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NOTE: I will venture if the homicide operation had occurred during the COVID which is still ongoing (2023), they would have leveraged it to make it seem he had contracted COVID while in the hospital.
This is common, I know two people who contracted COVID while in the hospital for something else. When this happens, the patient is isolated and no one can visit.
If I couldn’t visit him, then I would not have been able to get a bio-sample (hair) a few hours before he died. In addition, it would have been very difficult/nearly impossible to show that his death due to COVID was false.
In this case, they falsely diagnosed him with Cancer on day 13 of hospitalization after they learned someone wanted to talk to me and 5 days later, they killed him (euthanized), blaming it on cancer which he didn’t have. It was just the means to make him agree to go to a palliative centre. Then two days into it, he demanded to leave (he knew he wasn’t dying). Soon after his fit (aggressive / fighting), demanding to leave, they comatosed him and put him on a ventilator – shut him down. He was dead three days later.
This case is PRE-COVID.
Here are the last days before they killed him . . . as to how it went down.
Previous post ended with . . .
To summarize
10 DECEMBER 2018 – the turning point
In early afternoon, as I arrived at the Montfort hospital, a relative of the family on Theresa LAVERGNE’s side, tried to make contact – she was waiting for me. The poor lady was so nervous that I misconstrued her behavior. In our minds, Mark had won his family abuse case. As per Mark, it was just a question of time until BOUVIER (CSIS) re-established contact.
I didn’t tell Mark about this encounter. No point getting him agitated and worried. We believed he had won his abuse case against his Family. Why would someone from that family want to make contact? Were they stalking us? That’s what I thought.
In mid-evening of 10 December 2018, I reported her by using Mark’s IPhone. In my report, I attached a picture showing first point of contact outside. Click to enlarge.
picture date-stamped 20181210 @ 9:39 pm (EST)
11 DECEMBER 2018 – Next day after reporting
In the morning, Mark learned he had terminal cancer – last stage – irreparable. He bought in, lock stock and barrel. This was day 13 of being in the hospital – First time mention of cancer – No questions asked because it came from a doctor “word of a god”. He agreed to be transferred to a palliative centre.
Mark didn’t look like someone who had cancer. Or someone who was on the verge of dying. This was day 13 and now out of blue “Mr. Smith you have terminal cancer, nothing can be done, you are dying”.
However, mentally he was unhinged. Imagine that you, for the past 12 months, you have been mentally shocked to quasi-homicidal rage, fed gas-lighting to fragment/break your mental state, your sanity and life autonomy “you are unfit Mark . . . ohhhh yes you are Mark / DAD DAD”, numerous kidnap attempts, Court frauds, malicious acts – and, to discover close family members are working with them – that sent him on a suicide spin (3 May 2018).
Nastiness started after 12 October 2017, a few days after PLAN A to remove me failed. Until that point in time, the SON was courteous and polite (fostering father-son bond). Then the laser shot (22 JAN 2018) which caused the start of sickness. They knew this because they leveraged sickness by provoking/listening in/gauging when to call and attack his psyche, his mental & physical health by continuous gas-lighting and dishing out horrific disinformation to have him reach heightened shock state for homicidal rage – psychological warfare galore.
By December 2018, he didn’t seem to have the capacity to think things through, to question, trusting because they were a form of authority (medical)
I arrived for my daily visit and it was a done deal.
I was dismissed – Doctors never around to meet me.
The monitoring team would have alerted New Partners (CSIS) who would have alerted the GUERTIN what I had reported the previous evening.
Since it’s medical, GUERTIN took over from this point forward.
The timing wasn’t coincidental. They couldn’t risk that we uncover we had been tricked . . . pulling on threads >> GUERTIN not dead, Family Court not true, SON not his kid, BOUVIER (CSIS) is not his friend, black helicopters are not protecting you . . . and imagine finding out that FAMILY sold him in 1979 under guise of fatherhood just so that the boy (Mark) wouldn’t suspect it was a human trafficking sale.
and now they would do it. They had him like they always wanted.
Since 1979, this was always slotted to be his fate.
Reporting was the trigger that precipitated them to premeditate his death. To do an organized medical crime – GUERTIN signature.
Although, it was always going to be his fate, now it was a rush, a priority, take action now.
Reporting that someone wanted to make contact with me was the trigger.
They used terminal cancer as means to get him to agree to be transferred to a palliative centre >> in order to make it seem like a natural death. He is agreeing he will die (under false pretense of terminal cancer of course) >> the diagnosis was a means to an end which was to get him to voluntarily agree to be transferred to a palliative center believing he is dying – lost cause.
Will be classified as a natural death. When in reality, he was tricked so they could continue their organized assassination agenda.
Keep in mind, from day 1 (29 November 2018), he was never told what he had exactly. The mystery illness . . . you would think that with all the high-end medical technology and expert staff, within a few days of admittance, they would have pinpointed what was wrong with this guy, right?
Please don’t misconstrue this for incompetence, this was deliberate until they figured out how they would handle him – No matter what, he was not getting out of the medical system “alive”.
Most likely on stand-by, waiting for GUERTIN’s directives, status quo until further notice. That’s where they high likely stood up until the moment they discovered someone wanted to talk to me.
The laser shot could have delivered a payload “carry a certain frequency to create specific health conditions” – Seizures started day after laser shot, it triggered a chain reaction in health decline – he had a total of 10 seizures – see List of Sickness – Points in Time, click here.
What about the clearly defined marking located lower left lung area shown on X-ray 29 Nov 2018? It was caused by the laser shot on 22 January 2018.
Did you tell them? Did they say anything about that marking? How come no one is talking about it?
(refer to post 29 November-10 December 2018, link above)
He dismissed me.
I could only rely on him for information as doctors avoided me and nursing staff hid behind the absent doctors.
I got the impression that he just went with the flow like a child relying on grown-ups “them” – He trusted them.
12 DECEMBER 2018 – DAY 1 – Palliative Centre “Bruyère”
Day 1 – Afternoon – Getting settled – TV in his room, etc. Mark was in fair form. We made a list of what to bring from home the next day. All was well. Surely didn’t look like a cancer patient and someone apparently dying. But now he was off anti-biotics, settling in to die.
If M.A.I.D. (Canadian Assisted Suicide Program) had been in the news & social media like it is today, they might have been able to influence him to go for it. Selling him on the idea, how much suffering he will endure, wasting away, etc. Mark wasn’t afraid of dying. High chances he would have done M.A.I.D.
On 7 December 2023, his brother Michael Trepanier passed away under M.A.I.D. He had cancer liver at last staged, wasting away, suffering, frail man bedridden, ravaged by cancer with perhaps 1-2 months of life expectancy. His decision to do it was based on honest informed consent.
On 11 DECEMBER 2018, Mark was tricked to believe he was in last stages of cancer and dying. But imagine how brilliant it is to get someone you want dead to accept M.A.I.D. under false pretense. The target agrees to be killed. None the wiser. Those are the kinds of organized medical crimes GUERTIN showed experience. Serial killers using the medical system as killing grounds.
13 DECEMBER 2018 – DAY 2 – Palliative Centre
I arrived in early afternoon, he was agitated. Talked of having to get out of there. Then suddenly the nurse came in with a syringe. Immediately he grabbed her right wrist, the syringe flew onto his lap. As he shook her violently, he shouted “YOU! DON’T YOU TOUCH ME . . . OH NO YOU DON’T” and no sooner out of his mouth, he turned to me and started screaming:
As he held the wrist of the nurse with her smug facial expression and vigorously shook her.
My response >> I can’t Mark.
He turned back to the nurse >> AND YOU! BITCH! DON’T YOUR FUCKING TOUCH ME! – She kept her goofy smile and yuck yuck smug expression. As he shook her, she reminded me of those bobbing figurines you put on your dashboard, head bobbing, no change in expression as you hit potholes. Little head with that smile that bobs from one side to the other.
Could doctors really be maliciously doing this? The GUERTIN are dead right?
Now here’s the thing, since 29 November 2018, he was in a general hospital. He never questioned or resisted. As I said, he reminded me of a child with grown-ups “them”. He believed everything he was told and now for the first time, on day 14, he didn’t trust this nurse? Big time – sufficiently to fight her off and insistently demand to leave.
This guy wasn’t a shrinking violet – I strongly believe he finally had realized he was trapped “foul play” – he had been tricked.
He might have picked up it FELT like a GUERTIN medical trap. He knew them well.
But they were dead, right? We were mind-fvcked.
Since 27 February 2018, we knew hospitals were traps because of GUERTIN. On 3 MARCH 2018, it was validated when Michelle GUERTIN threatened to forcefully have him hospitalized using the Court system. She blatantly told us.
We have audios when he is talking with Michelle GUERTIN and the SON (phone swapping) on 3 MARCH 2018. As I listened in, I realized >> this was not the first time he had to defend his sanity against these people. When you listen to the audio, you immediately pick up on that fact.
3 March 2018 – After midnight she called in a fury to sickness until 3am
In the List of Recordings dated 22 MAY 2018, I reported >> “Mark was afraid to wake up strapped to a hospital bed at HER mercy. Read these three slides extracted from the List of Recordings:
After much struggle to free the nurse’s wrist (he kept pushing me away), she left the room. He calmed down “lowered his voice” impatient and insistent I take him out of there – we argued.
I couldn’t risk it. I left shortly after (3:30-4pm).
After I left, I strongly suspect (based on his character) >> he might have tried to leave on his own, made a scene – aggressive – removed the intravenous device, a rectangular box-like device intravenously attached to him in which the nurse injected . . . And, with no shame, he would start pushing nurses and staff on the way side “fuck you move away you fucking douche bags, there you go clowns move get out of my way, that’s right!!” as he goes for the exit stairs (not the elevator) – trust me this guy had warrior mentality and if it was triggered (MAOA gene?), it would have kicked in.
Mark SMITH might have had a MAOA Gene Deficiency also called the warrior gene. If so, it would have surely been discovered and leveraged while he was in the Royal Mental Hospital (Ottawa with ***Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD***) – psychologically re-arranged to create multiple personality disorder and turn them into dangerous volatile individuals, potential killers, when you shock them and destroy their lives, click here (very short clip).
Mark was subjected to several psychiatric experiments confirmed on 10 September 2018 by Dr. BOYD himself – A slip-up in my presence.
Video example and articles >> Psychological emotional control – Scenario on how to instill Sense of Betrayal (DISTRUST) to Provoke Homicidal Rage – About MAOA Gene Deficiency – I chuckle because if you want to know about real scenarios just look at this case, it is full of them – the purpose was to have him attack me – kill me – they used similar tactic as shown in the link above.
Now that he wanted out of there. they most likely had to immobilized him (call security) – give him a shot and bring him back to his room – perhaps strapped him to the bed?
She high likely alerted who she reported to as in relates to MARK SMITH’s case.
This is why in many posts I call her the KILLING NURSE. She dispensed injections with lethal doses – Mark didn’t trust her – and after she left, they waited for me to leave and HIGH LIKELY injected him and PUT HIM ON A VENTILATOR. Why a ventilator? because of the injection substance they gave him, high likely something like MIDAZOLAM.
The killing nurse had the same energetic signature as this woman here – same hypocritical smile –
Who is this woman in the photo? She is a killing nurse during NAZI occupation (WWII). That’s how they came to call them – willing to do crimes against humanity using the medical system . . . doesn’t that sound familiar?
They were far from dead.
(high likely directed by New Partners CSIS)We thought the SON committed suicide on 2 JULY 2018 and she had passed in the hospital on 4 September 2018. We believed both GUERTIN were dead.
Each time, we were going to press criminal charges against them and USE recordings as supportive material as well as the REAL police video statement taken 23 APRIL 2018 (the one they replaced in Court on 9 MAY 2018) – they faked their deaths one after the other.
For the SON – faked suicide
For Michelle GUERTIN – faked death in a hospital
This is nightmare material we see in movies – maliciously trapped in a hospital setting – imagine when you realize you were tricked and now they will pin you down.
This was the last time I would see him alive “in a conscious state”When I mourn Mark’s death anniversary, I mourn on 13 DECEMBER 2018 – the point in time of no return.
The scene with the nurse and demanding to leave had accelerated the assassination agenda.
14 DECEMBER 2018 – DAY 3 – Palliative Centre
On this day I didn’t visit. I had barely slept >> how could I extract him. Extracting him from there was the easy part, but then what was the next step?
There was a big storm. We lived 50 km from the hospital.
I couldn’t take the risk extracting him from the palliative centre. What if he was really terminally ill although he didn’t look it – he was back to quasi normal. What if he needed to continue anti-biotics (like before they told him he had cancer). What if we returned to Montfort? Shit, the misdiagnosis came from Montfort – full circle. Check mate.
I didn’t visit, I called.
The nurse told me he was calm and sleeping. Made it sound normal. I told her not to disturb him. When he wakes up, just tell him to call me. He never called which he would have normally done.
I strongly suspect the coma state was induced in evening of 13 December. If I had visited on the 14th, he would have been unresponsive “comatose”. He wasn’t sleeping.
He never called me back. Which was not like him . . . because >> what if I had changed my mind, what if I had a plan to remove him like I did on 29 APRIL 2018 when I breached the “No Contact” order. He was temporarily living at his sister/mother’s house – (Poison suspected by Nicole PERIARD – kidnap attempts, etc. << why extraction in April 2018).
15 DECEMBER 2018 – DAY 4 – Palliative Centre
Around 11:30-noon-ish, a doctor called to inform me that Mark was dying and there was no point to keep in on a ventilator – he had fallen in a coma – no point keeping him alive I asked to see him before the ventilator was removed.
When I arrived, Mark was comatose. I talked to him, thinking perhaps he could hear . . . Then I noticed someone across the court yard was spying on us (me).
The window of his room faced an enclosed court yard facing windows (from another wing). I made eye contact and the moment our eyes locked, the perp instinctively expressed the guilty look when someone gets caught spying. A male, dark hair, blue eyes, young and inexperienced hence the guilty look “he got caught”.
Then I decided to cut some of his hair (not for a souvenir) >> George Charles SMITH, Mark’s great-grand-father came to mind >> “Hurry lass, cut some hair, he doesn’t have cancer, don’t get caught!
I got all nervous, sense of urgency. I proceeded to cut approximately 6″ of hair perhaps 1- 1 1/2 cm from his scalp. I carefully wrapped it in paper towel.
His great grand-father George Charles Smith had vowed to protect the boy until he died (summer 1978).
I had vowed to protect him on 27 February 2018 and I had failed.
On 12 September 1965, this man saved the one-day old infant from being sold.
How? By registering the child as his own. Birth registration is what crashed the human trafficking sale. George Smith was so nervous as he filled out the form (this was narrated several times by Mark’s grand-mother Carmen Chenier, George’s daughter – this information came out in 2007 when the family provoked suicide and Mark was able to escape their grip because a stranger called 911 and didn’t know his full name – if his name would have been said on the 911 call, PERIARD and GUERTIN would have been alerted and would have taken over. This was a gift from God. He almost died (suicide) on 15 January 2007 – saved by a stranger.
George Smith named the no-name child Mark. He wanted to call him Marcus but didn’t know how to write it – too rushed and afraid to get caught he didn’t dare ask. In 1965, the village doctor was the intermediary between the young mother (14) and the so-called buyers.
Keep in mind, that they lived in the same community as old man LAVERGNE, who once George Smith died, sold the boy a several months later after he realized the boy refused to be defiled – the old perv had invited him to live with him after George died – a house of incest and pedophilia – Mark 12 refused and demanded to leave – his mother and new step-father took him in (no choice), then abandoned the boy in fall 1978 – locked door with a garbage bag with his clothes, told to never come back – he had just turned 13.
The old perv was influential in the community and despised the SMITH. Racism as Leontine SMITH, George’s wife was a Blackfoot and their sons looked very Native American. Prejudice in the community. The fact that the child was a product of incest wasn’t the problem, it was racism (eugenics). Old Man LAVERGNE, a pedophile and incestuous with his own children, was a menace to George Charles Smith’s family. (I have heard the stories many times). The above is the short version.
After cutting some of his hair, the ventilator was removed. I kissed him, said my goodbyes and left shortly after (4pm-ish).
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He died in early morning hours of 16 DECEMBER 2018 – the nurse found him around 4am.
I strongly suspect that after I left, they possibly increased dosage of a med such as MIDAZOLAM.
It’s unlikely the old lady mentioned above was the target of a planned assassination plot like Mark SMITH. Yet, she was murdered. Perhaps considered by the system as a burden to society, useless eater – There would be less overhead to euthanize than treat – a form of eugenics using the medical system.
It’s interesting to read >> “. . .terminated overnight with their weapon of choice . . . ” . One weapon that fits many circumstances – A means to an end.
Meds like MIDAZOLAM and Morphine were high likely dispensed to Mark SMITH to make it seem like a natural death.
Read the warnings – High dosage and the patient needs a ventilator.
In early evening of 13 DECEMBER 2018, they might have started injecting him and affixed a ventilator. Keep in mind, after the violent episode demanding to leave while wrestling with the nurse, it most likely became urgent to start the journey to death. The fit he had earlier that day was the trigger.
In mid-afternoon, on 13 DECEMBER 2018, when he stopped the nurse from injecting by grabbing her wrist, he wasn’t on a ventilator, he was up and about – fair mobility. I wonder today why he stopped her from injecting – What was it? that information should be in his archived medical file (if his file hasn’t been tampered/redacted). I will venture, she had already given him a shot of what she was coming in with – Whatever it was, he didn’t like it so it has to be something very strong – not helping – affecting cognitive and body functions – Mark is not squimish / afraid of needles nor a novice to drug effects – This guy did a lot of LSD (Dr. BOYD gave him taste for it? yes, there’s a story and theory behind this).
6″ of hair equals 15 months of analysis – One centimeter equals one month which brings us in Fall 2017 before the laser shot (22 January 2018)
If forensic analysis was to be conducted on this bio-sample (hair), the following three points in time are forensic time markers.
1. Mark stopped smoking cannabis by mid-May 2018 – never smoked again. Mark didn’t smoke cigarettes – stopped a few years earlier. As for alcohol, his dry date was 16 January 2007 as well as for any street drugs.
2. ANOTHER bio-sample (semen) was secretly collected on 24 JAN 2018 and preserved to this day. Why did I do that? Because of the laser shot on 22 January 2018. On 23 January 2018, a day after the laser shot, he had a severe unnatural seizure – the first of 9 more to come. Keep in mind that on 29 NOVEMBER 2018, the chest X-RAY showed a clearly defined marking where the laser shot it him (refer to 29 Nov-10 Dec 2018 post for details and image, click here)
Interestingly, from 26 to 30 January 2018, Michelle GUERTIN with alarm warned MARK I had collected his semen secretly in order to bring it to a hybridization centre (oh, I know how it sounds but it happened). She was so convincing that Mark was afraid of me, distrusting, claiming I had enticed him to have sex just to collect his semen.
So I never told him it was collected because of the laser shot two days earlier.
But it begs the question >> How would they know? Was it coincidental or was it what I suspected >> they had hidden cameras throughout the house?
Also >> on 4 MAY 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) impersonated being a Bell IT Security Supervisor and claimed that a woman (Michelle GUERTIN) was very angry by what she heard, and it was “I feel pregnant” that was said on 24 JANUARY 2018.
4 May 2018 – Dangerous Encounter at Scotiabank, the Day AFTER we discovered FAMILY & GUERTIN were Together – photos included– how do we know BOUVIER (CSIS) impersonated? because after mid-September 2018, he told us thinking he was reassuring Mark by claiming he had been protecting him for a while now – “I did a great paki accent hey Mark?” “you sure did Mr. BOUVIER”. Indeed.
So did they have hidden cameras? most likely.
Were they able to listen to in-house conversations? Absolutely 100%
About hybridization claim . . . why use that? simple. They claimed/warned that I was a reptilian hybrid. Keep in mind that they had done a staged lucid dream on 9 NOVEMBER 2017, portraying me as a sexy female reptilian with my face.
This false claim was also used during early Summer 2019 to scare certain people in a spiritual group which I belonged to. It got so intense that by August 2019, I had to leave in order not to divide the group.
This was their doing . . . In early Summer 2019, this rumor began after I did a presentation to several people on SKYPE about the psyops and deceptions by the criminal faction known as Secret Space Program – a bunch of thugs who impersonate being a real space force which is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE. They have access and abuse government resources and assets (e.g. intelligence, ex-military, moonlighting cops, hired mercenaries), monitoring, laser devices, psy technology (e.g. V2K), etc.
A week later, people who were under the influence of that criminal faction started to spread the rumor – the most astounding is that these specific people believed it.
JULIE PHELPS – Bases Lectures 2019 Julie Phelps 1 full – 2019 – SSP Harassed and more
My dealings with these thugs:
- PLAN A (my disappearance) – 12 OCTOBER 2017 – Lure to remove me under guise of SECRET SPACE PROGRAM
- 9 MARCH 2018 – LURE PROGRAM – Mark to join them to be inducted in the Brotherhood and for me, invitation to join the Secret Space Program. I refused. So the lure was he was going one way (removed) and me the other way (also removed). For Mark, the lure worked but they botched the kidnap operation (1 APRIL 2018).
In my case, both SSP lures failed. What they didn’t know >> By 2016, I already knew that the Secret Space Program people on Youtube and on social media including people like Corey Goode (a story-teller – a fake) with their breakaway civilization was a piece of crock. By the way, Goode was exposed in 2021-22 – lost credibility.
In addition, in time for the Solar eclipse that would traverse North America, on 21 AUGUST 2017, I had developed a CC global meditation that would eclipse the one that C. GOODE, a dude called Cobra and SSP were promoting “focus on the moon and with your heart call for ETs to come and save us” – Our initiative was about family gathering “unity” and appreciating water (water has memory, you are 2/3 water) focus on well-being, love and gratitude. Our initiative surpassed (participation) their BS meditation.
5:31 minutes
Over 120,000 people were reached (beyond CC) – People went for the down to earth meditation instead of the woo-woo one of yearning and longing for saviors (ETs) and focusing emotions onto the moon. There you go pal. In retrospect, I always wondered why the need to focus emotionally on the moon while one calls out for saviors . . . especially if one considers the possibility our moon might be an artificial satellite . . . Would focused intent by thousands of people activate some kind of psy bio-technology?
Interestingly, 5 days later, on 26 AUGUST 2017, the CSIS Strategist “Psy warfare specialist” most likely came in full time for the Mark SMITH grab operation in order to coach the SON how to foster father-son TRUST bond – this is about the time when the SON started calling daily >> for the mid-October 2017 PLAN A, my removal using SSP lure (come come and join us) which failed. The goal was to have me disappear and Mark SMITH would run to the SON for help – job done by mid-October 2017.
Funny isn’t it? you piss off people tied to SSP and in mid-October PLAN A uses SSP lure as means to make me disappear. I’m just saying.
Also around 26 AUGUST 2017, as the Strategist was ushered in full-time, Michelle GUERTIN claiming to be a CSIS Acting Director, stepped back claiming she had just come out of Cancer surgery and now would convalesce until January 2018 “what a brave woman . . . .” it was all bullshit. Demon hag (lead) and her troll-son crashed our lives by 7 January 2018 – let the killing games begin to make it seem like a crime of passion >> 1-30 January 2018 – 1st MONTH with Michelle Guertin and fake SON at forefront
The presentation in early summer 2019 had to be done because too many people glorified this impostor and others, made to believe the tales they spun and thinking that being associated with the “fake” Secret Space Program was an honor – glamour – when in reality, it is/was an aberrant psyop, a psychological trap – and since people talk too much on the Internet (online), it is easy for them to pinpoint potential targets.
And that’s why I refused to join anything. So why did they try a second time if first time failed? Because I NEVER mentioned what I knew about them ONLINE nor to anyone at any time. They didn’t know.
Some people have reproached me of being too left brained. Well . . . that would be wrong because as per my profile I am 51% left brained and 49% right brained. Balanced. I’m of the opinion, that I’m not prone to fantasy nor easily duped to accept unexplained experiences as being supernatural. Thanks goodness considering all the supernatural-like scams they pulled on us. hahaha.
3. POISON HIGHLY suspected on 27, 28 APRIL 2018 by NICOLE PERIARD – Symptoms: Acute Abdominal pain, foam coming out of his mouth.
It was an organized operation, not to kill him but to make him unwell and so shaky that he would agree to see a physician. He was living at his sister/mother’s house since 23 APRIL 2018 – After I had called 911, given my video statement, a No Contact Order was issued until his first day in Court scheduled 9 MAY 2018.
On 26 APRIL 2018, they panicked when they realized I WAS ORGANIZED and had a slew of recordings (date stamped) that showed what they had done.
How did they find out? because I published the first two pages of the List of Recordings I was creating since 24 APRIL 2018 – After 23 APRIL 2018, I set up an operation centre in the middle of house and started to listen to the recordings (with headphone – there you go. You can listen in-house? then listen to silence) – I started putting things together in a document..
The next day (after first upload to Google Drive – 2 pages), Michelle GUERTIN and “The SON” attempted to kidnap him. It failed – it was stopped by his uncle who overheard Nicole PERIARD give the signal to Mark’s location.
See first two pages of this document >> List of recordings dated 22 May 2018 – Once they realized, I was coming after them, they rushed to grab him. Knee jerk reaction – it set off various kidnap attempts as well as falsifying my testimony as means to have him run to GUERTIN.
Kidnaps & Court – 23 APRIL to 9 MAY 2018 – Most Dangerous Time Period for Mark SMITH
The next day (27 APRIL), PERIARD started to do what she does best >> gauging doses of poison to make him sick. She reminds me of Mrs. Collins in the movie the Sixth sense, who poisons her child little doses at a time over a span of time in order to kill the child but make it seem natural – long term sickness to death – premeditated.
So PERIARD most likely poisoned him just enough to convince him to go see a (her) physician who was in conspiracy with GUERTIN and PERIARD. His job was to scare Mark by telling him he had a blood clot behind the skull and it was a ticking bomb . . . Please let me call you an ambulance – he was very insistent but Mark refused because the day before, the GUERTIN attempted to grab him.
Mark was afraid to wake up in a hospital setting strapped to a bed at the mercy of GUERTIN. Trapped. How ironic this is how they killed him really. EXACTLY what he feared happened.
About the blood clot, that physician told him that it had increased in size . . . And that why we know he was in conspiracy with GUERTIN. WHY? >> That was the story-lie dished out sometime in early 2018 by the SON who claimed to be a doctor “Dad! Dad! I read your medical file and it shows you have a blood clot behind your neck. . . ” << and that’s how we know – there never was a blood clot. It was a means to scare him and agree to go by an ambulance organized by GUERTIN.
The next day, on 29 APRIL 2018, I EXTRACTED HIM FROM PERIARD’S HOUSE. I breached the no-contact order. I had the strong sense that if he stayed there is was going to die.
Foam / abdominal pain? all new symptoms – sounded like poison to me . . . not to kill him but to make him shaky, dizzy, nauseous, unable to stand for long periods >> “what the hell is going on with me Nicky?” there there Markie . . . let me organize to go see my physician in Orleans, he’s good . . . ok Nicky please”.
NICOLE PERIARD is a poison aficionado . . . the right doses for the desired effect. She can made you very sick then let you suffer or she can do it so that she can then nurture you back to health.
In ancient times she would have been considered a witch with her potions – not a healer – she does the reverse / inversion of healing – in ancient times >> Herbs such as nightshade, mandrake, ricin, jimson weed, etc.
I will venture PERIARD thought Michelle GUERTIN was on her side. Lured to believe she was friendly to her cause.
The candy for PERIARD is being about to get almost any prescription and being an insider in the underground gossip world of the medical system.
In summer 2021, I learned Nicole PERIARD’s son “Richard”, told my young niece “Mary-Ann Trepanier” that I had placed hidden cameras in Mark’s room in order to track him 24/7 and watch him die.
Folks, psychopaths and liars who think they are smarter than the average person, tend to tell us what they do. It wouldn’t surprise me that THEY had hidden cameras in Mark’s room at the palliative centre and watched his every moves up to his death.
On 20 January 2019, in order to seem innocent, Nicole PERIARD sent her oldest SON to my house to pay respect on behalf of the family – He came to snoop and convey the perception of innocence.
They thought they could pull the wool over my eyes.
Her SON talked too much.
The first thing he did was to admit participating in the recurring dream scam about the veiled lady laughing at Mark dead in a coffin which ran every morning from 16 March to 6 April 2018 (identical dream from the SON and Mark’s mother dished out every day).
Then I learned that the GUERTIN were not dead, the FAMILY was in court in Fall 2018, they knew and liked BOUVIER from CSIS and the SON, Anton GUERTIN, was not Mark’s biological child.
This is what happens when criminals think they are smarter that the rest.
These are the unraveling threads that lead to full-time investigation on 2 FEBRUARY 2019.
Here’s what I knew and didn’t know, click here.
6 FEBRUARY 2019 >> I called CSIS, when I said my name, the operator sarcastically responded >> “By-Y-ye” and hung up. I would come to learn from OPP, that I was a non-investigative subject, listed in criminal databases – this is why black helicopters were surveilling me even after his death. Since they failed to kill me, they character assassinated me.
Mark was euthanized / premeditated death on 16 December
in early morning hours.
It is a homicide.
They killed the boy they bought in 1979
from old man LAVERGNE – this perv was also around in 1965.
Older post published 16 December 2021 >> November 2018 Events to MARK’S Death | After Discovering Outer Family Tried to Contact Me >> Mark transferred to palliative care – False Cancer Diagnosis – Medicated – DIED within 3 days
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