5:53 minutes
Did you know at one time Bugs Bunny was the US Military mascot?
On 29 April 2018, Mark and I allied.
He was no longer blinded with trust fixation for Michelle GUERTIN and the SON . . . Because on 26 April 2018, they showed their true colors when they assaulted him in a parking lot and high likely attempted to grab him.
They were stopped by his uncle who had overheard Nicole PERIARD giving them the signal to his location. When he did, he discreetly left their house and followed Mark from afar. Uncle Marc Trepanier (brother of Marcel Trepanier) who was recently out of jail, is the one who stopped the grab attempt of 26 April 2018.
And, alleluia, that’s the day, both GUERTIN were no longer to be trusted . . . permanently.
On 29 April 2018, I removed him without notice from PERIARD’s house. Two kidnap attempts and poisoning between 26 and 28 April 2018.
When Mark saw the recording material, he knew I was on his side. Next day 30 April 2018, kidnap attempt again and also threats of using the COURT to have him forcefully hospitalized (psychiatric << the enslavement from GUERTIN).
On 3 MAY 2018, Nicole PERIARD attempted to trick him by claiming she also had recordings on the GUERTIN. A lure to convince him to return to live at her house. It failed.
In late June 2018, when we were going ahead and would attempt to have them criminal charged, they tricked Mark to believe the GUERTIN duo had been arrested. When that didn’t work, they faked the death of the SON (suicide) and blamed me. Mark no longer wanted to push criminal charges against GUERTIN and FAMILY.
End of August 2018, when he wanted AGAIN to press charges against FAMILY and Michelle GUERTIN, they faked Michelle GUERTIN’s death.
Each time we wanted to press criminal charges and use recordings as supportive material, they faked their deaths.
In mid-September 2018, Mark wanted to press criminal charges against the FAMILY and that’s when BOUVIER from CSIS came in claiming he would fight for MARK in Court while CSIS protecting him at home>> Family abuse case in Court. They did the inversion.
Keep in mind, that no one can impersonate law enforcement (CSIS) OPENLY for two years and get away with it . . . unless it is not an impersonation.
Using resources such as unlimited COMM interception technology, online, in-house, satellite feed on the property and high likely infrared (see in the house) after mid-September 2018.
And the use of neuro-technology such as laser devices and more.
Audio (dead man talking) – 28 April 2018 – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jYEfZe3Wy3t_qo_R33siX0PW7NId9PPP/view?usp=drive_link – Another grab attempt – failed. Notice he is slurring . . . that’s the poison from PERIARD to make him believe he needed to see HER physician. This man was run down maliciously all so that he would eventually go to GUERTIN’s medical territory. Since 27 February 2018, WE both knew that as long as the GUERTIN were around, we were both in danger if we step foot in any hospital. I’m astounded by the number of medical staff that were involved / complying with GUERTIN’s orders. Wow. Wow. Wow. This is one of these moments.
The lie the physician in conspiracy with GUERTIN – A fake diagnosis to scare Mark to agree to be rushed by ambulance (organized). There never was anything behind his head. The lie was started by the SON in early 2018 and the fact of continuing using this lie showed that the physician was in league with PERIARD AND GUERTIN.
10 MAY 2018 – On 29 APRIL 2018, I extracted him from PERIARD’s grip – I removed him from her house and breached the NO-Contact order that was set in place until 9 MAY 2018.
His life was in danger, and that surpassed any No-contact court order. Prime directive is life, always. And that’s what I told the Court Administrator on 10 MAY 2018 when she attempted to scold me for breach the No-Contact order when, on previous day (9th) they barred me from COURT. And because I waited for him, I got to hold and see the false written statement and got to see how they authenticated it by affixing the Truth Confirmation page signed by the Constable and me on 23 APRIL 2018. Imagine the shock for MARK, thinking he’s facing 5 years in jail, and to say, I had convinced him to plea NOT GUILTY “don’t worry Mark”.
Their plan was to bar me from COURT and after his Court proceeding, he would be so shocked by the lies in the false written statement that he would run to PERIARD and GUERTIN – The psychopaths portrayed him as a Satanist, psychologically abusing me >> projecting what they did. But it failed because I breached the No-Contact order they thought I would abide by when they barred me from Court on 9 MAY 2018. Instead I waited for him a few blocks away, their malicious ploy failed.
As she was huffing and puffing and scolding me “how come you know about the statement? you breached the no-contact order . . .blah blah blah”, I turned it around and I SCOLDED HER. Shame on you human – it’s a lack of honor and respect to stay on the sidelines and let other human beings go down and I closed it off with “are you that kind of human?” – She dropped the act and told me everything. That’s how I discovered she knew about the false written statement presented on 9 MAY 2018 and what they did.
WWII War time cartoon – 1943 – Psychological Warfare on the Mass – Not for Children
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