A few days before 5 JULY 2017, I was compelled to start putting together a presentation on how human prejudice (racism) could be easily used against specific Extra-terrestrial races, let’s call it “exo-racism”.
What compelled me to do this presentation?
It was a “holy shit” moment when I started to hear in podcasts that ET reptoid races had colluded with NAZI just as WWII started. Apparently, they gave advanced technology to build ships and more and stood in the sidelines as the NAZI undertook the culling of humans based on genetics – A eugenics program.
In 2017, the above didn’t ring true. In March 2023, I came across a talk given by Linda Moulton-Howe, and I extracted this clip. In my opinion, if it’s true then this would make more sense >> 51 sec. 20230310_203705-WWII-Culling-ET-War.mp4
In July 2017, I realized that this fear of reptoid was most likely organized. In fact, any ET race who didn’t look humanoid could be used to fabricate an alien false flag invasion. For past decades now, that fear has been nurtured via podcasts and many many YouTube videos.
If off-worlders were really doing these podcast messages, I believe they would be censored by YouTube.
One should realize predictions and messages of hope from so-called “good” ETs are to make an impression on people’s psyche, the saviors are coming, the saviors are working hard in the background for humanity – the ETs are going to save us. It triggers an emotional response. YouTube is controlled opposition.
Since 2017, I have investigated and researched more on this subject and my findings will be presented at the end of this posting. Today, I think I have a good idea how they could/will most likely pull it off. It’s been in prep for decades.
For now, let’s get back to early July 2017 . . .
5 JULY 2017 – I started to work on putting a presentation together – since most people feared anything / everything about reptilians, I knew that this presentation could only be presented to one or two people. I knew too many would freak out or start doubting me with >> “she is one of them” *roll of eyes*.
Keep in mind, in early July 2019, this was used against me >> They put the fear of god in people convincing them I was a hybrid reptilian scouting for potential target abductees and that fear was courtesy of NEW PARTNERS (CSIS / SSP). They used a female that they psy re-arranged to propagate the rumor.
What could have triggered them to do this? >> In late June 2019, I gave a talk abouit the criminal fake Secret Space Program. Also warned people about technology such V2K “Voice to Skull” >> putting thoughts in mind as means to trigger an emotional response or personality change. But the major theme was the SSP criminal faction.
This female thought she was a Pleiadian on a mission to Earth. She was a victim . . . In early 2018, they provoked her husband to cut his throat in front of her. Then they became her handlers. By Fall 2019, she escaped by leaving Canada permanently.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
5 JULY 2017 – Started to develop the presentation – On this day I had a “LOOK NOW KID!” moment which meant launch ISS LiveCAM on your Iphone, you will see something – HURRY!
So I did and here’s what I captured >> 20170705-ISS-CAM-Looknow.mp4.
At the time, it gave me validation I was on the right track.
After that capture, I went to bed. . . .
I had a lucid dream that I was on a ship in a meeting room briefing a projection that looked like my father (much younger) – I was very excited to brief him on my new project. (I don’t remember the content)
More about the dream . . .
After briefing my father about my mission, I told him to wait a minute, I wanted to show him the sphere that our off-world allies (not humanoid) had given me. As I turned to enter my live-in quarters on the ship (I had a private room on this ship), I could see the sphere on a stand on a side table.
I was surprised to see it UNLIT – As far as I knew, I had only seen them LIT up (ORBS/SPHERES color day-care yellow).
The UNLIT sphere (orb) was a Dodecahedron – My emotion of surprise to see it unlit is what woke me up from the lucid dream.
Here are three re-enactment animations (out of many) when I experienced flying orbs (day care yellow spheres) and some with mental downloads:
>> 17 SEPTEMBER 2017 – two mental downloads “they are cattling humanity into slavery” and “Do not do divination” (the divination is >> do not do channeling)
> 14 December 2017 – over 20 flying orbs – 30-50 ft off the ground
After the influx of flying orbs on 14 December 2017 . . . Two weeks later . . .
On 31 December 2017, I had a second lucid dream on a ship again with a projection of my father. He congratulated me for passing PHASE 1 of the operation and there were others – People were proud of me “celebration mode” – I was told that we were tied to ORION and to wake up so that I would remember – So I woke up and repeated out loud >> “It’s ORION, we are tied to ORION, I’m with ORION” I said it a few times so that I wouldn’t forget.
I have put a lot of thought into what could possibly be Phase I of what operation . . . . keep in mind that on 12 October 2017 I didn’t fall for the SSP lure (nor would I on 9 March 2018) – If I had, I would be dead today. Also I didn’t fall for the lure when they imbued Mark with infatuation and obsession via a staged lucid dream using the projection of an alien called Thor. The purpose was to have me sexually engage so that in January 2018, they could play out horrific disinfo of betrayal – they were aiming for a crime of passion – that failed. (oh, I know how it sounds but it happened).
Staged Managed Dreams . . . I will do a post about this subject because now is the time to bring it in the open. WHY? well . . check this out >> news today (11 JULY 2023) >> Scientists Successfully Communicate With Lucid Dreamers While They Are Dreaming << EXCUSE ME! They (covert operations – Illegal factions) have been doing this for several years for nefarious reasons. This is NOT new technology.
On 6 July 2017, I was putting together the Prejudice presentation (working at it since 5 July) – my aim was to present it Friday, 8 July 2017.
I was working on the presentation on 7 JULY 2017 past midnight when I had another “LOOK NOW KID!” moment and here’s what I captured >> 20170707-Look-now-kid.mp4.
In retrospect, I have come to strongly suspect that there are factions not controlled by the illegal criminal secret government (ISG). New partners had recourse to ISG resources such as the criminal Secret Space Program faction – they used their services on 12 October 2017 as means to lure me (for my disappearance to isolate Mark Smith who would have then ran to the GUERTIN, his life-long faux-saviors but it failed).
They also had recourse to them in early March 2018 but this time they flat out told me I would be joining the Secret Space Program to which I flatly refused to join and that skewed their operation to isolate Mark Smith in March 2018 and led to an attempt to kidnap him on 1 April 2018 (which failed).
In March 2018, after refusing to join SSP, I started to openly call them >> Secret Space Posers (SSP).
8 JULY 2017 – DAY of the PRESENTATION – SKYPE VIDEO – one person attended.
It was a simple presentation on how the Cabal could easily leverage human prejudice to effect a false flag invasion operation then come in as saviors with whatever compliance they wanted people to adhere to.
I specified how they were smearing all reptilians races as being bad without evidence which meant that that species would be slotted in the role of INVADERS.
I put pressure on the priority that HUMANS on this PLANET NEED TO GET A HOLD ON THEIR INNATE PREJUDICE EMOTION – Racism, pitting one against the other, in-fighting, witch-hunting, etc.
During the same week, three other people experienced serious car problems – tampering.
the three of us experienced the same car problems that could have led to our deaths the same week.
KERRY CASSIDY – same week – while driving, as she maneuvered a curve, the front wheel on the passenger side came off.
All four of us survived.
In my case, the problem occurred as I was getting on the highway . . . if it had happened while driving 60 miles a hour / 100 km – I would be dead today. Same for Parkes, Wilcock and Cassidy. We were lucky that the problem manifested before we were going full speed. Divine providence indeed.
The energy in the house was so bad and dark, you could cut it with a knife.
I could continue and tell you what I did afterwards but I will keep it for the next post surrounding the next “LOOK NOW KID!” moment which happened again on 17 JULY 2017.
Today, I strongly suspect that the “Look Now Kid!” moments were not from new partners (CSIS) faction (ISG) – as I mentioned earlier, I strongly suspect there are other factions not tied to dark fleet.
Interestingly, the (fake) SON, Anton GUERTIN started to call a week or so later (after mid-July 2017) – Mark had not spoken nor seen him for over 12 years. The SON was ushered in to foster a father-son trust bond.
Why do this? >> When the bond would be strong enough between father & son, they would then make me disappear. Mark, falling to pieces, would run to the GUERTIN for support and assistance. He trusted them with his life – One could not criticize nor question anything about these people, Mark defended them / trusted them over everyone including me. Throughout his life, they often came in as his saviors after covertly creating bad life situations – Mark never suspected they were predators turned saviors.
On 26 APRIL 2018, Michelle GUERTIN and the SON “Anton” assaulted Mark in a parking lot as means to most likely shove him a vehicle. It failed. Mark distrusted these people – he knew they were dangerous.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
So let’s start . . . . First off, I strongly suspect that for the past few decades, humans have been posing as Extra-terrestrials. What kind of ETS would they be impersonating? >> Pleiadians, Tall Whites and Nordics. But mostly impersonating >> PLEIADIANS which might not exist . . . I don’t know.
Could it be that humans on the ground via advanced technology are impersonating being extra-terrestrials and subsequently are the ones communicating via channeling, sightings, etc. with select humans “contactees”.
POSING as EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS – Listen to this short video clip >> Germans-posing-as-ET-humanoid-species.mp4
Clip was extracted from >> Revealing Hidden Truths: Antarctic Bases, Antigravity, and Secret Space Missions
>>> Have you not noticed how on YouTube and in the new age and UFO communities, they glorify beautiful tall blond humanoids >> Pleiadians, Tall Whites, Nordics and Archangels? Just go on YouTube and do a search for Pleiadians and Archangels and you will soon notice they all look alike – Here’s what I mean:
I love this one above “stop the lies about our existence?” That’s an ancient psychology move for sympathy – imagine these posers coming off a ship – – – most humans will be bedazzled by their beauty, goo goo ga ga – emotional hard-on.
It’s disturbing they should mock angelic beings – I know several people who have had angelic encounters and none look like what is portrayed on YouTube.
All the ingredients are in place to do an alien false flag invasion.
Keep in mind doing this stunt is a means to an end.
There is no need for Extra-terrestrials – humans impersonators will work. I have come to believe that Pleiadians might not exist. OH! how that statement would shock many in the new age and ufo communities, why? In my opinion, they have been hoodwinked to believe they exist.
Yes but but but who then have we been channeling? you have been channeling humans impersonating being ETs – WE HAVE THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY to read thoughts, transmit thought (gee. . . just look at all the “Look now Kid!” moments I have experienced) . . . In addition, think of the golden tool of monitoring your ONLINE chats and personal confidence shared online . . . my, my think of the past life regression online session “one on one” or how about your “psycho-therapy session with your therapist”, sexual orientation, online dating site, etc. PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK >> Everything needed to know a target is at their disposal. THEY KNOW YOU BETTER THAN YOU KNOW YOURSELF.
Monitoring intel . . . that’s what was used to carry on with the Mark Smith operation.
They have the stage set to come in with those humans impersonating ET. They already have the alien reproductive vehicles “flying saucers”.
So you can make belief that we are being attacked by REPTILIANS and TALL ZETANS (greys) without the need for us to see them . . . however they have the holographic technology to manifest projections of these entities in addition, think of actors playing role of bad alien . . . don’t believe me?
Al-right then check this out >> MAKE-UP-DISGUISE-WOULD-U-KNOW-DIFFERENT
SO WOULD YOU FALL FOR IT? Would you feel safe and cozy?
Here’s a test for you. Does you innate prejudice INVOLUNTARILY flare up doubts when you see this? Which message from whom would you trust?
As you see these images, what are your first impressions? Keep in mind that YouTube and GAIA TV only shows beautiful blonde humanoids as trustworthy such as Pleiadians, Tall Whites and Archangels – the Illegal Secret Government (ISG) promotes this and for a good reason . . .
They are playing/banking on the human innate prejudice key (racism). And this will be one of humanity’s downfall and actually one of the reasons why real off-worlders are not so interested in making contact with humans who have prejudice.
This clip was extracted from a presentation Dr. Greer did in 2020 – here’s the full presentation >> Cosmic Consciousness and the Pre-Requisites to Making Contact
So you have three videos entitled “It will shock you”. One comes from the so-called beautiful blond humanoids (promoted by deep state), one from a Rigelian reptoid and one from an Eben (grey).
Pray tell me has your innate prejudice involuntarily kicked in? would you watch the one from the so-called Pleiadians before all else? trusting their message over the other ones?
Today, a friend of mine, a Muslim in Dubai, said >> “How come they all look germanic? There are no Afrikaan nor Indian looking ETs and no ANGELS or ARCHANGELS portrayed other than germanic looking . . . they even portray their JESUS as an European when in reality he was brown with dark eyes and black hair.”
Bravo sweetheart. You got it.
The ones who want to control humanity are humans here on the ground and will always shows trustworthy and beautiful so that you are not alarmed but seduced and lured. For several decades now the new age and UFO communities have been hoodwinked to fear any species who doesn’t look humanoid especially reptoids – exploiting that innate prejudice key – ancient psychology.
I will venture it’s to eventually try to play out good and bad alien scenario “setting the stage” for a future false flag >> you need a bad guy so blame the reptilians “after all the Pleiadians, Tall Whites and Nordics have warned us” waky waky humans – are you sure? After all, ISG promotes this . . .
My theory:
At the end of day why do an alien false flag? After all, it’s just a means to an end – so what the end game?
There you go. Hook, line and sinker – Never to realize they were always working together. Build – Back – Better. Indeed.
WOULD YOU FALL FOR IT . . . TOO BEDAZZLED that you wouldn’t see the real game at hand?
Much love, clarity and discernment to humanity
Know your triggers –
Be self-aware of your thoughts & emotions –
Know thy self
The greatest threat to this planet and humanity is thinking someone (else) will save us
(and they know many people are waiting for a savior)
About this statement >> Greatest threat to this planet and humanity is thinking someone will save us . . .
Sometime after mid-August 2018, I wrote this quote on the FrontPage of a website. Five minutes later, Mark’s phone rang. It was a CSIS Operator trying to persuade him to go to a SAFE house next morning. In the conversation, the operator used me as threat agent.
I found it ironic and twisted as to how they seemed to be inspired by that quote I had just uploaded – they were monitoring in real time.
The greatest threat for Mark Smith was thinking that someone would save him.
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