VIDEOS FOLLOW Alandra’s mother was a willing breeder. Michelle GUERTIN was also a willing breeder. The fate of the SON, still a fetus, was exploited to entrap a 13 year old virgin, Mark SMITH (March 1979). Her pregnancy was high likely planned – It was always going to be the fate of the unborn. The…
Category: Trafficking-Abuse
2022 – Multiple Examples of Seizures – Viewers’ Discretion Advised
From 2019 to 2021, I had difficulty finding a video that would show what the seizures looked like. So I resorted to an example seen in a TV program >> seizure-example.mp4 But today in 2022, I have many examples of what seizures looked like (see video below) – In Mark’s case, on 22 January 2018,…
Part 10 – Why did they want Mark Smith in the first place?
Here’s what I think . . . They had financial assets running under his name – It was likely something illegal because what’s the purpose of hiding it. The point of entry was through Mr. Lavergne Senior (organizer for selling him in 1979) – I strongly suspect that some deal was struck greater than just…
PRIMER >> 2016-2019 – Timeline of Events – Under Directorship of New Partners (CSIS) with GUERTIN & Family
This post was written on 24 SEP 2022 – some things are missing (not much) – It will eventually be updated (13 Sep 2024). ∞ ∞ ∞ Φ ∞ ∞ ∞ PERIOD 2016 to 2019 IS THE TIMELINE WHEN NEW PARTNERS WITH CSIS TOOK OVER – ORGANIZED CRIME OPERATION. Under the directorship of New Partners…
Human Trafficking, Enslavement & Abuse – Points in Time
Type of Human Trafficking and Life Enslavement riding on Mark Smith’s head When most of us think of Human Trafficking, we assume the victim knows he/she is owned/enslaved (trapped) by the enslaving party. They live in dire oppressive life conditions. For instance, ownership, prostitution, pedophile rings, sexual abuse, forced labour, etc. In Mark Smith case,…
2009, 2011, 2014, 2015 – FALSE FLAGS & CHAOS by Family with Guertin lurking in background
I met Mark on 23 December 2008 – On 29 May 2009, we started to live together. By September 2009, the family started to create chaos in our lives such as involving my ex-husband to trigger conflict – They would put Mark down as a nobody, an underhand bum, drug addict, using the smearing tactic …
1993-2007 – Maintaining Control – When out Control, Incapacitate – Seems it might have been OK if he died
1993-94 – After he was released from the Royal Mental Centre, he was under the legal care of Nicole PERIARD – He became an out patient. Nicole PERIARD controlled him – Instead of calling police on people, she sent him to scare, to beat up or damage property. She eventually lost control because he came…
False Flags 1983 & 2011 GUERTIN Fraudulent Warrant
YOU MIGHT WANT TO READ THIS POST PUBLISHED 9 JULY 2024, IT TIES WITH 1983 >> 2011 – GUERTIN w/t PERIARD – Organized Operations – Forged Arrest Warrant & 2 Attempts to Set Me Up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1983 – Mark 18 years old – ORGANIZED – Get him…
FIVE Kidnap Attempts – 1 April to 7 May 2018 – Photos and audio included
On 1 April 2018, the SON succeeded to convince Mark to leave home and go to Ottawa to catch a bus for Montreal. When he got to the Rideau Shopping Centre, he noticed men pointing at him >> “IT’S HIM!” – He hid in alleys and behind bushes and call me to pick him up. …
1965 -1978 -1979 – HUMAN TRAFFICKING
In progress 12 September 1965 Human trafficking transaction was stopped when the birth was registered by his great grand-father. He went behind the doctor “buyers” back and registered himself as the father. His great grand-father vowed to protecting him until the day he died. The birth registration was kept secret by his mother – The…