2 hours.
Since 1979, Mark SMITH knew GUERTIN were Knights Templar –> Tthey always claimed to be generational Knights Templar (Freemason).
Soon after they “bought the youth”. he spent two weeks in France, to a chateau and winery that GUERTIN claimed to own.
Considering the pedophilia, human trafficking and 10 years later, the psychiatric enslavement they did in order to legally mark him as mentally ill and dangerous (for future recuperation of their human-animal SMITH) >> until the time came to premeditate his death (SMITH was slotted for death the moment they bought him), so considering all of the above, GUERTIN clan is pure disgrace to the values and ethics of Knights Templar. Inversion.
In addition . . .
Throughout 2018, New Partners (CSIS) hid their identity by posing as Knights Templar. Until February 2019, I was convinced the Templar organization were the people who wanted to terminate me and who were monitoring us, protecting GUERTIN . . . . TEMPLAR name was used as life threat agent.
- More details in post >> 21-27 September 2018 – Start of Psyop That Succeeded – How We Were Hoodwinked
Throughout 2018, they (New Partners CSIS) went out of their way to enforce the perception they were Knights Templar – I remember thinking/baffled >> What happen to Knights Templar? What’s going on here?
Here are dates that come to mind:
15 FEBRUARY 2018 – After writing a poem called “Tragedy of the Lost TEMPLAR“, the SON called and with rage wanted me to know that his father was a generational TEMPLAR, a REAL TEMPLAR – huffing and puffing. Notice he said “his father” . . . . Mark was so blinded by trust that he didn’t even picked up on it (audio exist – link end of post)
- The poem was actually very nice . . . about the sadness when a TEMPLAR loses his way . . . In JAN/FEB 2018, I perceived the SON as a lost soul. As time went by, I saw/perceived the SON as a psychopath, incarnate demon with his demon-hag mother, the pedo-handler. Crass people, virus to humanity.
Throughout MARCH 2018 during the Lure for Mark to join the organization, the SON had snickering remarks and threats that the Templar would deal with me . . . apparently they knew how to deal with my kind.” (wow, my kind? yes non-satanic, Christ consciousness, right . . . total inversion as Templar protects my kind.)
7 APRIL 2018 – LOUIS GUERTIN enraged threatened me and my children – threats of sending the Knights Templar to deal with me. Also on that day, LOUIS shouted >> “Do you know who I am?!!” (wanting to boast his high ranking in the brotherhood) – – – Gee LOUIS, I don’t know WHO you are but I sure know WHAT you are. There are so many come-back answers to that open/closed question. You are a disgrace pal.
30 APRIL 2018 – Botched kidnap by so-called Templars (Freemasons) – When we returned home, we were told that the TEMPLARs had left town – So you can appreciate the continued charade that Templar (Freemason) were the bad guys.
27 JUNE 2018 – Apparently, Knights Templar were no longer going to kill me (right).
The above were just a few dates I remember from the top of my head. But there is more.
The SON hid behind Templar like a coward –> “The Templars are coming for you . . . The Templars know how to deal with your kind . . . etc.”
The GUERTIN often referred to me as “your kind”, “her kind” , “my kind”, “that kind” . . .
So what kind were they referring to?
Here’s what I thought at the time and why.
Read on . . .
What I thought at the time >> 8 FEB 2022 >> Using Templar / Freemasons to wipe out Merovingian lineage? If you can’t corrupt then eliminate?
WHY would I think this? READ THIS >> 20070207-20120915-20151128-20161113-Early-Christianity-Remembrances.pdf (4 significant events that would be of interest to real Knights Templar – there are other events that I have not written about perhaps in the future . . . not now).
Event of 7 FEBRUARY 2007 was amazing –> A significant group of people at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Ottawa witnessed it . . . The priest Marcel Gervais violently reacted – He couldn’t face me, he exuded pure hatred for . . . my kind. Read the PDF doc above.
- Well, we are MANY here right now at this time on this planet – For a long time I thought this was the reason for being targeted for elimination . . . Knights Templar protect my kind so you can imagine my dismay and shock throughout 2018 (one page) >> 20210413-Magdalene-CLAN-Suppress-Eliminate.pdf
Oh, and I know how it sounds but it is what it is.
P.S.: I was targeted for elimination well before I met Mark SMITH and the GUERTIN (2009). I believe New Partners (CSIS)’s circle/network is highly responsible for the targeting – In 2015, when they joined GUERTIN, first choice to isolate SMITH was by eliminating me. This has been ongoing for a few decades.
To this day, I still shake my head as to what are the odds that I should meet someone (SMITH) who was also targeted but for different reasons.
The universe works in mysterious ways – I met Mark SMITH the day before he returned on his FAMILY’s doorstep on Christmas Eve 2008 – Last time he had seen his FAMILY, it had provoked suicide (Christmas 2006).
GUERTIN and FAMILY, eventually resumed the agenda to grab him for either psychiatric hospitalization or suicide (less overhead). This time they couldn’t get to him because of me.
New Partners was detected in Fall 2015.
By February 2018, I wanted him OUT of my life. But on 27 FEBRUARY 2018, as he laid on the ground having a seizure, I shockingly realized they not only wanted to eliminate me but also him. I made a conscious decision to protect him.
One of SMITH’s worst fear was to be trapped in a hospital at the mercy of GUERTIN.
On 13 December 2018, his nightmare came true – dead 3 days later.
Be well within
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 MARCH 2018 –> Michelle GUERTIN and the SON decree that he is unfit and needs to be institutionalized “extreme gaslighting” – She threatened to use COURT to have him forcefully removed – This is when I realized this tactic had most likely been tried/used in the past.
Mark SMITH was afraid to wake up strapped to a bed in a psychiatric hospital at the mercy of GUERTIN >> Here are three slides done 22 MAY 2018 that show the level of coercion and intimidation on 3 MARCH 2018, click here.
15 FEB 2018 audio when SON shouts that his father is a real generational Templar >> 10-15 February 2018 – “Reliable Source” Program – Gang Leaders & CSIS Intel > Lyn Champagne Dangerous to Mark, Son & Michelle Guertin – Triggered Gangster Personality | 13 FEB – Recordings Stopped Gangster & Reliable source becomes LEPAGE
- Audio also found in this more recent post >> 13-18 February 2018 – Uploading Two Recordings Changed to Organized Crime Setup & Escalated to Full Force Kill Program – I Was Empowered Just Before FFK Started
Himmler and Hitler HATED HATED Knights Templar and FREEMASONS as well as Rudolf Steiner who was a mason and more.
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