Supplemental documents:
2016-2018 GRAB Strategies
Numerous psyop tactics were played out – Each tactic falls in one of five strategic categories – In each case once they grabbed him he was to be contained in an medical institution
GRAB OPS #1 – Terminate me to get a grip on Mark Smith (June 2016 to 23 April 2018)
GRAB OPS #2 – Kidnap Mark Smith
GRAB OPS #3 – Seize him using Court system to brand him as mentally unfit
GRAB OPS #4 – Lures – for example, “get him to go to safe houses”
GRAB OPS #5 – Hospitalized – Murdered#5 was successful >> They provoked sickness (day 1 was 23 January 2018 day after laser shot) – By 27 February 2018, we both knew hospitals were GUERTIN killing fields – No choice hospitalization by 29 November 2018 – By 11 December 2018, he was recuperating and about to find out what they did in Court (fall 2018) >> so they suddenly told him he had last stage cancer – He was transferred to palliative centre – On 13th, he wanted to get out (he was strong and wrestled with the killing nurse refusing to be injected with cancer medication) – I should have listened – He was murdered 3 days later (16 December 2018).
Did he have cancer? Absolutely not. It was GUERTIN means to get him at the palliative centre, fed wrong meds to kill him. How do we know he didn’t have cancer? Twelve hours before he passed, I cut 6″ of hair click here. Forensic analysis would show he didn’t.
Strategies 1 through 5 are explained below.
Since 2009, Family and GUERTIN tried to break our relationship – I became an obstacle – they were abusive to our household – evil. But by mid-July 2014, I was able to keep his FAMILY and the GUERTIN at bay, click here for full details or click here to just see the email that change the paradigm – I call the email “List of crimes by Nicole Periard” (Mark’s sister, family point of contact with GUERTIN – aiding and abetting).
By fall 2015, new partners (CSIS) inserted themselves in the agenda and took over the operation like a contractor and offered COM monitoring including psy-based technology – their GRAB solution was by literally removing me (death) – It ran for 2 years.
Then it changed to lures as means to grab him including kidnaps as well as resorting to the Court system.
None of the grab operations worked. The last grab operation, was on 10 September 2018, it involved Mark’s former psychiatrist Dr. Bryan Alexander Boyd as greeting party – Mark would have listened to him . . . but it failed because I unexpectedly attended, I skewed GUERTIN’s last grab attempt – and finally the psychiatrist showed himself – he was lurking in the background waiting part of GRAB operations since 2016 – the point of contact for mental hospital.
By mid-September 2018, new partners (CSIS) came up with a strategy that didn’t involve grabbing him. The ultimate fatal trap was having no choice but to go to the hospital as he needed serious medical attention – Since 27 February 2018, we knew hospitals were GUERTIN snares but by November 2018, we believed they were dead – yes mother and SON GUERTIN faked their deaths.
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GRAB Strategy #1 – > Remove (terminate) Lyn Champagne from Mark Smith’s life – make it emotionally shocking.
June 2016 to 23 April 2018 & August 2018 – (2 years)
For details, go to >> 2016-2019 – Timeline of Events – Under Directorship of New Partners (CSIS) with GUERTIN & Family
Various psyops were played out and to easily identify them, I called them programs. Each one involved literally removing me (death) – Once he would be isolated, falling to pieces, he would run to GUERTIN because he trusted them – he would depend on them for protection as he’d done throughout his life.
But on 23 April 2018, they stopped going after me as means to grab him. On that day, I called 911, did a police video interview and had date-stamped recordings and supportive documents ready for 9 May 2018 court (so what happened? They barred me from Court premises and replaced my video statement with a false written statement as means to show me as a traitor by slapping an illusionary 5 year jail term on his head and have him run to them – detailed in GRAB – Strategy #3 below). In August 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) returned to Strategy #1 by attempting to have me arrested as means to capture me for termination.
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GRAB – Strategy #2 -> KIDNAPS (5 attempts)
1 April 2018 & 26 April to 9 May 2018
8 March-1 April 2018 – NOTES on LURE Program – LOUIS GUERTIN Operation signature >>False sense of security, tricking/lulling targeted victims – LOUIS the DEVIL with a SMILE
1 April 2018 – The LURE Program FAILED – He escaped “back home to safety” > Mark Seizure #5 – Both GUERTIN Lost Trust Key | He’s out of denial ->> I tried to use their fears & superstitious beliefs against them
GRAB OPS Strategy #2 of 5 – Kidnaps & Court – 23 April to 9 May 2018 – Most Dangerous Time Period for Mark Smith
28 APRIL 2018 – Physician in conspiracy with GUERTIN & PERIARD – New GRAB Attempt | 30 APRIL 2018 – Another Attempt thru COURT – 2 Medical Crimes – Both Failed
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GRAB – Strategy #3 – Court system as means for institutionalization.
March to December 2011 – 3 MARCH 2018 – 30 APRIL 2018 – 9 MAY 2018
Mandating psychiatric hospital by very likely relying on what they had officially listed in his mental health record in 1990s “multiple personality disorder, volatile and dangerous”.
March to December 2011 (3 posts) >> (1) -1983 – Crime setup – Marcel Trepanier & Mark Smith – GUERTIN Savior Lawyer | False Flag 2011 – GUERTIN’s Fraudulent Warrant Missed Jail Weekends (28 years ago) – Marcel & Me as Blame Factors FAILED – GUERTIN Unreachable and (2) False Flags 1983 & 2011 GUERTIN Fraudulent Warrant and also (3) 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015 – FALSE FLAGS & CHAOS by Family with Guertin lurking in background
3 March 2018 – After midnight she called in a fury threatening to use Court system to institutionalize him – it led to sickness until 3am
3 March 2018 – Use of Power of Attorney for forced hospitalization – Her own Initiative? or Peeved with New Partners? Was she frustrated with Promises & Delays Since January 2018?
30 April-2 MAY 2018 – Setup > Court Order Hospitalization – Game Over | 2 May – > Do Something – I Did >> Drop the Court Order Or Else Recordings Come out – Paradigm Changed
9 MAY 2018 – COURT DAY – GRAB OPERATION Failed – GRAB Attempts, Court Order Hospital – FAILED | Last minute, they falsified my statement (the plan was so that he be so horrified that he would have ran to GUERTIN “to avoid jail Mark! you need to agree to return to the mental hospital” – it failed. How it would have worked is elaborated in this post, go to “9 MAY 2018″ >> GRAB OPS Strategy #2 of 3 – Kidnaps & Court – 23 April to 9 May 2018 – Most Dangerous Time Period for Mark Smith
In 2018 Court scams, I get the impression they would have used certain recordings out of context to show how dangerous he was – Two videos come to mind >> 22 January 2018 and 2 February 2018.
In my opinion, a satanic mindset would surely find it brilliant to use these videos as supporting material to justify he was mentally unstable and dangerous. Twist it – there you go bitch – thanks for the recordings.
To view these videos, go to the following posts:
22 January 2018 – HYPNOTIC Killing Persona – GOAL to Kill me then run to GUERTIN for protection – It failed
2-9 February 2018 – “Facebook Cheaters Program” – Causes Mark many Seizures – Departure 9th Cancelled >> Because your Uncle discovered she’s coming after us once you get your money
Why would they have them? I uploaded these videos to Google Drive and in SKYPE to show them what happens after they called – how dangerous it was for me to get killed “look what happened right after you dished out horrific bullshit”.
In 2011, before new partners (CSIS) era, GUERTIN was suppose to come in as his saving lawyer however it failed because I was the obstacle – She tried to set me up “Mark shock factor” but it failed – She forged an arrest warrant “illegally at large”. To know more, go to >> 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015 – FALSE FLAGS & CHAOS by Family with Guertin lurking in background
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GRAB – Strategy #4 -> They played out lures by tempting him to go to them under guise of safe houses and the fake funeral of Michelle GUERTIN.
From mid-August to 11 September 2018
10-21 AUGUST 2018 – Recordings Deleted? Bouvier’s report >> Lyn to be Arrested – Lures Mark in hiding
17-20 August 2018 – Mark very Sick / in Danger / Risk of Arrest Stopped on 19 August 2018
28-30 August 2018 (AUDIOS included) – Mark asked pursue Abuse Charges Against Family & Guertin | Would Include Family Abuse since Childhood | They discovered I had never deleted recordings | Update List of Rec – ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE in HOUSE When updating Entries 22-23 April 2018
LAST GRAB ATTEMPT – By Louis GUERTIN 5-11 SEPTEMBER 2018 >> Case Overview – 1-14 September 2018 – Must press charges – Michelle Guertin Killed Off – Pressure Attend her Funerary Service “Grab attempt”| Bouvier’s Intel Family & Biker Alliance Threats
ANOTHER GRAB ATTEMPT (same period as Louis GUERTIN) – By Dr. B.A. BOYD Mark former psychiatrist, part of the GUERTIN grab organized agenda – 10 SEPTEMBER 2018 >> 10 September 2018 – Dr. B.A. BOYD Former Psychiatrist Greets Mark in Last Attempted Grab Operation
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All four grab strategies 1-4 failed.
If any had worked, once they would have ceased him he was destined for the mental hospital, the GUERTIN containment zone.
Kind of ironic that his former psychiatrist should finally come out of the woodwork on 10 September 2018 (see link above this paragraph) – he was most likely part of the GUERTIN organized Grab agenda from the get-go.
Every organized Grab Op needed the psychiatric point of contact because once you have him you have to have the psychiatrist ready and waiting for the package >> Mark Smith.
But as time went by, he was getting sicker – By mid-September 2018, Mark experienced 11 seizures. He was weak and scared. Easy to control – if they had forced themselves on him, he would have likely had a seizure or started to retch and urinate on self. A 10 year boy could beat him up.
Sickness started 23 January 2018, the day after he was lased through the window. From that point forward, his health started to rapidly decline.
Just to get a sense of his health decline by September 2018, I listed 33 sickness incidents “sick hits” since January 2018 – click here for sick list.
When they realized they were able to provoke sickness, it became another means to grab him – They amp’d it up chances via distress, cruelty and suffering to provoke that he be sick so that we would call an ambulance. Organized. He knew it was a GUERTIN trap (several audios exist that show correlation between calls and sickness provocation “she’s doing this on purpose” << yes provoking hoping we would fall in their medical trap).
By September 2018, he had lost weight, walked with a can, easily frightened, falling to pieces after any bad news (e.g. BOUVIER (CSIS) intelligence reports of imminent threats) – BOUVIER started to provoke sickness in mid-August 2018 – he starts at Incident #23 (see link above).
AFTER mid-September 2018, they abandoned attempts to grab him and resorted to a new strategy led by new partners (CSIS) – no GUERTIN at forefront.
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Strategy #5 – NEW PARTNERS (CSIS) TOOK OVER – New strategy didn’t involve grabbing him –
From Mid-September to November 2018 – Fraudulent Court case while Mark was at home waiting thinking that CSIS was pressing criminal charges in a family abuse case.
At end November 2018, Bouvier from CSIS, announced Mark had won his court case. Since we believed the GUERTIN were dead, we admitted Mark to the hospital (29 Nov 2018) – On 11 December 2018, they realized he would recuperate and someone wanted to talk to me – When that happened, the doctor told Mark he had terminal cancer.
Mark believed him and agreed to be transferred to a palliative centre – after two days, he wanted to get out of there – He even wrestled the nurse refusing injection – The following day, he was comatosed “shut him up before she (me) gets him out and finds out what we really did” – On 16 December 2018 he was dead.
So in this grab strategy, we delivered him thinking we were safe. Since 27 February 2018, we both knew that GUERTIN was trying to get him institutionalized – These people do their crimes using the medical system. They are in position of influence and experienced. I’m astounded to the number of medical crimes they did throughout this case and Mark Smith’s life.
In this strategy led by CSIS, all GUERTIN were gone – Michelle and the SON had faked their deaths – As per BOUVIER (CSIS), Louis GUERTIN was portrayed as an old weak man who was destitute after the death of his so-called sister and his nephew.
I have come to believe that in reality, Michelle GUERTIN and the SON are most likely Louis GUERTIN’s wife and SON.
Now wrap your mind around this . . . the father of the SON while MIchelle GUERTIN was pregnant, was part of the 1979 conspiracy to allow the pregnant MIchelle to have sex with a 13 year old, Mark Smith. The youth was seduced, a virgin. A week later, Michelle GUERTIN announced that she was pregnant – Mark bought it hook, line and sinker that he had fathered her child (Feb/March 1979 at 13).
That was the trap “you are the father” as to how the FAMILY was able to sell him to the GUERTIN . . . “bad bad boy, take your responsibility and go with your new family, don’t come back”.
Here’s the photo taken few minutes after the family was given a well garnished envelope (Mark saw it but thought it was a gift to the family because it was Christmas time) – Mark felt as if his life had ended by then he was 14 (12 September 1979), see photo >> December 1979 Photo.
They found a way to detach whatever was tied to him by fraudulently using the Court system – Whatever was attached to him was most likely set up when they first grabbed him in 1992 – And, although by mid-November 2018, they got what they wanted with Strategy #5, they couldn’t let him live.
Two weeks later, Mark was admitted to the general hospital (Montfort) – he needed serious medical attention. We knew since 27 February 2018, that hospitals were GUERTIN snares. But by November 2018, we believed they were dead.
Since 29 November 2018, Mark was convalescing and resting – We thought the medical threat with GUERTIN was over. They were actually lurking in the background.
Two weeks later, on 11 December 2018, they realized he was recuperating and someone wanted to talk to me – those were the triggers that made them start to premeditate how they would get rid of him.
To pull it off, on 11 December 2018, they got a doctor to agree to dished out a terminal diagnosis as means to get him transferred to a palliative centre and medicated as a terminal cancer patient.
Once there, they started strong medication – After day 2, he strongly demanded to leave and violently showed total distrust for the nurse, stopped her from injecting him with those meds – I had to free the nurse from his grip as he demanded to be taken out of there – made a scene. He died three days later.
IN FEBRUARY 2019, I called CSIS and when I said my name, the CSIS operator sarcastically said By-Y-y-e with a melodious tone and hung up. I then marched into the Rockland OPP station, quite the story.
6 February 2019 – Called CSIS – Said my Name – They HUNG UP | 12 Feb: OPP Station Walk-In| SKYPE “What bullsh!t did you CSIS use to command FLY-OVERS?” | Neighbor Thought his Farm Under Surveillance
Just to give you a sense of how they profiled me >> February 2019 – OPP asked “Where did I get combat training?” Huh?! || At end of day, I failed to protect Smith because I was tricked by CSIS via BOUVIER
Starting summer 2018 right into 2019, just to give you a glimpse of how they smeared and character assassinated me, here’s the list >> 2018-2019 – Character Assassination – False Flags, Isolation & No Help from OPP “no one”
Since they couldn’t terminate me, they did the age old tactic of black marking me >> they entered me in criminal databases and made me a “non-investigative subject”. After Mark passed away (16 Dec 2018), I continued to be monitored, aerial surveillance including stalking.
Oh, and last “visible” stalking was on 5 April 2019 after telling them I would meet and greet them next time I noticed being stalked or pointed at, and I would tell them in front of wives and children “did you know that your father is protecting pedophiles? Do you know what a pedophile is? Ask your father . . . ”
From that point forward, no stalking in my face >> 5 April 2019 – Last Known Stalking from Local People | What was I working on at the time?
Online monitoring continued right into 2022.
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