From 2019 to 2021, I had difficulty finding a video that would show what the seizures looked like. So I resorted to an example seen in a TV program >> seizure-example.mp4
But today in 2022, I have many examples of what seizures looked like (see video below) – In Mark’s case, on 22 January 2018, he was shot through the window with a laser “energy” weapon. The next day, he had his first seizure (we called 911). This was the first of many to come. Each time, they overheard him on the verge of getting sick, they would call to amp up the chances he would convulse, get sicker – Like a boxer in the ring getting punched too much – from one round to other, Mark was getting weaker and not recuperating fast enough.
His health declined at an accelerated pace. The name of the game was to have him reach homicidal rage so that he would attack me. Instead he would most often collapsed to the ground, gagging and retching and, within a few months defecating on self.
The GUERTIN leveraged sickness expecting him to fall for their medical ensnarement, one of their means to grab him then to terminate him using the medical system . GUERTIN do not need new partners (CSIS) – the GUERTIN on their own do legal and medical crimes at levels of crimes against humanity. In their case, we’re talking pedophilia, human trafficking, enslavement using institutionalization, handlers, etc.
ABOUT THIS VIDEO – Last year, I had difficulty finding video clips about seizures. In 2022 we have an upsurge of examples. In Mark’s case, his seizures started after he was laser shot through the window.
I’ve put the whole video – seizure examples are peppered in the video. The purpose of making this video available is not to show you what caused these seizures (in video) but rather to give you examples of what Mark’s seizures looked like – He experienced 11 seizures – 10 of them were provoked by the GUERTIN.
Since we are on the subject and that video was done earlier on – you might want to know that the injections do not stop transmission. But as I mentioned above reason for uploading above was to show seizure examples.
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List of Sickness to his death.pdf
(table format grid – Sickness by date and provocation factor)
The above list is a companion document that complements this fully detailed account of what they did >> 2016-2019 – Timeline of Events (71 pages).
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THEY PROVOKED SICKNESS and sat back e-listening to what they had done – days in days out – gauging progress to his decline.
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By 21st September 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) claimed he was representing Mark in court for abuse against his family.
We believed that Michelle GUERTIN and her SON were dead – They both faked death – The Son as a suicide on 2 July 2018 and Michelle GUERTIN in the hospital on 4 September 2018.
In mid-November 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) announced Mark had won the family abuse case against his family.
On 29 November 2018, we called 911 for an ambulance – get him to a hospital.
Since 27 February 2018, we knew calling 911 was a trap but now that the GUERTIN were dead it would be safe, right? wrong.
That’s where they were able to finish him off.
He was admitted 29 November 2018.
Then two weeks later, on 10 December 2018, they discovered someone wanted to talk to me and Mark was by then stable.
On 11 December 2018, the doctor convinced him he had terminal cancer no hope. Mark agreed to be transferred to a palliative centre.
On 13 December 2018, he demanded to leave as he held the wrist of the nurse, refusing that she injects. By following day, he was comatosed – unawakable.
Three days later he was dead – 16 December 2018
Day before he died, 15 December 2018, I cut 6 inch strands of hair. It equals 15 months of forensic material. Mark did not die of cancer, he was euthanized “executed” >> this is a premeditated murder – It was always to be his fate once they grabbed him >> FIVE Grab Strategies from 2016 to 2018 – Organized
GUERTIN are in power of influence in the medical system – Organized medical crimes – influential to push agendas – – experienced – seasoned.
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