Throughout 2017-18, they played out various strategies as means to ensnare him – The goal was to cease him covertly (where he thinks they are rescuing him).
Once contained “grabbed” where did they intend to keep him?
GUERTIN containment zone was the mental hospital – It was set up by GUERTIN in 1990s**
** Elaborated later in this document, under heading >> “1992 – How they got to officially listed him as mentally ill and dangerous – The Future Enslavement Key for institutionalization”.
Throughout 2017-2018, various grab strategies were played out – once they would have ceased him, they would have institutionalized him then eventually euthanize him under guise it was a medical situation – GUERTIN do medical crimes.
After 1990s, it became their means to contain him – They officially marked him as mentally dangerous (1990s) which became the means to justify mandated hospitalization throughout his life.
In 2017-2018, grab attempts were organized – they were not done impulsively. Doctors or at least one doctor needed to be complicit – on standby for every grab operations. One of these doctors was exposed on 10 September 2018.
His name is Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD.
When Mark talked of 1992, the point in time when the GUERTIN saved him from his homicidal girlfriend and then admitted to a mental hospital . . . Mark claimed that at the mental hospital they experimented on him a lot.
Experimented a lot on? I used to take it with a grain of salt up until it was confirmed on 10 SEPTEMBER 2018 by Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD, who openly admitted Mark Smith was experimented.
On 10 September 2018, BOYD posed as his new family doctor. He was actually his former psychiatrist – waiting for him – alone. For first time in 9 years I decided to go with him – Unknowing as to what we were walking into, I stopped a grab operation – BOYD was there to greet and grab him.
Please read >> How I uncovered who was Dr. B.A. BOYD – and what else it uncovered.
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1992 – HOW THEY GOT TO OFFICIALLY LIST HIM AS MENTALLY ILL & DANGEROUS – The Future Enslavement Key to reel him back in.
Technically, their FIRST GRAB OPERATION was in 1992 – It is the seeding point that makes it possible to mandate future mental hospitalization – It was an elaborate operation – It took several weeks – It’s before the Internet.
In 1992, Michelle GUERTIN and her son worked together, the kid was 12-13 years old. His sister Nicole PERIARD aided and abetted.
The plan was to create chaos in his life by breaking up his relationship with Tanya his girlfriend – they made her reach homicidal rage – Mark woke up with a shotgun in his face and on the street. That’s the short version – it ran for several weeks until it reached the final breaking point.
It’s quite a story and it took a few weeks. Michelle GUERTIN presented herself as his EX-girlfriend, mother of his child, they had trigger songs.
For details on which songs and more go to >> 1992 – GUERTIN Power of Attorney & PERIARD Legal Custodian & Dr. B.A. Boyd (mental hospital)
WHEN his long-time girlfriend became a threat to his life (homicidal jealousy) >> They rescued him and subsequently tricked him to believe he needed to recover in a mental hospital – Mark saw them as his saviors – he put his life in their hands.
From that point forward, mental hospital would become the repository for future ensnarement – 1992 was his first time in a mental hospital it was a means for something they needed at that time.
Because, frankly, why would GUERTIN, in 1992, put so much time and effort to pull off creating chaos, come to his rescue then hospitalize him. What for?
What did GUERTIN get out of it? What’s the real end-game?
Well, to start off with >> Power of Attorney over his life although he owned nothing and was living from pay check to pay check.
So why did they need this guy?
Let’s take a moment to think about this . . .
- In 1992, were they on a time schedule?
- Was Mr. Lavergne Senior updating his Will? This man was at the root of the human trafficking deal in 1979 with GUERTIN – He high likely had an association with the GUERTIN patriarch beyond Mark Smith (Trepanier). Business partners?
- Why secure Power of Attorney? The mental hospitalization operation was the means to get it.Why go through all this trouble to get POA?
- How about for document signage on his behalf – With POA, perhaps time to set up financial operations and portfolios under Mark’s name then “Trepanier” (baptismal). Perhaps securing things under Lavergne Senior Will . . . perhaps Mr. Lavergne was on his death bed.
- The Lavergne Estate would become available once Mrs. Lavergne Senior (wife) passed away. She died 20 years later (July 2012).
After his stay at the mental hospital, he remained a patient under the legal care of his sister. Then, they tricked him in marrying Cynthia Rosebush. The idea was to keep him dysfunctional – He was already officially listed as mentally volatile, violent, alcoholic, drug user, easy to trigger, easy to bring to pieces and activate.
Based on timeline of events, it seems they might have been after him in early 2000 trying to have him committed – I will venture shortly after he permanently left Cynthia Rosebush – The breaking point with her was the day, Rosebush and her son Nicholas attacked him with a metal pipe while he was taking a shower – He sustained permanently injury to his left eye – I strongly suspect, he was suppose to fall unconscious, it was a grab because they were losing control of him.
Then during Christmas 2006, the Family provoked suicide – he almost died in mid-January 2007 – Saved by someone who called 911 and didn’t know his name – if his name had been said, they would have been alerted. He got healed by ethical medical professionals out of GUERTIN’s grip.
They couldn’t touch him for two years 2007-2008 – But they were back at it in 2009 – more subtle – They were in a precarious position, the family had confess to the abuse they’d done to Mark Smith. They compromised themselves in order to protect and keep the GUERTIN secret.
Please read >> 2007 – Family Confess to Abuse After Mark’s Suicide Attempt – Grandmother Chenier Contact Treatment Centre
Whatever the incentive, In 1992, the doctor(s) at the mental hospital, were In on It. Waiting for him – organized, in bed with GUERTIN.
Instead of healing the trauma caused by GUERTIN, they most likely perform known psychiatric techniques to break him down and rewire / create multiple personalities, mood triggers as well as trust fixations for certain people who would be able to control him.
Mark had an abnormal trust fixation for Michelle GUERTIN and the SON. They controlled him.
After “experimenting” on him, they officially marked him with multiple personality disorder and dangerous.
On 3 March 2018, Michelle GUERTIN came right out and said that she would use her Power of Attorney to have him forcefully hospitalized.
Mark was afraid to be taken “grabbed” and waking up strapped to a bed.
That’s when I realized Michelle GUERTIN had, in the past, before 2007 suicide, they had tried to get him to return to the mental hospital – declaring him unfit. (audio exist) – that was revealing -> they were after him before he tried to kill himself in January 2007.
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How do I know about multiple personalities and dangerous being recorded in his medical file?
Because in 2010, his psychiatric medical records were submitted to Dr. Levasseur, ODSP (Rockland, ON). Dr. Levasseur was afraid of meeting Mark alone for the first time. His medical file listed him with multiple personality disorder, volatile and dangerous.
Mark was stunned – He didn’t know.
In 1992, doctors like BOYD agreed to be in conspiracy with GUERTIN . . . . The doctor(s) knew they had broken this guy.
Their job was not to heal his mind, their job was to reshape, create multiple personalities and other psychological things like implanting mood triggers and trust fixation for certain people, like GUERTIN and himself.
Perhaps a psychiatric demand by the GUERTIN – Doctor(s) willing to do it who already know what they are getting into – And the beauty of all this, he will act insane and they will be able to reel him back in. He was recorded as mentally ill, unpredictable and dangerous.
A year later (2011), Dr. Levasseur, concluded he had been misdiagnosed – he was actually puzzled. Mark was really seasonal bi-polar.
It’s highly possible that 2007-2008 time period at treatment Centre with ethical medical professionals would be how most of the multiple personality triggers were removed.
In addition he stopped drinking alcohol and substance abuse on 15 January 2007 (the day he almost died of alcohol poisoning) – He refused to take anti-psychotic medication after his bad experience with seroquel.
Mark smoked cannabis. The GUERTIN frown upon it. They preferred that he drink alcohol.
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