suspect SHELL COMPANY(IES), HUMAN TRAFFICKING and MONEY LAUNDERING the proceeds of crime.
What kind of human trafficking? Most likely children.
Why do I think this? Because the point of entry to sell Mark Smith was his step-grand-father “Mr. Lavergne” and this man was around when they tried to sell him as an infant (age 1 day). This man ran a house of incest and pedophilia – crimes against humanity.
Mark was protected by his great grand-father. A month or two after he died, Mark was exposed by Mr. Lavergne to pedophilia – the man welcomed him to live in his house – Mark dodged them for a few weeks and ultimately refused to continue to live there – a few months later, Mr. Lavergne organized that GUERTIN buys him. They were already in the circuit of child trafficking.
To release these assets and operations they had to capture him and kill him – It must be lucrative for new partners who used CSIS as henchmen to go through all the effort to release it by Fall 2018 via fraudulent Court case – In fall 2018, as Mark was at home bedridden a CSIS person under name LUKE BOUVIER made Mark believe he was representing MARK in Court in a case against his family for long-term abuse. Instead, behind Mark’s back, they divorced him from the family so that whatever was tied to Mark (via Lavergne Estate) would return to the family and then family would turn it over to the GUERTIN.
On 11 December 2018, when they realized Mark was recuperating in hospital and we were about to find out what they did, they premeditated his murder and killed him off by 16 December 2018.
I was put on a watch list because they failed at terminating me.
TO KNOW HOW THEY CAME IN MARK’S LIFE (13 YEARS OLD), FULL DETAILS HERE >> 1965 -1978 -1979 – HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND THIS ONE (SAME PEOPLE IN 1965) >> 4 FEB 2023 >> 1965 – Hospital INFANT Trafficking $10-15K – G-Grandfather STOPS It but Dies in 1978 puts Mark Back at Risk | 1978-79 – Old Man LAVERGNE (Future Estate) SELLS YOUTH to GUERTIN Family – “Time to Live” TICKER on Youth | DEC 2018 – CASH-OUT by DEATH
HOW COME I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT MARK’S PAST? HE CONFIDED IN ME, TOLD ME HIS LIFE STORY. BUT HERE’S A VERY DISTURBING POINT IN TIME – THE FAMILY ADMITTED PAST ABUSE IN MY PRESENCE SEVERAL TIMES – HOW COME? GO TO >> 2007 – Family Confess to Abuse After Mark’s Suicide Attempt – Grandmother Chenier Contact Treatment Centre. They were responsible for provoking suicide in late December 2006. They wanted him to die (release of assets upon his death) – after treatment they simply resumed the operation to grab this guy but this time I was in the picture and the obstacle.
The grand-mother knew about the human trafficking sale in 1979 and blackmailed the family to admit to everything other than the link with GUERTIN the enslavers. The Family protected the GUERTIN especially his sister Nicole PERIARD who high likely got many legal favors from Michelle GUERTIN (lawyer) – his sister is a criminal and always seemed to get off too easy – no jail time – a recurring pattern – Michelle GUERTIN owned NICOLE PERIARD as well as MARK SMITH..
“If you have to hide assets under someone’s name and the only way to release those assets is by terminating that “someone” then it’s most likely illegal and organized crime.” Because of their tactics and techniques, they showed experience and depravity at level of crimes against humanity – those assets to be released are HIGH LIKELY tied to serious illegal operations at levels of crimes against humanity.
THEY ARE psychopaths from Hell who saw us as human-animals slotted to be exterminated – no scruple, relentless, no mercy, intense hatred – deemed to be punished for counteracting them and causing delay for getting killed as if they were entitled – pure evil demonic.”
THEIR FIRST CHOICE TO GET THIS GUY WAS TO TERMINATE ME. Whatever the operations are, I will venture they are crimes at level against humanity – the level of cruelty and intensity showed that whatever was riding over Mark Smith’s head is high stake. Their modus operandi made them used methods that reached level of crimes against humanity – non-negotiable – in their pursuit for capturing and killing Smith and terminating me using various psy warfare tactics including crime setup schemes – If they would have captured me, the purpose was to exterminate me – the crime setup would be just sufficient to get me in a jail cell in order to high likely make it seem that I committed suicide in my jail cell.
In my opinion, one of the major obstacle for prosecution >> why local OPP most likely doesn’t want to get involved is that certain senior people including the local Crown Attorney (L’Orignal, Ontario) worked in conspiracy with the GUERTIN and new partners (CSIS).
Here’s what I mean >> On 9 May 2018, the Crown Attorney agreed to replace my video police interview of 23 APRIL 2018 with a false written statement – both myself and the constable were absent during that Court hearing – I was actually barred from Court premises. This is verifiable information (two witnesses >> Court Administrator who was appalled including the Constable with whom I did the police interview on 23 April 2018).
So if I understand correctly, the OPP brings the case to the Crown Attorney who then decides if THIS CASE should see its day in court. Pretty tough spot as the Crown Attorney, Rafael Feldstein was complicit.
THIS WHAT I BELIEVE IS the MAJOR PROBLEM >> The Crown Attorney aided and abetted to be complicit in a Grab Operation, refer to 9 MAY 2018 section in following links.
He was also willing to conspire on 30 April 2018 when the court threatened to mandate a psychiatric evaluation as means to institutionalize him (GUERTIN trap). This recourse would have been their solution to evade the court trial scheduled 9 MAY 2018 – the point was to make sure my video statement with recordings as supportive material NEVER be tabled in Court.
That court threat was canceled on 2 MAY 2018 because I gave them an ultimatum, bottom line >> “Drop the medical bullshit or else the recordings come out. . . ” – They dropped it.
For full details about 30 APRIL and 9 MAY 2018 grab operations, go to >> GRAB OPS Strategy #2 of 3 – Kidnaps & Court – 23 APRIL to 9 MAY 2018 – Most Dangerous Time Period for Mark Smith << notice it’s called Grab Ops Strategy #2 . . .
What was Grab Ops Strategy #1 of 3?
To permanently remove me (termination) as means to grab him – Strategy #1 ran from June 2016 to 23 April 2018 (23 months) and August 2018 (one month) – For a total of 24 months, the order of the day was terminate Lyn Champagne (me) as means to Grab Mark Smith. For details on Strategy #1, go to >> PRIMER >> 2016-2019 – Timeline of Events – Under Directorship of New Partners (CSIS) with GUERTIN & Family
And also more details in >> 23 APRIL 2018 – CALLED 911 -OPP VIDEO Statement – I NAMED them – 9 MAY COURT replaced with FALSE WRITTEN STATEMENT – delivered to Court by CSIS Rep
And this one >> 30 April-2 MAY 2018 – Setup > Court Order Hospitalization – Game Over | 2 May – > Do Something – I Did >> Drop the Court Order Or Else Recordings Come out – Paradigm Changed
They played out five different strategies as means to get him, to know more go to >> About GRAB Operations – Organized – FIVE Grab Strategies from 2016 to 2018.
The last strategy (#5) was the successful one – And as we feared he was terminated at the hospital, the GUERTIN snare that we avoided since 27 February 2018. He was killed off on 16 December 2018.
I NEED GUIDANCE AND HELP to PROCEED – To bring this to JUSTICE – Medical crimes before the COVID era.
Crimes against humanity that it be two people or the mass,
injustice to one is injustice to all
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Mark SMITH Human Trafficking and Homicide Case
On 17 October 2019, Constable Laroche (OPP) asked me to describe in five words what had happened to Mark Smith. There was no satisfactory way to describe in five words – Each time I tried, he dismissed it.
Here’s what happened
GUERTIN and FAMILY successfully conspired to kill Mark Smith by mid-December 2018 using the medical system – It was made possible with the help of new partners who used CSIS at forefront. The new partnership was formed by late 2015.
After mid-September 2018, the new partners (CSIS) took over the criminal operation like a contractual service – why after mid-September 2018? Because all GUERTIN and FAMILY had burnt their bridges.
The Son faked suicide on 2 July 2018, Michelle GUERTIN faked death on 4 September 2018. Louis GUERTIN was the last GUERTIN standing. For seven days, he attempted to persuade Mark to attend a fake funeral – It failed. Even his former psychiatrist in conspiracy with GUERTIN was used for a grab operation while Louis GUERTIN attempted to lure Mark Smith to come to them (5-11 September 2018).
Since January 2018, the end game was to have him reach homicidal rage so that he attacks me, preferably kill me. Once I would be terminated, they would cease him and return him to the mental institution – the enslavement sealed since 1992 – On 10 September 2018, his former psychiatrist Dr. Bryan Alexander Boyd from 1990s attempted a coup to grab him. It failed because I was there. It’s quite the story as to how he got uncovered >> Dr. B.A. BOYD – Former Psychiatrist part of Grab Ops.
But once Mark Smith would be institutionalized, they would have eventually killed him off “euthanized” like they eventually did in mid-December 2018.
After mid-September 2018, the new partners who used CSIS took over and launched a new strategy to deliver him to the GUERTIN – the new partners facilitated. Once in the medical system, the GUERTIN who were well and alive took over and killed him trying to make it seem as a normal hospital death.
They convinced him he was dying of cancer, he believed them and agreed to be transferred to a palliative centre. By day 2, he demanded to be taken out of there – he refused to be injected and fought the nurse.
Three days later, he was dead – We are talking 2018 pre-COVID era. The man did not have cancer. A few hours before he passed, I had the foresight to cut 6″ strands of hair as forensic material. They euthanized him.
In 1979, the Family sold Mark Smith (age 13) to the Guertin clan. They owned him without his realizing it. He was tricked to believe he had fathered 25 year old Michelle GUERTIN’s child – The Lavergne family got paid and the youth was told to go with his new family, the GUERTIN.
IN 1992, this human ownership was secured by Power of Attorney in favor of Michelle GUERTIN which meant he now had a “time to live” ticker on his head, based on financial gain.
After 1992, it seemed as if it was OK that he died. In 2007, he was rescued from suicide – got his life together – proper medical & psychological treatment. But by 2009 the death game was back on. I strongly suspect, his death released whatever financial gain was put on his head be it tied to Lavergne Estate or not.
With the help of CSIS, GUERTIN successfully killed him in December 2018 using the medical system – The Family aided and abetted.
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The new partners leveraged CSIS assets and resources They opted to terminate me as the best way to grab Mark Smith. Why did they not succeed? Because we counteracted them from one psyop tactic to the next (this is detailed in Timeline of Events for 2016 to 2019. and we avoided 911, ambulances and hospitals.
Here are the criminal offences they committed as means to the end game of HOMICIDE:
(Canadian Criminal Code >> https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/)
- Fraud – Misleading Justice – Fabricating Evidence
- Fraud – Abuse of Power of Attorney
- Fraud – Interception of Communications
- Pedophilia
- Human Trafficking
- False Pretenses
- Forgery
- Falsifying Documents
- Defamation of character and reputation
- Extortion – Coercion – Intimidation
- Kidnap attempts
- Attempted murder (me)
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The GUERTIN clan were already influential in medical, law and governmental networks even before the new partnership alliance in 2015.
They resorted to forging medical documents, having unauthorized access to private medical records, fabricating crime setups to forcefully remove and false accusations of psychological abuse.
They also abused the law to commit, hospitalize, institutionalize, fabricate false diagnosis and medicate accordingly and ultimately euthanize “kill using hospitals” which is how they killed Mark Smith.
This power extended to local physicians, ambulance network, 911 central hub, hospital management to cooperate as they did on 28 April 2018 <– one of several incidents.
This power was also abused to fabricate evidence, forged documents and presentations in a Court of Law to change the outcome of Court rulings to fit their agenda (March 2011, May 2018 and Fall 2018).
In January 2018, I began to record. The recordings were times when he was on the phone with them and after he hung up. The recording show the tweaking with disinformation, gas-lighting and false flag operations “pitting him against me with horrific information as means to have him reach homicidal rage”.
I had people copying files “off-site” – I started to upload recordings in Skype to show them I recorded stating I had no choice because they were going to get me killed, so please stop. This only amp’d up the situation. One had to be very careful what one wrote or uploaded because they would quickly use it against me. I wrote to them via Skype as well as talked (voice out) in the house.
The recordings became a problem for them (points in time >> February, May, June, August 2018 & 2019) I captured over 55 hours of raw recordings for period January 2018 to January 2019 got a total of 149 date-stamped media files – Here’s the list, click here.
Of these recordings, I extracted over 360 audio clips, click here to see comprehensive list. I created over 15 time modules to narrate chronologically what happened from mid-2017 into 2019 – After his death I remained a targeted individual.
Everything mentioned herein has been documented in details (when, how, why, what, who).
The New Partners took over. We were tricked to believe we were protected by CSIS while we stayed at home thinking they were criminally prosecuting the family in Court – By September 2018, the GUERTIN had faked their deaths.
And let’s get this question out of the way >> Are you sure they were from CSIS? yes, no doubt about it.
The New Partners used CSIS assets. New partners were more influential than GUERTIN who, by themselves, are influential in the legal and medical systems.
New Partners had authorized access to electronic monitoring services and commanded black helicopters (military & OPP) on demand.
As well, all online COM, in-house voice-outs (even when physically standing far from devices such as smartphones and computers). Also satellite feed on the property and by mid-September 2018, in-house infrared (ICU inside).
By mid-December 2018, they realized he was recuperating and I was about to discover what they had done – So the GUERTIN killed him five days later under guise of terminal illness.
After his murder, I continued to be a targeted individual, courtesy of the new partners who used CSIS. If you can’t destroy it, smear it.
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To contact me, click here
Thank You.
The Physician of the Future by Ralph Waldo Trine (1866-1958)
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