On 8 July 2024, Dr. Robert Duncan was found dead in his home.
This guy, although not proud of it, was a member of the team who developed “Voice of God” and other snazzy mind neuro technologies.
….about the hive mind experiments. Wait until you hear about the gorilla and the young girl experiment. I won’t spoil it for you . . . let’s just say it falls into the category of horror story material – crimes against humanity.
58 minutes
Other videos on mind control technologies:
How does “Voice of God” Voice Projection work? | How does V2K “Voice to Skull” work?
I strongly recommend the LECTURE FROM DR. GREER entitled GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE PROJECTS >> Dr. Steven Greer – Boulder Lecture – Part 1: Contact & the Cosmos | Part 2: Government & Private Projects | Part 3: Q&A
On 22 January 2018, Mark was lased (laser shot), the purpose was to create a different personality (killer) with false memories of betrayal so that, I highly suspect, effect a crime of passion >> kill me, the dogs and suicide.
The hypnotic state was injected via laser shot and phone call – after he hung up, he had the personality of an ex-con recently out of a long-term jail sentence – and in his mind, I was the informant that sent him away. And while he was in jail, I partied with various men in his house. They artificially injected a state of betrayal and he was suppose to kill me but I broke the hypnotic state 18 hours later and he had his first major seizure (there’s a 911 call in archive for 23 January 2018 for 2011 Joanisse Road, Hammond, Ontario). The laser shot created the start of health decline.
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Mark Smith, my SON and myself have experienced “Voice of God” technology
For me, twice – 19 JUNE 2016 and 24 JULY 2016
2016 (May to Sep) – Suicide Program 1 of 2 – Target: Lyn Champagne – V2K & Voice of God Technology?
Mark Smith, to my knowledge, once on 30 AUGUST 2018 as I saw the repercussion of it – not good.
On 29 August 2018, Mark wanted to press criminal charges against Michelle GUERTIN and his FAMILY.
He didn’t trust BOUVIER (CSIS) anymore and so he asked me to help him get the ball rolling. He was so relieved to discover I had not destroyed the recordings (which I faked doing in mid-August 2018).
On 29 August 2018, the psychopaths also discovered I had a full backup in Google Drive (stashed away).
That evening, I worked non-stop updating the List of Recordings – worked until 30 August and stopped at 03:57am. Within a few minutes all hell broke loose in the house. Their doing, by using Voice Projection technology . . . using it this way:
Mark was sleeping and was awoken when he heard people, more precisely a male and female in sensual discussion, giggling, breathing, you get the picture . . . the guy was fully awake and could hear them (technology driven).
Meanwhile I was sitting quietly at my computer no music in full silence (I couldn’t hear it) . . . then bam!
He rushed downstairs and did a thorough search in house then at least 20 minutes outside – convinced – I believed him that he had heard what he heard but I couldn’t explain it. It is awkward when one doesn’t know if such technology existed or not – it is embarrassing because it sounds woo-woo . . . . and that’s what they want people to think >> that we are nut-bars.
Today, I’m very confident it was “Voice of God” technology.
But just after 4am (30 Aug 2018), the timing was not random, the timing for pulling this stunt was just after I had pressed SAVE on the list of recording that I had been working on non-stop since day before 10pm-ish.
They were monitoring in real time – they’d discovered (29 AUG) recordings were still stored online. And as I updated this document started at 10pm (29 Aug) to 03:57am (next morning). I press SAVE for one of the last times and wait for it . . . wait 5-7 minutes, BAM!
Spoiler alert > they killed off Michelle GUERTIN a few days later (4 Sept).
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The SON fakes suicide on 2 JULY 2018 and I get blamed because I didn’t delete the recordings as prescribed by Interpol (22 JUNE 2018).
And they kill her off on 4 SEPTEMBER 2018 after they discovered on 29 AUGUST 2018 that I didn’t delete the recordings.
It’s those damning recordings.
Hello? Anyone?
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