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On 26 NOVEMBER 2018, I did a test, I sent a short message using Mark IPhone – Get BOUVIER to respond. In the past, he would have responded by calling but this time, he did not. Last contact between Mark and BOUVIER (CSIS) was 23 November 2018.
Three days later, on 29 NOVEMBER 2018, I overrode BOUVIER’s command to wait for his signal for hospital and I called 911 for an ambulance. I couldn’t understand why wait any longer. In my mind, Michelle and her son ANTON GUERTIN were dead (they actually faked their deaths). The logic was >> If they were dead, then hospitals were safe.
Since September 2018, this guy markedly needed medical attention. BOUVIER (CSIS) had kept Mark waiting, stating that he couldn’t go to the hospital until the Court case was over. Now it was, BOUVIER or not, time to go Mark. Enough is enough.
Keep in mind, since 27 FEBRUARY 2018, we BOTH knew hospitals and calling ambulances were a GUERTIN trap. They heard our in-house conversations. For details on events of 27 FEBRUARY 2018 >> 27 FEBRUARY 2018 – Day I Knew They Wanted Him Dead or Alive | Psyops played out January to February 2018
To give you sense . . . In August 2018, someone called Mark Smith was mentioned on a 911 call for an ambulance. One of Mark’s cousin called to warn us Nicole PERIARD had been alerted and was excitingly calling all hospitals. It was disturbing, macabre. Nicole PERIARD never called our house to check if it was Mark.
On 15 January 2007, Mark was on the brink of death (suicide). The family had provoked suicide. But he escaped them because a stranger who didn’t know his full name called 911. No 911 alert (leak) – this is illegal but that’s how it works >> the “underground”, part of the organized medical crime syndicate On 23 APRIL 2018, while I was on call with the 911 operator, there were two men in the background and when I said his name, we heard them “ok yeah ok bye yeah bye” and they both got off the line – my heart sank.
2007 – Family Confess to Abuse After Mark’s Suicide Attempt – Grandmother Chenier Contact Treatment Centre
and 1993-2007 – Maintaining Control – When out Control, Incapacitate – Seems it might have been OK if he diedA few days after 27 FEBRUARY 2018 . . . and sure enough >> ON 3 MARCH 2018, Michelle GUERTIN, out of frustration, called and like a dictator told us exactly what we knew since 27th, she was going to have him forcefully removed and institutionalized (psychiatric) – she threatened with Power of Attorney << the legal medical enslavement they set in place in 1992 when she was appointed Power of Attorney for total control over his life as his savior – GUERTIN are into medical organized crimes – experienced and influential without the assistance of New Partners (CSIS).
Here are slides extracted from the List of Recordings finalized 22 May 2018 & revised 30 August 2018 – 3 MARCH 2018 (3 slides) >> 20180303-list-of-recs-extracted-pages.pdf.
Many posts have been written about 3 MARCH 2018, go to >> 24 OCT 2023 >> List of Programs “PSYOPS” played out in 2017 & 2018 – Posts are in chronological order.
Back to 29 NOVEMBER 2018
As Mark was being transferred in the ambulance, a grey pearl helicopter hovered low on the North side of the property. Mark saw it and immediately with relief >> It’s OK, Mr. BOUVIER knows.
Wow . . . I recognized the helicopter from 6 APRIL 2018 and at the time I thought it was GUERTIN.
On 6 APRIL 2018, I did many things to counteract / get them to react and they did . . . such as flying by with the pearl grey helicopter but at the time I didn’t know CSIS was involved, I thought it was purely GUERTIN.
Earlier that day, the SON had tried to regain trust – It failed (my fault). Since 1 April 2018, the SON was no longer trusted after he lured Mark to Ottawa and they botched a kidnap. Once the SON lost trust, they were screwed, at a standstill and they were free game to me because they were no longer in position to influence – they were cut off.
And as Mark expressed relief, thinking BOUVIER approved, the older paramedic also heard and he passed a sinister facial expression of being IN on IT . . . like a villain in a movie.
That was a kick in the head. My heart sank.
Helicopter? Paramedic is with them? But, the GUERTIN medical monsters are dead, right? And the Family has lost the abuse case in Court, right?
The staff was efficient. They immediately examined him and rolled in the X-RAY machine to x-ray his chest area. The moment I saw the results, I immediately saw the clearly defined marking located in the lower part of his left lung and I knew it was caused by the laser shot on 22 January 2018.
Click to enlarge image
And at that moment, in a flash, I relived the laser shot scene. In July 2020, I did an animation of events of 22 January 2018. This short animation shows the timing of actions, click here to see it.
There were four people for the laser shot job – Two perps on the front porch and two on the back porch. They were aiming for his heart but as the laser shot was launched, at the same time, one of the perps was tripped by feral cats that Mark fed daily – there were approx. 9-12 cats. The perp fell very hard, loud thump and the house vibrated.
The shot missed his heart because he got up when the guy fell – So it hit the lower part of his left lung. Mark’s dog Bella, was laying on his lap, when he got up, the dog got hit on the top of her head. She died 1 month 1/2 later on 16 March 2018 @ 00:03 – she had a shrunken head. They leveraged her death to reel him in and managed to blame me. It’s quite the story.
But when the perp fell on the back porch, I immediately ran to the central room (where Mark was).
Mark was in a “holy shit” state. As he touched the lower part of his left lung, he said >> “Someone shot me through the window with a laser!?!!”.
We both ran to the back porch and then I ran to the upstairs sunroom (wraparound windows) for a bird’s eye view. On the south side, I saw four snowmobiles leaving in a coordinated manner – Lights on go, lights on go, etc. (4 times) The snow on the ground was too crusty for footprints.
Many ways to exit the perimeter – easy exit and hiding strategies.
If it wasn’t for the feral cats, the laser shot would have hit his heart but Bella would not have been hit on the head as she was laying on his lap – getting up at the same time as the shot hits is reason for lower lung area and head of dog.
After the laser shot, perhaps 20 minutes later, the SON called and after Mark hung up, he was in a hypnotic state – He was a ex-con recently out of jail and had just discovered I had partied with several men while he was away. In addition, I was the one who had snitch on him and had him incarcerated. He exuded full sense of betrayal. He was going to kill me, most likely kill the dogs and then commit suicide. The perfect crime of passion.
The first recording I taped in this case file was taken secretly right after he hung up with the SON. FIRST recording how about that. I actually think that someone like Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD who was working covertly with GUERTIN might have taken the phone and he was the one who put Mark in a hypnotic trance after the laser shot. Dr. BOYD was high likely part of the GUERTIN team . . . once you grabbed/seized Mark, BOYD was the next step – once you grab him you have to bring him somewhere and since GUERTIN do medical crimes, Dr. BOYD was their point of contact. This creature came out of the wood work on 10 September 2018, click here for detail on BOYD.
On 23 January 2018 in mid-afternoon, I (unintentially) broke the hypnotic spell – yes I remember how it happened, it was my dialogue making himself question his current reality in mind/emotions – non-stop. Suddenly, in mid sentence he froze like an android, rigid like timber, fell forward, I had to navigate him like maneuvering a heavy log of wood – he was falling in a narrow hallway with corners (silt walls) – He had the first seizure of many to come – this one was unique – inorganic like – no pliability of joints – continuous synchronous vibration like a machine – unnatural.
They heard everything in-house. How disappointed they must have been when I broke the hypnotic spell. There’s a 911 call in archives dated 23 January 2018 at 2011 Joanisse Road, Hammond, Ontario. They didn’t call for three days and when they did, demon hag GUERTIN had a fit. The laser shot started the bouts of sickness. Here’s a list of sickness episodes by date and who provoked >> List-sickness-to-death-by-date-who-provoked.pdf
A few days later (after 22 January 2018), I made it nearly impossible for anyone to ever again peer through the front window without getting caught – We lived in the country. In the city, you can’t pull the job that way . . . neighbors, passing cars, even the dogs are more alert.
LASER SHOT – 22 JANUARY 2018 – Details >> 22 January 2018 – HYPNOTIC Killing Persona – GOAL to Kill me then run to GUERTIN for protection – It failed
Doctors always visited when I wasn’t there. Mark didn’t ask the right questions, only nodded not understanding what was being said.
What about that marking? Mark shut me out of his encounters with the doctor.
Nebulous. Never around to see me. Not available. I was avoided.
No mention of cancer at anytime.
If he had cancer they would have discovered it by day 2 or 3 with all tests they had done.
I visited every day from early afternoon until 5pm-ish.
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10 DECEMBER 2018 – the turning point
On this day, as I arrived at the Montfort hospital, a relative of the family on Theresa LAVERGNE’s side, tried to make contact. The poor lady was so nervous that I misconstrued her behavior. After all, in our mind, Mark had won his family abuse case. As per Mark, it was just a question of time until BOUVIER (CSIS) re-established contact.
In reality, this lady most likely wanted to tell me many truths – If I would have made contact, I would have discovered that the Court case wasn’t what we thought. I would have discovered that the SON wasn’t Mark’s biological child and much more.
I would have found out what they did and alerted Mark who was now recuperating.
So in mid-evening of 10 December 2018, I decided to report her.
This female was related to Theresa Lavergne, she might be a Cleroux. She looked like Theresa (cousin). I wish I had been more friendly in my demeanor but we took the Family abuse case very seriously, we were convinced 100% he had won. So why would I want to make contact with his family? In my mind, I perceived her as a stalker.
I reported her via IPhone or SKYPE (I believe it’s SKYPE). That was a big mistake.
The monitoring team high likely then alerted GUERTIN.
GUERTIN do medical organized crimes and that’s what they did.
New Partners (CSIS) enabled by reporting.
11 DECEMBER 2018
Next day (11th), Mark announced that a doctor that morning had told him he was a lost cause. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer, no return. He agreed to be transferred to a palliative centre to go and die.
He bought in, lock stock and barrel. No questions asked because it came from a doctor “word of a god”.
How can a patient be admitted on 29 NOVEMBER 2018 then 13 days later be told he is dying.
They never tried any chemo nor any treatment for cancer. In fact, the guy was getting healthy and most likely would have been released by Christmas.
I arrived for my daily visit and it was a done deal. I was dismissed – Doctors never around to meet me.
The timing wasn’t coincidental. They had to do this because they knew we were about to discover it was all a scam >> GUERTIN not dead, Family Court not true, SON not his kid, BOUVIER (CSIS) is not his friend, etc.
So 13 days later, out of the blue, he was told he was in terminal stages of cancer, no treatment, it’s terminal . . . gee . .. the guy didn’t look like a cancer patient – in fact, had regained colors, strong.
Let’s say he had cancer, he would have looked like someone who is at the early stages – not terminal not even close. But he didn’t have cancer, I’m just saying IF he had.
Just look at the length of his hair (cut 11 hours before he died) – it has been properly preserved for eventual forensic analysis – there are no statutes of limitation for premeditated homicide. Six inches length equals 15 months of analysis and that brings us to Fall 2017.
The cancer scam was a means to get him to the palliative centre . . .where you can easily kill off someone and make it seem it was natural, inevitable. None the wiser.
At the centre, not all the staff were in on it . . . you can’t have all nurses in on it, it’s too risky. But they had one or two that were willing / in conspiracy for these premeditated homicides.
He was not her first nor would he be her last >> Angela? Pamela?
On 13 DECEMBER 2018, as he shouted to GET HIM OUT OF THERE! he was holding the killing nurse’s wrist shaking her. He was strong. It was day 2 at the palliative centre. He didn’t trust her. He shook her so hard that the syringe flew out of her hand and landed on his lap.
She maintained a goofy smile as if nothing was wrong. Chuckling hahaha as I tried to pry his grip away from her. She was nonchalant smiling – > “are you on drugs lady?” It was disturbing to see her her relaxed smiling attitude as he shook her vigorously. Odd. Disturbing.
The nurse at the palliative centre had a similar energetic signature and goofy expression as in this photo.
Who is the woman in the photo?
It is a killing nurse during NAZI occupation (WWII).
Next post to come >> 11-16 December 2018
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BOUVIER has more than 110 consecutive days on the job at forefront (in our faces). But he was lurking in the background high likely since the start – On 4 May 2018, as he impersonated a Bell IT Sec Supervisor, he let out information about events that happened on 24 JANUARY 2018 and that would be two days after the laser shot.
He also showed involvement as early as October 2017.
Through investigation, I have come to suspect he might have been the one impersonating character Terrence LEPAGE (February-April 2018).
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A year earlier, on 29 NOVEMBER 2017, they abruptly stopped black helicopter fly overs which had been ongoing daily for the past 35 days . . . since 26 October 2017.
On 29 NOVEMBER 2017, I had published a docu-presentation that narrated events of 2003-2004 when I was falsely diagnosed with 18 months to live. The moment I sent it via email and uploaded it to Google Drive, flyovers stopped.
The misdiagnosis test results are the documents the GUERTIN used in December 2009. They forged a letter using from my former physician’s signature urging me to seek medical attention for my dire condition (false test results). Also, the GUERTIN showed having unauthorized access to the provincial health database – and that’s a problem I have today >> knowing they can see my medical file.
In April 2018, demon hag Michelle GUERTIN complained that she couldn’t find me in the database (new medical material) – And why is that? because I had never renewed my health card after 2009 episode of forgery. The provincial health database is compromised – used to conduct criminal activities >> GUERTIN medical crimes. A serious threat risk vulnerability to this day.
On 29 November 2017, they discovered the truth behind those test results, they discovered they were false. And via investigation, I strongly suspect that the false diagnosis of 18 months to live was organized by New Partners – I was targeted well before the GUERTIN came in my life.
What a small world. Both criminal parties were involved at one time or another in the false diagnosis material.
And I think they had a knee jerk reaction and stopped the black helicopter flyovers for that reason.
Oh, and in 2004, when they uncovered I knew I was falsely diagnosed, they organized/lured me to accept a free trip to CUBA. Cuban Secret Services attempted to kidnap me twice.
I was New Partners Kill Prize whereas Mark was GUERTIN’s prize.
After the failed PLAN A (12 OCTOBER 2017), they were disorganized for a little while. But the plan was always to terminate me without having the GUERTIN involved at forefront. By January 2018, the GUERTIN tried the OLD routine (7-18 January 2018) and failed. So they resorted to the laser shot and imbuing hypnotic state – artificially create sense of betrayal but that failed because the next day I broke the hypnotic hold. Start of sickness ensued.
And, although the GUERTIN had their prize by 9 February . . . he was scheduled to join them next morning with the help of his sister Nicole PERIARD, they (New Partners) made them canceled his leave, had them turn around on 10 February 2018 to have him kill me.
They went down the rabbit hole as I started to annotate, record secretly what was happening, uncovering who the GUERTIN really were in Mark’s life and more.
New Partners (CSIS) >> GUERTIN >> Mark >> Kill me to isolate him.
PLAN A was suppose to work and be easy >> I disappear and he runs right away to GUERTIN. JOB DONE.
There you go.
Next post to come >> 11-16 December 2018
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