Before Fall 2015, when New Partners (CSIS) joined & took over, GUERTIN with Family (PERIARD) at forefront, were not out to exterminate me but rather break us up as means to isolate him and grab him.
GUERTIN used local law enforcement, legal system because she was a lawyer and connected with the seedy side just like the medical system – seedy side.
After 13 JULY 2014, the Family feared me and stayed away – actually cordial. From that point forward, when my name came up in social gatherings, Nicole PERIARD and Theresa LAVERGNE would strike a split second pose and change the subject . . . it was noticed by people whereas pre-July 2014, they would make up story-lies, smear, turn people against us – now they shut the fvck up & stroke a pose and moved on.
Before 13 JULY 2014 . . . Nicole Periard & Theresa Lavergne were dangerous to our household, they were vetting we would separate or that I would throw him out – creating horrible chaos, malicious false flagging, making little children cry, laughing about it, mocking, etc.
But major operation to outcast me, grab him and start health decline of Jean-Paul Lavergne occurred in new year 2011 after Carmen Chenier, passed away because when she was alive, they feared her.
Until she died, GUERTIN didn’t dare try anything – GUERTIN relied on PERIARD (front man),
But what I did on 13 JULY 2014, an email that listed crimes by PERIARD, would shut them down until New Partners (CSIS) came along (Fall 2015) – In fact, New Partners (CSIS) would used the content of that email to trap PERIARD to come on their side, having her eating out of their hands.
- To know more about 13 JULY 2014 (including email content), click here.
2009-2010 – Brief Overview
On 24 December 2008, he returned on the FAMILY’s doorstep – back at risk – clueless. GUERTIN lurking in the background – let the game resume like pre-2007 – last game operation was the suicide provocation after holiday 2006. Almost died on 15 JAN 2007 but was saved by a stranger who didn’t say his name on the 911 call – that’s how he escaped them.
- He met me on 23 December 2008. His protector – I failed him on 13 December 2018, I should have listened and taken him out of there like he demanded. When I left they comatosed him and he died three days later (post link for details end of this post – 11-16 December 2018).
On 29 MAY 2009, I bought a house and Mark came to live with me.
By December 2009, GUERTIN attempted to have me run in fear to a new physician claiming I had a critical urgent condition. Since there’s a limited number of physicians >> illusion of choice, I would have been matched with a physician who worked for GUERTIN – It failed.
- Since they were confident that I believed in the medical system like most humans do, I will venture DNA and prints are still on the forged letter (cocky confidence = sloppiness) >> 18 December 2009 – Forged Medical Letter – Leveraging Terminal Disease Test Results as means to get me in the medical system -> GUERTIN organized crime territory – copy of letter included. I have carefully preserved that letter to this day (forensic material).
From this point forward, the FAMILY via Theresa LAVERGNE and Nicole PERIARD attempted to break up our relationship. Malicious trouble makers in our household – Chaos bullshit drama almost on a daily basis – incredible.
We had no idea there was an agenda. The name of the game with these two ladies were to create sufficient chaos so that I would throw him out.
Our protector from GUERTIN was Carmen Chenier – They feared her but at the time, I didn’t put 1 & 1 together as to why they did. After putting the whole mosaic together, I uncovered Carmen held an ace card.
When Mark was at treatment centre (2007), Carmen blackmailed Theresa LAVERGNE to openly admit/confess to the psychological abuse Mark SMITH had suffered at their hands throughout his life – They assumed responsibility for provoking suicide January 2007.
How did Carmen “Lil’Nanny” manage to get them to admit it to the medical counselors? Easy >> “Admit what you have done to this boy or else I will tell them about the fake father-son cover you slapped on the boy in 1979 as means to get him out of your life and send him away with the GUERTIN – I will also tell them you got paid.”
- 2007 – Family Confess to Abuse After Mark’s Suicide Attempt – Grandmother Chenier Contact Treatment Centre – As I write this today, I still shake my head because I will always remember how they admitted it in front of me several times – Quite the story – Horrible.
Carmen “Lil’Nanny” died 30 October 2010.
- Twenty minutes before Carmen passed away, she made Mark and I promise to protect Michael’s children from PERIARD and Theresa Lavergne. Afterwards, I learned that PERIARD through the years went out of her way to false flag / set up Michael and Jennifer to lose their kids – many times. Dangerous.
. - PERIARD is an abuser / poisoner – physical & psychological abuse, a diddler (infants, toddlers at risk of inappropriate touching), not to be trusted with young children, elderlies and handicap people – intentional poisoning and drugging covertly to make clueless or vulnerable people sick – she might let you rot or she will act like your nurse. A demonic piece of shit compatible with GUERTIN.
. - Five minutes before Lil’Nanny passed, Mark leaned closer and told her >> “I’ll be OK now Lil’Nanny don’t worry about me anymore” – She died five minutes later – I was there and so was Theresa LAVERGNE.
Jean-Paul LAVERGNE (husband of Theresa, son of old man Lavergne) was clueless that GUERTIN had never left, had hooks in Nicole PERIARD and had always been lurking in the background.
By 1992, PERIARD (born in 1969) had become the family contact working with Michelle GUERTIN. PERIARD the frontman, the one tied to the dark side of medical system entry by GUERTIN. Hospitals underground gossip, grapevine, 911 alerts if Mark’s name was said, access to a selection of prescribed groovy pharmaceuticals and injections – she likes needles, we used to joke about it.
This was GUERTIN on their own volition – organized crime – forté are medical organized crimes but also legal setups as she was a lawyer. New Partners (CSIS) was NOT in the picture until 2015.
∞ ∞ ∞ δ ∞ ∞ ∞
FIRST OF TWO SETUPS – 1 of 2: February/March 2011 – Organized
GUERTIN waited for Carmen Chenier to pass before coming out of the woodwork and start the process:
(1) to remove me by causing a betrayal scenario / untrusted / outcast / gone;
(2) to save Mark using the legal system (predator-savior); and,
(3) to kill off Jean-Paul Lavergne by provoking illness and wrong meds as means to expedite health descent to his death –
His estranged mother, Mrs. Lavergne (93 years old) had less than a year or so to live.
Most likely true >> “Jean-Paul LAVERGNE, clueless fool, had to die before Lavergne Estate was released”.
- Michelle GUERTIN started the orchestration of removing me from Mark SMITH’s life by attempting to set me up as means to bust people who trusted me in the family and trigger the forged arrest warrant for MARK that was sitting in the system waiting.
The Family was split in two, those you had to watch for and those who were always at risk of being set up.
- Not to be trusted >> Nicole PERIARD and Theresa LAVERGNE – dangerous false flaggers and cop callers “trouble makers”. Jean-Paul LAVERGNE was just a big mouth, not dangerous.
. - The group who stuck together >> Mark SMITH, his brother (late) Michael TREPANIER and his life partner Jennifer – It also included Marcel TREPANIER, father of Michael and Nicole PERIARD (and Mark but not his father). Keep in mind, that Marcel at 16, was slapped fatherhood of Mark SMITH. That’s why for a long time, up until Mark found his birth certificate, his last name was TREPANIER (baptismal certificate).
. - Mark SMITH was the son of one of his great uncle SMITH who would be the son of George Charles SMITH who saved the infant from being sold at age one day old, by registering himself as the boy’s father.
So Mark, me, Jennifer, Michael and Marcel . . . always on the lookout for Nicole PERIARD and Theresa LAVERGNE. We trusted one another.
Sometime in late February 2011, Theresa LAVERGNE called MARK in distress, claming that Marcel TREPANIER was harassing her (phone calls).
MARK >> “Babe!! my mother is crying! . . . . it’s ok mom, yes mom . . . Marcel is harassing my mom. . . she wants to stay on the line while you call 911 . . . he’s at Michael’s house”
Call now! Mom afraid and will stay on the phone while you call using your cell phone. PLEASE CALL!”
Lyn >> “ok.”
Mark >> “Yes mom yes she’s calling right now!”
Instead I called Michael’s house. Jennifer freaked out (fearful, shocked) because she had just spoken with Theresa perhaps 10 minutes earlier – all was fine – Marcel in the background said “Hi” that’s it.
The moment his mother realized I had called Mike’s house, she hung up.
At the time, we couldn’t figure out why she had done this. Trying to get Marcel busted? Michael and Jen to lose the kids? When Theresa called, Marcel had just arrived . . . most likely had over 7 grams of coke, an ounce of weed and beer.
. . . IF I HAD CALLED 911
Since MARcel TREPANIER is similar to “MARk TREPANIER”, when police would have searched CPIC for outstanding warrants, it would have popped up that there was an arrest warrant for MARk TREPANIER (SMITH). Mark finally uncovered his legal name (birth cert) in 2007 with the help of medical counselors and Carmen Chenier.
The charge? Having missed two weekends on 1983 sentence that MICHELLE GUERTIN defended – yes, 28 years ago.
- Those weekends, 28 years ago, 18-19 years old, were approved -> weekend jail overpopulation. He was a first offender.
- In 2011, she used her own case she defended 28 years ago.SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO COME IN AS SAVIOR – I strongly suspect she would have used the argument that the weekends were approved as he was a first offender – weekend overcrowding – so when he presented himself at the door (fridays) – the guard authorized him to leave. He showed up for the last weekend and again the guard authorized him to leave.Logical states that if he had missed the weekend (unauthorized) they would have picked him up a few days later for transgression.
. - EASY CASE DISMISSAL and that’s what she most likely was going to do in COURT. Instead she let him rot.
In 1983, that arrest stunt was set up by Michelle GUERTIN. Marcel did jail time and Mark did weekends – caught with counterfeit money – A too-good-to-be-true lure that worked on Marcel – buying money (e.g. $20 bills for $5 a unit? then you have to pass them – Mark got caught – cops waiting for him at the store, set up).
At the time, Mark was legally an adult, he ignored GUERTIN and most likely told her to go fvck herself – She had lost control of the boy she had bought/invested. Lost.
- Instead of following her to Toronto, after 1981, he grew close to Marcel TREPANIER – They built a relationship “Dad-Son Trusted” – They both assumed they were biologically related.
. - Michelle GUERTIN had to break that up and having Mark come to her. Make Marcel look like a bad influence, a low-life and as for her? >> His Savior. It worked. Mark severed contact with Marcel for more than a decade – she was responsible for that.
So the cops go there based on claims that he was harassing Theresa – Imagine the chaos – Lyn Champagne made the call . . . . Everyone gets busted, lose the kids (a continuous threat with PERIARD – trying to take the kids away) . . . . and then police come to our house and arrests Mark “Trepanier” (SMITH).
- Marcel HATED Michelle GUERTIN – “Parles-moi pas d’elle tabarnak sacrament de plotte sale” << Marcel’s words which translate to >> “Don’t mention that cunt’s name, I fvcking hate her . . . “
On 11 March 2011, police came to the house with the (forged) arrest warrant . . . it had stayed in the system.
NO, SHE LET HIM ROT IN JAIL – Mark called her repeatedly. She was unreachable.
JAIL TIME >> It started with 3 weeks full time – then weekends for months on end and finished with house arrest right into December 2011.
2nd SETUP – 21 December 2011 – Not organized became organized – I gave them the opportunity – opened the door – my fault.
They tried with PERIARD at forefront.
Although it failed, what happened on 21 DECEMBER 2011, would come to bite me in summer 2018 as part of their smear campaign in the community against me.
21 DECEMBER 2011
So Mark was under house arrest. By mid-December 2011, Theresa LAVERGNE was calling daily, imploring him to protect her from Jean-Paul (hahaha). Everyday fake crying, whimpering, etc.
Since Mark was under house arrest, I had to hold him down. DON’T GO MARK! DON’T! yes but my mom babe. It sure set the tone/mood for the day.
On 21 December 2011 I decided I would go talk to Theresa to explain why she had to stop putting Mark in distress. So I went there.
But when I got there, Bobby Lavergne was aggressive – It was unexpected. I had a little stick in my car (length of my forearm) so I put in on my person (concealed) – it was just in case Bobby tried to assault me. This guy is a woman beater – dangerous to females.
He was extremely vulgar and a menace – He wouldn’t let me talk – In the room was Theresa, Jean-Paul, Bobby (their son) and his new girlfriend “Jessica”.
Theresa sat on a chair, arms crossed and approving her son’s behavior (Bobby). Jean-Paul who respected me, told Bobby to let me talk.
I knew Jean-Paul wasn’t a threat, he was in progressive health decline (organized).
By that time, I wasn’t going to talk to Theresa about what she was (purposely) doing. Instead, as I looked at Jean-Paul, I pointed at her and said >> “Jean-Paul they can’t wait for you to die”
I thought Theresa was going to fall off her chair.
Immediately, I turned to Bobby who by now had spotted my little stick – we were separated by a chair and I said >> “YOU! Stop giving ecstasy to minors as means to have sex with them – everyone know Bobby you’re a pedophile.” (. . . it seems to run in the Lavergne family except Jean-Paul and reason why he severed contact with his mother many decades ago – it was taboo to mention Mrs. Anita Lavergne’s name in his presence. He hated her.)
And then I turned to the new girlfriend “Jessica” and said >> “Did you know that you are being accused by Nicki (PERIARD) for stealing $60 out of her purse . . . that’s the rumor she’s been spreading on the street about you”
Then I left.
Immediately, Theresa called Nicole PERIARD then she called Mark with horrific disinformation that I had been there to beat them up with a baseball bat. Now, since he protected his mother, it could have backfired and create outrage and voià! i’m outcasted.
Five minutes before I arrived, Jennifer and Mary-ann (6-7 years old) had just left their house. They had been bullied, mocked and thrown out of the house – Little Mary-Ann was crying, Jennifer distraught and hurt. They were told not to show up at the Christmas gathering (24th) and more. These people seemed to get pleasure hurting children – I have another incident involving Cameron, a 4 years old – horrible – I will leave a link below.
So when Jennifer got to her house, she immediately told Michael and they called MARK. Then Mark got called by his mother >> story lie of me going there to beat up everyone with a baseball bat. Mark believed/sided with Jennifer not his mother.
Then Mark told Jennifer that Nicole PERIARD was going over and was going to call the cops on me – Jennifer decided to go check it out by staying in the adjacent public parking lot, out of sight.
Jessica who was now afraid of PERIARD left the site and crossed path with Jennifer. Jessica opened her purse and showed a bag of ecstasy pills – (told you so – she was carrying for Bobby).
Jen waited – she saw PERIARD arrive then shortly after, the cops showed up. Jennifer told police that Jessica had left and Nicole PERIARD had replaced her – She was setting up Lyn Champagne.
Then police went in.
Nicole performed crying, in distress, claiming I had come there to beat everyone up with a baseball bat – how horrible it was . . . she insisted I be criminally charged and immediately brought to the station and detained.
SHE PERSISTED. Made a big deal out of it.
While the police were in the house, Bobby, Theresa insisted that Jean-Paul stay in his room. He tried to talk to police but they (Bobby Theresa Nicole) pushed him away, talked over him – The police told me when they came to my house.
When they asked me who was there my answer validated Jennifer >> Jean-Paul, Theresa, Bobby, Jessica.
Nicole Periard claimed she was there when I was there.
I was fined for trespassing $79 – here’s a copy of my ticket, click here,
With that ticket in the system, the story of what happened can be twisted with time (which is what they did by summer 2018).
I should not have gotten a ticket. Police were nice about it. It’s just $79 but accepting that fine was a mistake because who knows what they’ve put in the system or didn’t put in the system (report).
One of the first things police said when they arrived >> what was I doing with the worst people in the area? I was surprised, “worst people?” and I named them >> Jean-Paul, Theresa, Bobby and Jessica.
Two cops looked at one another as it confirmed / validated what Jennifer had told them before they answered the call.
PERIARD replaced Jessica.
As for Jean-Paul, he was totally freaked out >> Imagine, you’ve just been told they can’t wait for you to die . . . you’ve been in sudden health decline since MARCH 2011 (poof! out of the blue decline started) and the worst part is that Jean-Paul already suspected foul-play –
And these people who can’t wait for you to die are doing a setup and are calling police on someone you have come to trust (me) and know that is most likely right. He confided in Mark and me in January 2012 that it validated what he suspected all along. (I’m sorry JP).
Jean-Paul now weak, distrusting Theresa and PERIARD, knowing they can’t wait for his to die – validated. Living a nightmare while in his most vulnerable state.
Six months later he was dead (6 June 2012) – Theresa and PERIARD openly showed being relieved (happy) he had died and it was noticed by many.
These ladies claimed it was a good thing that he had died before his senior mother (93) Mrs. Lavergne – ILLOGICAL reasoning – Her death triggered the release of the Lavergne Estate. she died three weeks later.
They were gauging his death to occur before the old lady. It was apparent.
At the end of day, I remember thinking >> “Lil’Nanny you set me up you old bird”.
Interestingly >> NICOLE PERIARD was not afraid of retribution.
I will venture she contacted GUERTIN for directives on 21 DEC 2011 – It became ORGANIZED. PERIARD was protected. She should have been CHARGED for calling police under FALSE PRETENSE.
Three years later, on 31 JULY 2014, they were forced to leave our community permanently because of actions I took two weeks earlier (13 JULY 2014).
They were exposed for what they were – lost face – PERIARD had a bad reputation for causing grief, cop caller, false flagging, setting up people, creating financial hardship for many people by swindling – faking cancer for sympathy and abusing the goodness of others.
As part of the smear campaign against me, family spread the rumor that I had been there in 2011 to beat them with a baseball bat. None the wiser people who were not around before 2014, believed it.
One of the saddest and most pathetic piece is that OPP in 2018 sided with the FAMILY. Smearing me as the trouble maker for PERIARD.
In August 2018, we called OPP for help. Mark was immediately transferred to Sergeant FLINT which I found odd at the time . . . why transfer? it’s a 911 call.
- 911 is compromised that’s why . . . Sometime in August 2018, when someone called Mark SMITH was signaled on a 911 call, Nicole PERIARD was alerted. She called all hospitals in the area. It was so disturbing that a cousin called us to let us know. You would think PERIARD would call our house to find out? she never did.
. - On 23 APRIL 2018, as I was on the line with the 911 call operator, we could hear two men in the background. The moment operator asked for Mark’s name, these individuals stopped talking waiting for my response. I paused thinking fast how to evade them, then said his name. The moment I did, we could hear in background >> “Ok yeah yeah ok bye” and they got off the line. My heart sank. 911 compromised.
I have a recording when we have Sergeant FLINT on the phone and he refuses to help me (August 2018). CLAIMING I AM THE PROBLEM – making reference to 21 DEC 2011 – he had attitude.
FLINT was rude and refused to send help – he marked me at the trouble maker for the family – not the other way around.
FLINT again . . . the one who had accompanied the two so-called INTERPOL agents on 22 JUNE 2018 >> 22-27 June 2018 – Fake Arrest of GUERTIN Uncovered – In-House & Online COM Influence Their Course of Action Twice (22nd & 27th)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nicole PERIARD 2024 – Haunted and Diseased – Includes photos of then and now (2024) of PERIARD.
2010-House-of-horror-of-a-4-yrs.old.pdf – Aunt Lyn never forgot – this one is for you Cameron.
11-16 December 2018 – Final Days – Organized Chain of Events of the Premeditated Homicide Operation – Death Successful – Living nightmare this was exactly what he feared they would do. A scene from a horror movie.
Smear Campaign against Lyn Champagne >> 2018-2019 – Character Assassination – False Flags, Isolation & No Help
Summer 2018 – False Flag – PERIARD Warned Michael Trepanier (brother) >> Lyn will shoot you on sight – To separate the group that stuck together, PERIARD spread horrific disinformation that I was out to shoot Michael Trepanier. She also spread the rumor that I was a retired police who had to take early retirement because I was unstable, trigger happy, a psychopath with a badge.
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Views: 50
Thought you might find this interesting to know . . .
On 24 December 2008, when MARK returned on the family’s doorstep . . . outer circle wondered why Mark’s last name was now SMITH (not Trepanier) – Nicole PERIARD spread the rumor he had been away since 2007 because he was in the Witness Protection Program. This female caused many problems and spread many rumors this was one of them – the Birth Certificate they never wanted him to find.
Another rumor and this one is about his sudden health decline . . . Rumor spread by Family >> The reason why Mark SMITH was ragged and sick? He had AIDS because of me. The truth is GUERTIN, FAMILY and BOUVIER (CSIS) are the ones directly responsible for his progressive accelerated health decline >> 25 DEC 2023 >> LIST – Chronological Trail of SICKNESS to his Premeditated Death – The laser shot on 22 JAN 2018 triggered illness and multiple seizures and they maliciously leveraged it.