Government funded projects in the psychiatric system also in Canada.
When they (GUERTIN) institutionalized him the first time in 1990s, Mark Smith was fragmented to be diagnosed with multiple personality disorder known as “Manchurian Candidate” – they created it – this was organized and point of enslavement. When they grabbed him the first time (1990s) through trickery – It was to create the mental problem, psychiatrists were in conspiracy waiting for his admittance in order to rewire his psyche.
GUERTIN Containment Area was Mental Hospital – Set up in 1990s
Throughout 2017-2018, the mission was to isolate him in order to grab him. Once they would have a physical hold on him, the containment area was the mental hospital – the point of contact established since 1990s.
What follows is the last grab operation attempt – they used Dr. Bryan Alexander Boyd, his former psychiatrist to lure him – it failed because for the first time in 9 years I decided to attend. Here is how I discovered that Dr. Boyd had experimented on Mark. If I had not attended, Mark would have been lured/influenced by his former psychiatrist – grab job done.
10 September 2018 – Dr. B.A. BOYD Former Psychiatrist Greets Mark in Last Attempted Grab Operation
All grab strategies -> once you have him you institutionalize him – In 1990s they made sure to mark him officially as dangerous with multiple personality disorder (how to reel him back in using court system to justify if required).
FIVE Grab Strategies from 2016 to 2018 – Organized
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The example by Dr. Kaufman about the case in Montreal (see video) is exactly what my mother experienced in the mid-1960s – in fact it is the same psychiatric network (Montreal <-> Hull).
Interestingly, the circumstance (in video) of this woman in the case study is similar in nature as to why my mother was institutionalized in the first place.
When she came back home after 3 months the first time, you could sit the woman to face a wall and she would just stay there. They created a programmed automaton.
In her case, her life circumstance as to why HER mother institutionalized her was because she was having a love affair with a black man (while she was married) but since her family were socialites upper Church circle of influence, her family (not my father) her Mother institutionalized her daughter in order to hide her shame.
Throughout the rest of my mother’s life, the psychiatrists were her handlers.
She died young.
I was raised by my father.
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