We met Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD on 10 September 2018.
BOYD posed / impersonated being his new family doctor. Mark thought he was going to meet his new GP (e.g. physical) – BOYD was actually his former psychiatrist – waiting for him – alone. But for first time in 9 years I decided to go with him – to enter the room. Ta-da.
Unknowing what we were walking into, I stopped a grab operation – BOYD was there to greet and grab him. By September 2018, they’d been at it for nearly a year since mid-October 2017. Finally the guy on second base, Dr. BOYD, came out of the shadows.
Why do I say second base? Because one you grabbed SMITH, the second step >> you had to bring him somewhere and that would be the mental hospital where BOYD worked. Right BOYD?
Before I elaborate on how on 10 SEPTEMBER 2018, the unexpected encounter went down, let me tell you what was going on by 10 SEPTEMBER 2018 . . . where we stood.
Keep in mind they had been at it since Fall 2017 and to think they were so confident in January 2018.
On 10 September 2018, for past five days, every day, Louis GUERTIN tried to persuade Mark to join them to attend the funeral of Michelle GUERTIN (fake death). It was a “grab” lure.
On 4 September 2018, Louis GUERTIN had announced Michelle GUERTIN had passed away. We believed it.
Why would they fake her death?
Most likely because five days earlier (30 August 2018), they discovered recording material was organized / prepared. We were ready to go back to what should have happened on 9 MAY 2018 with my video statement of 23 April 2018 – Mark wanted Michelle GUERTIN and his family criminally charged for abuse.
Why not the SON? Because we believed he had committed suicide on 2 JULY 2018.
Recordings are videos and audios that show what happened after he would hang up with them such as the conflicts and progressive sickness they caused.
During last two weeks of August 2018, lure attempts were initiated by BOUVIER (CSIS). He would scare Mark into thinking his life was in danger and then suggest that he be relocated to a safe house. Occasionally, Louis GUERTIN would call to support BOUVIER’s claims.
By end August 2018, Mark was wary of Bouvier (CSIS) – he was avoiding his calls. They knew (in house monitoring intel >> our discussions).
Since mid-October 2017 they had been at it . . . and in January 2018, they were very confident . . . and here we were in September 2018, recordings and all, Mark no longer falling for it.
On 10 September 2018, Mark was meeting for the first time, his new family doctor – They called to scheduled the appointment.
For the first time, in 9 years, I decided to accompanied Mark to his appointment – I entered the room – usually I waited in the car.
When I entered the room, I extended my hand. Dr. BOYD grabbed my fingers (half baked handshake), the man was nervous. He looked disoriented which could have been perceived as reserved and mild mannered – a shy guy – uneasy.
Then I noticed he didn’t take blood pressure, heart beat, didn’t know where things were in the room, disconnected.
When we asked for pill renewal, he fiddled with his computer then excused himself – then came back few minutes later with answers relating to prescription renewal – he did this three times – the last time he was gone for at least 5-6 minutes.
At the appointment, I assumed Mark didn’t know this guy – the doctor didn’t seem to know him – first time they met – nothing pointed to the fact that they knew one another. Nothing.
I thought he was an actor – I was convinced this guy was impersonating being his new family physician.
By September 2018, I expected anything from the GUERTIN network. We’d been counteracting these psychopaths since mid-October 2017.
His name is Dr. Bryan Alexander BOYD, I will venture he never expected he would have to register his name on pharmaceutical refills, click here.
While in the room, I became slightly paranoid when Mark pointed to the camera – I felt we were being observed.
I’ve come to realize that my presence skewed their grab – I can just imagine the backroom discussions as they watched us >> “what do we do now?”
As we were about to leave, Mark in a way too familiar tone and inappropriate posture (disturbingly looking like a child), said >> “Hey Dr. Boyd, I’ve been experimented a lot on, hey?”
[The moment that came out of his mouth, In a split second I experienced a overwhelming feeling that I can only describe as “ shock, horror, embarrassment, “now you are displaying mental illness – you look creepy you just met this guy – this guy will be uneasy . . . what the hell are you thinking saying this to this doctor, are you insane!?!”]
But without missing a beat, with a too familiar tone and stance, Dr. Boyd took a step forward leaned toward Mark and said >> “Yes you have Mark” – melodiously like “o-oh ye-ea-ah ”.
They locked eyes smiling.
As they smiled, Mark reminded me of a school boy getting attention and approval – he looked mental. Disturbing.
Whereas Boyd facial composure reminded me of a wolf in sheep clothing – he showed teeth – brazen – out of character – not mild mannered – Unabashed.
As if, this guy forgot I was there. They were having a moment together – they were close – psychiatrist-patient relationship.
Then Boyd turned and went on his merry way.
Immediately, Mark turned to me excitedly smiling and nodding “you see, I told you, I wasn’t bullshitting you, hey? Hey? ”. Awaiting for my acknowledgement.
I was floored. They shared history – a long relationship – psychiatric experiments.
Mark became a little boy in the presence of this psychopath who showed he was still able to influence him.
He was his psychiatrist from the past – And not a good guy, sneaky, he was there posing as a new family physician – He was working with GUERTIN.
I STOPPED A GRAB – For past five days, Louis Guertin had been at it – He would have been immediately sent to the mental hospital under care of BOYD. Mark was already registered as his patient.
They never expected I would be there. It caught BOYD by surprise – that’s why he was disorganized and nervous – That’s why there were no medical instrumentation (blood pressure, stethoscope, etc.). It was a grab.
If Mark had been alone, once he closed the door to the room, I will venture the crew would come in. I also suspect that with a few trigger words, BOYD would have control over him – Then sedate him by injection – ambulance to the institution – leaves on a gurney unconscious by ambulance.
Bring him directly to an institution under Dr. Boyd’s care. As I mentioned before, he would be heavily drugged and incoherent.
After 1992, they recorded in his medical file that he had multiple personality and dangerous. He didn’t even know until we discovered it through a physician called Dr. Levasseur (2010).
At first, this physician was afraid of Mark Smith. After a year, Dr. Levasseur came to realize this guy didn’t have multiple personality and wasn’t dangerous.
I strongly suspect that in 1992 during psychiatric experimentation, they created the multiple personalities.
Each time they attempted to grab him, the mental hospital was most likely always the destination.
Dr. Bryan Alexander Boyd has most likely been the contact since 1990s.
In 2007, after his suicide attempt, I believe that his stay at treatment centre (three months out of their medical grip) and then with continued visits with counselors in Cornwall while he lived on Mohawk Cornwall Island (dry island) for a year, many triggers were removed while others may have laid dormant.
However blind trust fixation with GUERTIN remained and BOYD still able to control him psychologically.
Last time Louis GUERTIN called for her funeral was next day, on 11 September 2018. That would be the last time a GUERTIN would be at forefront dishing out disinformation as means to have him to join them.
After mid-September 2018, new partners (CSIS) took over. A new strategy – the family became the enemy – CSIS with black helicopters on demand giving the illusion of protecting us.
On 10 September 2018, they couldn’t grab him because I was there.
2017-2018 – Role played by Boyd.
I will venture he was in conspiracy since mid-October 2017 – Just think of 12 October 2017 – In my case, if my kidnap had succeeded, I was going one way – So I get lured in a vehicle, they sedate me and I wake up god knows where – no ties to BOYD.
I wasn’t GUERTIN’s package, Mark Smith was. With me gone, Mark in distress, he would have run to the GUERTIN for protection. Job done.
22 JANUARY 2018 – LASER SHOT & Awakening Killer Personality as means to attack me.
I strongly suspect a psychiatrist was involved on 22 January 2018 – took over the call and dished out trigger words to awaken one of the dangerous personalities they most likely implanted in 1990s.
On 22 January 2018, shortly after being laser shot through the window, the SON called. With a few words, the SON was able to hypnotize Mark – change his personality to one of a very dangerous individual.
For a long time, I couldn’t understand how the SON could have that much control to hypnotize using his phone and to pull it off in a few minutes.
I’ve concluded that it is very possible that after saying “Hi Dad”, he could have passed the phone to BOYD (3-way conference) – With just a few word, able to change Mark’s state of mind, it even came with a set of memories – now that’s control – This doctor would see Mark as one of his creations. BOYD would know Mark more than Mark knew himself.
During that short phone conversation, I could hear Mark >> “Hi Son, yeah yeah . . . ok . . . hm hm . . . yeah . . . ok . . . yeah . . . ok . . . bye” the call lasted no more than 2 minutes. He hung up and came in the front room where I was, and this guy had a different personality with a different set of memory of who he was, who I was, and our history together.
This hypnotic personality was very dangerous – when he hung up, I pressed RECORD – it’s the first recording in the collection of recordings.
For details, go to >> 22 January 2018 – HYPNOTIC Killing Persona – GOAL to Kill me then run to GUERTIN for protection – It failed
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