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By Thursday, 8 November 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) announced Mark had won his case against the FAMILY. This was a well deserved victory . . .
. . . after running for a year, thinking the GUERTIN wanted to grab him for his inheritance, then realization they were the cause of sickness (laser shot start of seizures, calls provoking, gauging via monitoring, etc.) then coming after me to get to him . . .
Mark went to his grave, thinking that he had open the door to let GUERTIN in when he called Michelle GUERTIN on 25 October 2016 for legal assistance for the release of his (fake) inheritance . . . thinking the family were the one and only playing mind-games when in reality they were together from the start.
Then knowing on 3 March 2018, Michelle GUERTIN was dangerous – She told us like a dictator, she wanted to forcefully institutionalize him “exactly what we had realized on 27 February 2018” (audio exists) – She threatened with Power of Attorney << the legal medical enslavement they set in place in 1992 when she was appointed Power of Attorney for total control over his life as his savior.
I will assume while she had POA, she most likely set up things under his name – now it was time to release it but needed to grab & incapacitate him – (grab – institutionalize – euthanize) – GUERTIN are into medical organized crime – experienced.
Here are slides extracted from the List of Recordings finalized 22 May 2018 & revised 30 August 2018 – 3 MARCH 2018 (3 slides) >> 20180303-list-of-recs-extracted-pages.pdf.
Many posts have been written about 3 MARCH 2018, go to >> 24 OCT 2023 >> List of Programs “PSYOPS” played out in 2017 & 2018 – Posts are in chronological order.
By 4 September 2018, both Michelle and Anton “the SON” GUERTIN had faked their deaths << now take a moment and imagine the emotional relief her death had on him – We both experienced a great sense of relief when they killed her off.
Sad to say, we were happy she was dead “ding dong the demon hag is dead”
Someone claiming to be an OPP called to ask if we had words of comfort for the GUERTIN family, I immediately said “YES! GOOD RIDDANCE!” – The so-called OPP sternly warned me I could be charged for saying this, to which I replied: “please sir give me your email address so I can send you a list of recordings and documents that will show you what this woman has done in our lives.” – He hung up.
Then from 5 to 11-12 September 2018, LOUIS GUERTIN, everyday pressured Mark to attend her funerals. It was last grab attempt by a GUERTIN
In addition, on 10 SEPTEMBER 2018, Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD, former 1990s psychiatrist was to meet and grab Mark – I crashed the operation – for the first time in 9 years, I decided to walk in the room. Surprise.
This perp slipped up and confirmed he had experimented a lot on Mark Smith (psychiatric experimentation) – the perp forgot I was there and said it with a sinister expression on his face. Sinister smile like a villain.
How many have you psy re-arranged Boyd? I will venture many have been victimized by this ugly creature. These are crimes against humanity.
If you are wondering how come he was meeting BOYD? >> We didn’t know it was BOYD. Mark thought he was going to meet his NEW General Practitioner (blood pressure pills, etc.) – his former GP had retired – they took the opportunity and did an organized medical crime.
With her (fake) death, in our minds (false reality), we no longer had to worry about GUERTIN but now it was Mark’s FAMILY (as per BOUVIER).
The FAMILY as far as we knew, were uncovered on 3 MAY 2018 being in conspiracy with GUERTIN. It sent Mark on a suicide spin, it took several hours to snap him out of it. In reality, GUERTIN w/t family were in conspiracy since 1979 (human sale) and 1992 when enslavement was legally sealed using psychiatric institutionalization (Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD).
In AUGUST 2018, FAMILY was openly aggressive right into September. BOUVIER played the middle guy / good guy / Intel guy / the (false) narrator “the puppet master” on both sides. A classic false flag operation.
After announcing Court victory, BOUVIER explained he needed to rest, claimed to be very sick with influenza. BOUVIER dished out a convincing story “ . . . the family contaminated the Court Room, even the judge was sick (said with an indignant tone). . . just a few days rest . . . my wife is a doctor . . . won’t be long . . . “.
At first, his story evoked compassion, understanding, made us annoyed with the family “dirt bags” and it was the start of a weekend. A well-deserved rest – recuperation over a long weekend.
After all, we believed BOUVIER had fought hard for Mark and won/closed the case – CSIS had done a great job protecting him from the sky (black helicopters – satellite view on property – full monitoring including infrared in house) that was the level of protection Mark had agreed to after mid-September, while Court was in progress allowed CSIS to do their job. Another great sense of relief >> Mark was free from the FAMILY, they were guilty, rendered powerless – And the GUERTIN were dead – He was SAFE, these people COULD NEVER again cause harm nor get their hands on his inheritance, his estate.
That was our reality, that’s where we stood. Can you empathize as to the sense of relief we felt? The battle was over. That’s the false reality we lived in.
As the weekend past, BOUVIER still claimed to be seriously ill– Mark didn’t dare bother BOUVIER, the poor man was very sick, his wife was a doctor, it was serious. Shhhh!
My questioning was perceived as a sign of disrespect toward BOUVIER – How dare you! Stop it.
My questions which they heard via in-house monitoring were.
— Why couldn’t Mark be rushed to a hospital as we were told in September 2018 when the Court proceedings started – “you will be flown to a private hospital Mark after you win your case”
— Why didn’t someone else in BOUVIER’s office take over while he was sick.
BOUVIER (CSIS) avoided direct contact with me.
By 15-16 NOVEMBER 2018, BOUVIER would dish out that his wife “the doctor” gave him a flu shot.
I questioned well knowing that a flu shot while you have the flu is ineffective. Don’t question, his wife is a doctor, she knows what she’s doing! It annoyed MARK that I didn’t trust BOUVIER like he did. Perhaps BOUVIER was right and I was a suspicious character – not to be trusted.
Another weekend came and went.
This time I was pushy, trying to get MARK to wake up and realize something wasn’t right. Just the thought the notion that BOUVIER might not be what he appeared to be, was perceived as blasphemy – made him more suspicious of me.
By 20-21 NOVEMBER 2018, BOUVIER announced that his wife “the doctor” gave him a second flu shot and that’s when I realized something was wrong here.
I kept pushing the thought aside, rationalizing that CSIS was OPENLY involved since 2017 >> starting with Nicole PERIARD – The family told everyone who called that their phone line was tapped by CSIS because of PERIARD . . . Logically, you can’t impersonate CSIS for 2 years and not get caught, then having unlimited access to MONITORING technology? And how about those timely fly-overs? come on now . . . If it quacks like a duck, it walks like a duck and looks like a duck, it’s a goddam duck.
Mark sided with BOUVIER, clearly annoyed with me. In fact Mark would go to his grave admiring and trusting BOUVIER 100% as well as LOUIS GUERTIN.
23 NOVEMBER 2018 was the last time BOUVIER (CSIS) ever contacted MARK.
Days went by, Mark patiently waited to hear from BOUVIER. Mark wasn’t frazzled, he trusted BOUVIER, convinced he had good reasons for not communicating – no worries.
On 26 NOVEMBER 2018, I did a test – I sent a short message using Mark IPhone – Get BOUVIER to respond.
In the past, BOUVIER would have called. This time not a peep while Mark was still patiently waiting, still making excuses for BOUVIER’s silence, shrugging me off, getting annoyed with me. They were sitting back listening – how they must have reveled when they heard Mark defend BOUVIER.
What was most appalling was to see MARK waiting on BOUVIER in order to get medical attention. They were sitting back listening to sickness, trust delusion, the overall decline of another human being (days in, days out for months) and who was waiting for this guy to call – total psychological enslavement.
I do believe that Court did end in early November 2018 – They did the inversion of Mark victim of FAMILY Abuse – they turned it around and made the FAMILY the victims. And now that they had what they wanted via COURT which was most likely to release what was riding over Mark’s identity, now they expected him to die at home.
If that would have happened, I am convinced, the FAMILY with GUERTIN’s help and high likely CSIS (new partners), they would have criminally charged me with neglect – charge me for his death (how ironic is that for twisted). In addition, it would have been supported by the COURT profiling they did on me on 19 October 2018.
Why do I know the date of Court profiling? >> BOUVIER announced it. Told us the family was grasping at straws. They were losing. No need to be there – It’s just a formality They don’t have a leg to stand on. On 19 October, around 4pm-ish, he called to announce with (fake) joy that I had passed with flying colors!
It was a joyous moment.
To crown the moment, 4-5 helicopters low passed on the South side of the property and one black helicopter low above the house. In joy and excitement I raised my hand to salute the pilot, the moment I raised my arm, the helicopter instinctively and noticeably tilted in the opposite direction as IF the pilot was shielding himself from harm – I immediately thought “this guy thinks I am pulling out a weapon?!” it was that obvious.
Refer to these posts for more details :
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On 29 NOVEMBER 2018, I overrode BOUVIER’s command and called 911 for an ambulance. Mark had no say in the matter. He was going to make it.
As Mark was being transferred in the ambulance, a grey pearl helicopter hovered low on the North side of the property. Mark saw it and immediately turned to me with relief >> It’s OK Mr. BOUVIER knows.
Wow . . . I recognized the helicopter from 6 APRIL 2018 and at the time I thought it was GUERTIN.
Since 1 April 2018, after the botched kidnap attempt he was no longer trusted. On 1 APRIL 2018, both mother and SON GUERTIN had burnt their bridge.
6 APRIL was a failed attempt to regain SON trust.
Next day (7th), Louis GUERTIN called with threats claiming I was the delay for the release of Mark’s (fake) inheritance.
And while Mark showed relief and mentioned BOUVIER, I noticed the expression of the older paramedic. An expression we see in movies that tell us who’s the bad guy. This paramedic was with them.
(1) The older paramedic and (2) The grey pearly helicopter.
I pushed the thought away with . . .
The GUERTIN are dead right? So hospitals are safe.
The FAMILY is no longer in the picture, they lost in COURT, they are powerless, right?
It’s going to be ok.
Yes, push those thoughts aside, I’m just paranoid.
BOUVIER has over 120 days at forefront (in our face) from mid-July to 23 November 2018.
But was behind the scene probably since 2016 and most definitely in 2017 – The FAMILY knew him. CSIS crashed in Nicole PERIARD’s life in early 2017.
1 November 2018 – Hey Bouvier do you want to see narration of another stalking? He agreed, then was clearly upset after reading it – Upset because the stalker/lurer charged to lure me like the pied piper on 12 October 2017 was probably BOUVIER (CSIS). PLAN A – Kidnap/Disappearance of Lyn Champagne – 12 October 2017.
More about BOUVIER in a future post.
NEXT POST >> 29 November – 10 December 2018 – Convalescing at Hospital | Someone wanted to talk to me – About to uncover what they did – They found out – Must get rid of this guy >> GUERTIN organized medical crime
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