The reason why this interview stood out for me is because many accuse Dr. Steven Greer of dismissing most of the sightings, channeling and abductions people experience as man-made.
Based on my experiences, I totally agree especially after living through several experiences that were courtesy of new partners (CSIS) – I will venture the psychopaths had recourse to those who have access to the technology (like a sub-contract) – Think about this >> who decides who should be targeted? In my case, it was for the Mark Smith operation.
I have been reproached/chucked off as too left-brained . . . I have great difficulty watching channeling sessions and especially anything to do with tall blond humanoids who apparently are humanity’s saviors. ohhhh Saviors . . . . yes-s get people ready to accept in case the criminal faction decides to pull off an “Alien False Flag”.
Although the front page of the podcast reads” “ETs just saved us” this interview is not about that. In my opinion, the title is the podcaster’s belief system . . . frustrating isn’t it? Still in cognitive dissonance wanting to believe everything is supernatural or ET based even thought Dr. Greer repeatedly elaborates, in this podcast, why many are HIGH LIKELY man-made.
Imagine if I would have bought into this.
I would have most likely without hesitation jumped to the deceitful lure of Secret Space Program (SSP) on 12 October 2017. Because I didn’t they tried again on 9 March 2018. I refused well knowing it was a scam. What I didn’t know at the time is that it was greater than just a scam because if I had accepted . . . well, I wouldn’t be here today.
Here are some picture of those gorgeous blonds – germanic looking so-called ETs.
1 minute video >> Germans-posing-as-ET-humanoid-species.mp4 extracted from this very informative podcast >> Revealing Hidden Truths: Antarctic Bases, Antigravity, and Secret Space Missions
You have to love the image above “Archangel Michael working with the Pleiadians – Stop the lies about our existence!” (wow . . . that will hit the empathy emotional nerve of many – psyop is about mind >> EMOTIONS) . . . I shutter to think how many fall for it.
This year, I deprogrammed someone (80 something female) – it took a few months.
Each time I see such images like the Tall Whites (above) striking a pose with “The Look”, this song comes to mind >> Theme from movie “The Lost Boys“.
Maybe the REAL tall whites look closer to this?
After all, there are rumors they have been collaborating with the illegal factions for over 80 years.
In my book, any ET race that has stood in the sidelines and collaborated covertly while humanity suffered . . . well . . .most I say more.
Dr. Steven Greer – Mission to Planet Earth – Goals & Reinforcing Strategies
JULIE PHELPS – Bases Lectures 2019 Julie Phelps 1 full – 2019 – SSP Harassed and more – Stalked and handled by the illegal criminal SSP faction. They provoked her husband to kill himself in front of her – Laser shot multiple times – She moved out of Canada in Fall 2019 to escape them. This interview is a few months after she left.
And to add insult to injury, the SON fake suicide method dished out by LOUIS GUERTIN was the same method as to how HER husband killed himself in front of her – he cut his throat. Gee LOUIS, your subcontractor “the strategist” used / copied what they provoked a few months earlier. They are high likely responsible for the suicide of Mr. Phelps.
Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event (12 June 2023)
Dr. Steven Greer – The Lost Century and How to Get It Back:
14 FEBRUARY 2023 – Dr Steven Greer Reveals The Truth Behind The Recent UAPs
14 FEB 2023 >> Dr Steven Greer Reveals The Truth Behind The Recent UAPs
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