Now you will better understand why the odds that those MUFON reported abductions are NOT from off-worlders.
What’s frustrating is trying to WAKE UP people to that fact.
MUFON stats are found on the sidebar on this site. Most abductions (if not all) are man-made. I stand by that statement.
People must wake up to the notion that GOOD vs BAD Alien is part of a greater plan to hoodwink humans. And that the so-called bad aliens would not be human-looking (mythological) but the so-called good ones would look human – makes it easier to trust when they look like us, right? easier to impersonate too (Deep State, criminal SSP)
This is a spiritual warfare tactic and it’s working with the alternative community. Preying on the innate prejudice emotion of humans – >> fear like primates.
To come here on own volition would only GIVE Deep State the opportunity to do a false flag invasion. You can’t do it. They would come here and leave and the Deep State would continue the charade to mind-fvck. How about WWIII ?- the off-worlders would be gone, they are not needed to hoodwink humanity.
Finally someone (Dr. GREER) brings it to light – unfortunately when one reads the comments in YouTube people are still not listening with intelligence. Frustrating to say the least.
18:21 minutes
This is what I’ve been written about since 2021-22.
Deep State w/t their criminal fake Secret Space Program minions have all the gadgetry to pull it off . . . gee . . . just look at all those (fake) abductions . . .
My comment below which immediately got a thumbs up (I think it’s Greer or someone from his team, it’s on his channel after all) – And sadly, I seemed to be the only one in the YouTube comment thread that understood.
Oh no, a dragon as profile photo with UR in the name (Sumerian – Anunnaki) – that also seems to disturb some people. Get over it and grow up.
Prejudice blinds (10-13 FEB 2015) – ; – )
Ohhh the good aliens – oh and look! they are working with Archangel Michael . . . must be true.
Do you know how many people believe this? you would be astounded.
(ahum . . . they all look germanic . . . oh well).
Oh and you have to love that title >> “Archangel Michael & Pleiadians – STOP the lies about our existence!”
That should involuntarily ping emotion of defense, siding with posers. Good now go fight for us. Ri-ight. To make their enemy our enemy when they are not. Wonderful. That’s an old trick.
“How dare you question, if this lady in the podcast says so, then it most be true because I follow her, she says only truth! we love you Pleiadians, please come down and rescue us!”
yeah. yeah *roll of eyes*
. . . then behind my back because I don’t believe it nor follow anyone for that matter . . .
“shhhh look she has a dragon as profile photo on YouTube, she’s one of them, that’s why she is not afraid . . . “
Folks, I’ve been there during summer 2019 and interestingly, by people who claimed to be Pleiadians and who were in reality, psychologically re-arranged by the fake criminal Secret Space Program. Gee . . . by Fall 2019, that person woke up and realized SSP had become her handlers. Bravo.
Then there was these two ladies who said I was too left-brained . . . yes, by 2% ;-D
People seem to glaze over as if they can’t process as if programmed when we tell them we are in a catch-22 situation here. Many rather continue listening to dis/mis-information – like living in lala-land.
Time to grow up.
Much Love and Discernment to Humanity
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