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On 27 MARCH 2018, the identical recurring nightmare by Mark’s mother and SON stopped. Their identical dream charade had lasted 9 days.
I will venture when they at the monitoring station overheard my lucid dream that morning, they contacted GUERTIN coaching him to hold off – I will venture GUERTIN contacted Mark’s mother to do the same.
I couldn’t say a word against his mother and the SON as he trusted them – My fake lucid dream had been the best way to counteract them by shifting his attention towards Michelle GUERTIN who he hated and despised >> My fake dream injected in his psyche that the veiled lady in black laughing beside his dead body was Michelle GUERTIN – it made sense – Hadn’t she threatened to have him forcefully removed, like a fvcking sinister oppressor? Yes indeed she had on 3 MARCH 2018. There’s your veiled lady in black.
From that point forward, Mark’s mother and the SON would fake how relieved they were the recurring nightmare had stopped . . . how horrible it had been . Mark’s mother and the SON working together – how about that.
By 30 MARCH 2018, the new game was to convince him to leave earlier than planned on 13-14 April. The SON was the forefront influencer – no one else was in position to convince him to leave, only the SON.
Instead of using conflict to pit him against me, the SON convinced him there was no point staying any longer. “She doesn’t care, look how she ignores you . . . no point dad come and join us don’t stay there, it’s unhealthy” .
The SON was commiserating with him “only solution is to leave dad” – Among other things, I will always remember “no point kicking a dead donkey . . . “.
Since 16 March 2018, the SON had kept him in line to make sure he wouldn’t change his mind – to just ignore me the Templar would deal with her (me). The SON would call when they (monitoring station) would overhear or pick up that he was losing interest or too friendly with me..
The SON made sure Mark stayed away, to bid his time until he left to join them – On 16 March, they had four weeks to go (13-14 April 2018).
While they tweaked him to ignore me, I was accomplishing a lot – I was free.
For past few months, the psychopaths had purposely slowed me down and now I wasn’t hindered – When I was interrupted, I was impatient “What do you want? sorry no time, leave me alone, call your son” and I would return to what I was doing.
20180401-1-1.26-Last-call-I-dont-think-so-leave-me-alone-im-busy.mp3 – In this audio, he talks of “being in love”.
Illusionary euphoric state of “being in love” was psychologically / emotionally injected via a staged lucid dream on 9 November 2017. Before mid-October 2017, he considered me as a friend – no sexual contact (he wasn’t interested nor was I) and definitely no talks of “being in love” just like a witchcraft spell like we see in the movies.
Many people confuse that euphoric state with real love, it’s not. Totally different states of being – In fact, someone in that euphoric state can kill / be destructive if they experience deep cut of betrayal or rejection . . . . In late 2017, that’s what they were aiming for >> “if I can’t have you then nobody will now I hate you . . . ” Perfect crime of passion..
Effecting a crime of passion failed because I didn’t engage no matter how much he begged. I stayed away – no cleavage, no make-up, no perfume. If I had owned a burka (Islam) it would have been the appropriate time to wear it. Bottom line: I made sure I looked like Plain Jane Champagne..
- 9 NOVEMBER 2017 – ORGANIZED – Staged Managed Dream – Sexual Obsession & Infatuation – In Prep for Crime of Passion in Jan 2018? Most Likely.
BACK to late MARCH 2018 . . .
They overheard our in-house conversations – They knew I didn’t care if he left. As far as I was concerned, by all means, please go, I insist. I wanted to be left alone, go join your son.
1 APRIL 2018
So they were two weeks earlier than planned >> “Dad you might as well leave tonight – just get to the Ottawa station to catch a bus to Montreal . . . it will be ok dad just get to the bus station.” He would meet them in Montreal, Quebec.
On 1 APRIL 2018, early evening, he left thinking he was joining them.
I did offer a ride but he refused and took a taxi. After he left, I returned to my project finally free to work.
Along his journey to Ottawa, he was in constant contact with the SON “the pied piper”. When he got there, men were excitedly pointing at him “It’s him! ” – Mark SMITH is street smart, a survivalist, he didn’t stick around. He hid in alleys and bushes and eventually called me, he was out of breath in hiding.
Monitoring folks overheard us. They knew the mission had failed. This should have been easy. It was not properly planned “last minute” and that’s why it failed. Should have had an already laid out plan and a team on stand-by “on call”. Disorganized.
The best way to lose them was by hopping on a bus – eastbound. I would leave, he would call me and we would meet up exactly where he would get off.
I picked him up sometime between 1-2am on 2 APRIL 2018. He had minor injuries like a sprained ankle and scratches.
Soon after getting home, he was sick – chest pains, retching, weak.
The SON was no longer trusted. As per MARK -> “He turned out like his mother”
The SON didn’t call until 3 APRIL 2018, MARK was impatient – He started to call him “fvcking clown”. MARK compared him to Michelle GUERTIN who he had come to hate and despise.
No >> Michelle GUERTIN and her SON were distrusted.
No >> The Family had no influence so they stayed in the background.
Yes >> Up to this point, Louis GUERTIN had always played the good guy, the savior, the patriarch.
Yes >> Character Terrence LEPAGE from New Partners (CSIS) Team, trusted Private Investigator, hired 13 FEBRUARY 2018, didn’t call often and when he did, calls were one-way conversation, short calls. Light British accent.
It’s quite possible Terrence LEPAGE and Luke BOUVIER were the same person. We didn’t know BOUVIER yet. By mid-July 2018, after the SON’S faked suicide, BOUVIER appeared at forefront. In mid-September 2018, BOUVIER bragged he was good at voice impersonations.
The only one who could influence to leave was the SON. Burnt.
Mark was out of denial, they were out of our lives at forefront but monitoring everything.
At the time, I thought GUERTIN had first hand intel (from monitoring devices) – They didn’t – The Strategist and his team did. They intercepted all communications including satellite feed on the property.
The GUERTIN depended on them for information and direction – “next steps”
It puts the monitoring folks in the driver’s seat.
They could pick and choose and twist what to tell them or not tell them . . . you know, tell them what you need to tell them to get them to react how you want them to react and then to do what you want them to do while they think they are choosing what to do “the illusion of choice”.
By now, the GUERTIN were most likely frustrated and slightly discouraged. Since late 2015, they had followed guidance / put their faith in New Partners (CSIS) and wasted too much time trying to remove me as means to isolate him.
What was supposed to be easy “no one gets their hands dirty” led to exposing them as predators, lost trust key held since 1979. In addition, I had collected incriminating stuff and put it online of all places (oh my) . . . telling people.
Don’t blame me, blame New Partners (CSIS) – Their fault with their fixation on removing me.
The GUERTIN were no longer bushy tail and joyful. And to think they had canceled his leave on 10 FEB 2018 just to try one more time to do a crime of passion to feed New Partners’ obsession.
And now they couldn’t even call to influence. He didn’t trust them.
6 APRIL 2018
On morning of 6 APRIL 2018, Mark’s mother and the SON claimed, in horror that the identical recurring nightmare was back. And this time, Nicole PERIARD’s son Anthony claimed he also had the nightmare and had almost removed the veil covering the face of the lady in black laughing beside MARK’s coffin. Then he blurted out obscenities as to what he would do to her.
Since MARK didn’t trust the SON, we immediately thought he was faking for attention, to regain entry in his life “Dad”. Mark brushed him off . . . “just a fvcking clown . . . like his mother”. They overheard us . . . Uh-oh can’t use the dream again – The SON will but with a different spin (8-10 April).
I couldn’t say anything about Mark’s mother or his nephew – Mark was blind because they were FAMILY**. On 3 MAY 2018 he discovered FAMILY was working with GUERTIN – It sent him on a suicide run.
** Mark blinded . . . just like it wasn’t in my consciousness until 19 November 2019 that the FAMILY had sold him in 1979 to GUERTIN, fatherhood cover (wow) and then in 1992 to actively participate in the organized mental breakdown and mental hospital for psy re-arrangement for GUERTIN’s agenda – 1992 is the point of enslavement >> legally marked as mental. Frankly, on 19 NOV 2019, I was blown away for a few days. It opened up / changed the course of the investigation.
Back to 6 APRIL 2018 . . .
Immediately after busting their dream scam, I headed to my front room.
I knew >> the GUERTIN were superstitious, knowledgeable in black arts, any kind of divination.
- By what MARK told me, based on past history, Michelle GUERTIN had recourse to divination practitioners as means to attempt to influence people, events or situations – They believed in that stuff (and so did Mark’s FAMILY including Mark).
. - I am not superstitious – I don’t scare easily – open-minded skeptic. Although I am knowledgeable in esoteric practices, beliefs and in the occult in general, I am not a practitioner but I have studied theology and the occult from an early age.
What I didn’t know >> The GUERTIN were not directly eavesdropping / monitoring. They were getting second hand intel. But in my mind, I thought the GUERTIN had first hand monitoring intel. I didn’t know of the existence of New Partners (CSIS).
. . . So I stormed in my front room and voiced out that the Ancient Ones wanted me to seal the name of Heartless One in writing using Enochian, the Language of Angels. From this point forward, I vocalized everything I was doing. I even removed the sticker over my Webcam.
Then I did a theatrical play of learning Enochian (refresher) – very demonstratively done. Then I proceeded to write in Enochian >> Michelle GUERTIN was my Substitute.
It looked like this:
As I said, I was very theatrical in my gestures – Dr. John Dee would have been impressed. He was the personal magus of Mary Queen of Scots.
Then, not too long after, a Raven fell in the fireplace. Was this a common occurrence? No, it was the second time in 9 years.
It was perfect timing. Right on schedule if you are into omens and superstitions – wonderful. I leverage it, made sure they knew it was acknowledgement that Ancient Ones had receive it. The seal was done.
I took a 3 second motion photo before capture and release:
A distinct pearl grey helicopter flew by. At the time, I thought it was GUERTIN.
The reality is the GUERTIN high likely knew nothing of what I had done including the Raven incident which from an occult perspective would have freaked out many. The family saw me as a super psychic with powers especially after that out of the blue colorectal operation stunt done on Nicole PERIARD in 2013 >> Michelle GUERTIN’s doing.
Here’s an example on the power of suggestion >> On 2 JANUARY 2016, when FAMILY came back no longer afraid, very cocky and all . . . I told PERIARD >> each time you will lie, you will gain 3 pounds (3 pounds per lie). If you don’t lie for a full month, you will lose 5 pounds per month. Six months later, the woman had gain over 6o pounds. Some people to whom she told, would tell me that they had stopped lying and guess what . . . they had lost weight.
Folks, that was just power of suggestion – nothing woo woo here to see. It was all in their minds and through the years, I played on their fear as means to keep them away. I made myself bigger and taller than what I was. Scare at the spirit “hocus-cadabra . . . boo”.
So I see the distinct pearl helicopter and I think it’s GUERTIN who are reacting from what they overheard and most likely saw.
“IT’S OK (to go to the hospital), IT’S OK BOUVIER KNOWS”Keep in mind, at the time I had overrode BOUVIER’s directive to wait for his call to go to the hospital. Fvck BOUVIER – the psychopath hadn’t called since 23 NOV 2018 and Mark was still waiting for this guy to call. On 29 NOV 2018, I call for an ambulance – the GUERTIN were dead, right? hospital safe, right? wrong.
The point here is that the helicopter was tied to NEW PARTNERS (CSIS) and not GUERTIN.
Tied to the one’s who had first hand raw intel from COMM intercept – not GUERTIN.
I don’t know what they told GUERTIN >> but the next day LOUIS GUERTIN called outraged and enraged. As far as we know, they could have told him anything to get them to react with outrage.
Tell GUERTIN what you need to tell him in order to get him to involuntarily experience emotions you want him to have like consumed with rage. Wonderful.
One thing I know for sure today, is that with this website, the GUERTIN now know exactly what transpired.
7 APRIL 2018
Late morning, dring! dring! . . . Oh hi Louis. What? What? LOUIS GUERTIN was threatening me and my children. Claimed he would make sure my daughter, a military police, lost her job . . . then he carried on how he was going to send the Knights Templar to deal with me.
When we asked what was the problem? LOUIS blurted out that I was the delay for the release of Mark’s inheritance.
AFTER HE HUNG UP >> Mark was super angry with me because LOUIS claimed I was the delay for the release of his inheritance – here’s a clip from the dated full length recording >> 20180407-3-2.00-Reaction after Louis-threatens.mp3
Here’s another clip from the same date-stamped full length >> 20180407-2-2.18-After Mark hung up with LOUIS GUERTIN.mp3
Since there was no inheritance, I will assume that New Partners (CSIS) came up with an outrageous story-lie telling LOUIS GUERTIN that whatever was riding over Mark’s head (identity) was delayed/halted because of me.
LOUIS was so outraged that he shouted: “DOES SHE KNOW WHO I AM?!?”
In addition, Mark told me with surprised puzzlement that Michelle GUERTIN was freaked out hiding behind LOUIS. Mark asked me “What did you do?!?” to which I replied: “. . . nothing”.
BOTTOM LINE > > > WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY WERE REALLY REACTING TO . . . . Ask New Partners (CSIS), they were in the driver’s seat.
Since I thought GUERTIN was directly monitoring, I returned to my front room and again wrote in Enochian that Michelle GUERTIN was my substitute. There you go. I didn’t care who this human known as Louis GUERTIN thought he was – just a fvcking bully enslaver, full of himself as far as I was concerned . . . . and the gull to be pissed off because of the delay of being unable to terminate me.
At the time my stance was >> “ . . . I’m the delay because since 2016 you’ve been trying to eliminate / kill me and you’re angry? (wow). And now that she’s my substitute it means she will be slotted the fate you had in store for me. Plus, you are using the Knights Templar as threat agent just because you are having a hard time terminating me? Get bent Louis ”
Since three times is a charm, hm . . . I would do it the third time on 8 APRIL 2018 but this time include in Enochian that the SON would carry Mark’s pain.
On 7-8 APRIL 2018, no one reacted. Of course not, the GUERTIN didn’t have access to first hand intel. hahaha.
On 8th APRIL, the SON would put a new twist to the identical recurring dream. Mark’s mother didn’t participate.
NOTE: I would see the distinct helicopter for the third time on 16 DECEMBER 2019, the one year anniversary of Mark SMITH’s murder and this time directly low above the house.
Next post to come >> 8-17 APRIL 2018 – disorganized – trust lost – Mark coming back to his mental sense.
Spoiler alert >> The SON would regain entry in our lives on 18 April 2018, courtesy of trusted character Terrence LEPAGE (New Partners CSIS). And bingo! they succeeded to have him reach homicidal rage – If I didn’t call 911 I was at risk of getting killed in coming days.
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