A GUERTIN’S MEDICAL crime signature with NICOLE, accessory, aiding & abetting.
The physician convinced him the reason why he was so sick was because he had a blood clot in back of his skull . . . a ticking time bomb – They expected him to agree to let the physician call an ambulance – not go to hospital on his own.
Mark refused no matter how much the “nice” physician insisted with his sister NICOLE pleading he goes “faking concern”.
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On 23 April 2018, after I called 911 and gave a video statement at the OPP station, a no-contact court order was issued until his first court appearance. He would live at his sister/mother’s house until court day.
LATE evening 25 April 2018 – I uploaded the start of a document >> these two pages – 20180202.0209-extract-22may2018.pdf and 20180202-09-Full-Length-Recording-Compilation.pdf – from this point forward, 4 grab operations would be attempted. First one was the next day.
The next day 26 April 2018, Michelle & Anton Guertin attempted to grab him in the parking lot of a Shopping Centre – His sister Nicole Periard gave the signal to time and location
When it failed, he returned to his sister/mother house, they seemed uninterested to listen to him. The next day . ..
27 April – He called me because no one would listen to what had happened with the grab – his Uncle Marc no longer visiting sister/mother house. Mark did not feel right – different symptoms – difficulty standing up, shaky, dizzy, nauseous.
A .mp3 clip (1:55 minutes) when he called me > 20180427-[01.55]-MARK-on-HOW-ATTACK-GUERTIN.TREPANIER.SHOP-MALL.mp3 **
By the 28th, he was feeling worst — I highly suspect Nicole poisoned him** just enough to have him willingly see a doctor on the 28th – the next GRAB attempt.
**Nicole Periard has a medical signature – she is connected with the underground medical network – she is renown to spike food and drink – very knowledgeable in pharmacopeia. This is verifiable information. Many would agree -> here’s what I mean “Sixth Sense – the poisoning scene”.“Oh no, not kind and innocent Mrs. Collins!!” – Indeed. On 15 December 2018, 12 hours before he died, I cut 6″ strands of hair – it provides 15 months worth of DNA Forensic material for analysis (start point Fall 2017).
28 APRIL 2018 – tricked for grab
28 April – His sister coordinated/drove him to a care centre in Orleans — the physician gave a very serious diagnosis >> alarmingly announced he had a 6mm blood clot behind his skull. The physician was very insistent he be immediately rushed by ambulance. VERY INSISTENT – the physician could not understand how come he was still standing. Very serious Mark.
FOLKS THERE NEVER WAS A BLOOD CLOT – It was organized for a grab***
In MARCH 2018, the son called him alarmed to tell Mark he had gotten hold of Mark’s medical file and it showed a blood clot – The son faked being very concerned about for Mark.
Oddly, Mark hadn’t had any physical/MRI examination that would have showed anything of such medical nature. The son claimed to be a physician, Mark would not question the integrity of his SON, right? Right.
So the continuation with a “NEW” physician using the same misdiagnosis ties it to these people. That’s the link here.
Mark called me upon returning home. I was devastated. I recorded our conversation:
Mark feeling worst (regurgitating foam) and now a doctor who with convincing concern says “doesn’t understand how he is able to stand up? Immediate medical assistance, ambulance”
The physician willingly agreed to misdiagnose him (using the SON’S Blood Clot alarm) to freak out the patient in order to get him to go by ambulance – – – >> A GRAB. The son and mother Guertin had failed to grab him on 26 April 2018.
This time, it should have worked. In both cases, Nicole Periard was involved. On the 26th she gave the signal to time and location. On the 28th, she coordinated and drove him to the Urgent Care clinic.
The BLOOD CLOT prognosis by the son and by the physician. A scary diagnostic – being slightly poisoned is a good way to get someone to not understand what’s going on with self. Priceless. Pure evil.
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I took him out of there . . .
29 APRIL 2018 – I had strong premonition HE WAS GOING TO DIE/something bad would happen to him IF HE STAYED at his SISTER/MOTHER’S HOUSE – He sounded worst from one day to the other and there was no reason – – – – – TAKE HIM OUT OF THERE! >> I called him: Hey Mark do you want clean clothes?
When I got there, he got in the car and said “they are acting strange something is going on babe”
Oh yeah? Get your stuff inside come back to the car and you’re coming home. We did.
UH-OH. What would the family do now? I was breaching the No-contact order – would they call the cops?
30 APRIL 2018 – – They did not call the police “surprising I thought at the time” >> instead his mother called to announce L’Orignal Court would demand medical court order. <– ANOTHER GRAB scenario.
Today in retrospect, I wish they would have called OPP for breaching the “no-contact” order – <– For my defense, I would have shown the recording compilation to the officers and report the GUERTIN for attempting to grab him at the Shopping Centre (26 April 2018).
Later in afternoon. . . we had a bad encounter at Sobey’s grocery.
20180430-D.E.-Sobeys-5men-1fem(same.GT.7may).jpgI was so tired – they were relentless. I emailed two people asking for suggestions on what to do: PK-20180430-HELP-Divine-interventionPlease-URGENT.pdf
30 APRIL 2018 – Where we stood:
- Medical Court Order – he would be taken away and institutionalized.
- I would most likely be charged with abuse – cooked.
What did we have (assets)?
- Police Video statement at OPP that named them as responsible; and,
- Date stamped recordings – organized.
They hated ME – She guaranteed I would loose everything. Now she aimed to succeed – since January she’d been at it.
_ _ _ _ _
2 MAY 2018 – Where we stood:
At wake up, I realized they were bidding their time. They are waiting for court day – it’s in the bag: court order and abuse charges – bingo.
WE WERE TRAPPED. Then I had a brilliant idea:
Since they listened to our voice outs in the house, I dished them a message “The ultimatum” Drop the medical bulllshit or else the recordings come out. Here the date-stamped audio of the message recorded that day:
Listeners discretion advised: 20180502-5.34m-LC-VOICED-OUT-Drop-MED-BS-ORelse-RECORDINGS.mp3.
THEY DROPPED IT THE NEXT DAY BUT TWISTED IT AGAINST ME. I was recording him to set him up.
He SIDED with them > > > he wanted to have me charged with mentally abusing him – he was leaving, would call OPP to escort him out – do a police report in the system – (doesn’t that sound familiar?) and “see you in court” – the family would be supportive in the case – we have a police report – EXACTLY just like 21 December 2011.
After the ultimatum, and they dropped the COURT MEDICAL LIE – – – NICOLE Periard tried to manipulate him by saying SHE TOO HAD RECORDINGS ON GUERTIN <– I never told them I had recording BUT THEY KNEW I DID SINCE 26 APRIL 2018 just past midnight >> 20180503-E-527-2.37pm-NICOLE-Mark-back-ORLEANS-ABUSE.Lyn-THEY-HAVE-THINGS-GUERTIN-TOO.mp3
3 MAY 2018 – The day he realized the FAMILY was in conspiracy with the GUERTIN. HE HAD A SEIZURE and after he went in SUICIDE MODE. It took four hours to snap out of it.
GUERTIN and the FAMILY were never trusted again.
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NOTE: If you have read other documents on this website, you might have noticed that in older POSTS I referred to a “body of doctors” as MED-CORPUS as part of the network of conspiracy. In early investigation, I noticed that they had RECALL to medical files, psychiatric doctors and other physicians as part of the crime circle.
Here’s a revealing doctor appointment that occurred 10 AUGUST 2018
10 August 2018 – Mark had scheduled a doctor’s appointment with his regular physician’s office. Apparently, he had recently retired. For this appoint, I would attend (go in the room with him). Dr. Ning had retired and there was a “New” doctor – During the appointment, the “new” physician was fidgety, nervous – he felt like a fake doctor – his name was Dr. Boyd. I noticed Mark was comfortable with the “new” doctor.
Mark was there to renew prescription pills, “heart” pill and blood pressure.
Each time I asked questions about medication or other, he’d fidget (furtive eye movement) then he would leave the room and come back with answers (3 times). I noticed he was unfamiliar with the room setting (content location) including tools like the big 4″ thick medical manual – he felt like an impersonator “not a real physician”.
When he left the room (to get answers), Mark pointed to the camera in the room as we waited for his return. We were being observed.
Here’s the thing it was a new doctor but Mark knew him from the past as a patient.
That was revealing. I didn’t yet they knew another.
THIS IS HOW I DISCOVERED >> As we leave the room Mark said to the physician >> ” I’ve been experimented a lot, hey Dr. Boyd?”
He immediately responded >> “Yes you have Mark” With too much familiarity, he slipped out of character without realizing it .
Mark turned to me with a slight nod and smile as if to validate >> as if to say “You see?! I wasn’t bullshitting you”**
**He had told me how they experimented on him – until then I had always taken it with a grain of salt.
Now what kind of experiments? >> psychiatric
High likely 1992 and beyond – When they (GUERTIN and FAMILY) institutionalized him at the Royal Mental Health Centre in Ottawa – To secure Power of Attorney for Guertin and legal custodian for Nicole Periard (Family).
This physician was in conspiracy with the crime circle.
The medical file seemed to stand-out very often during this case – I used to call the group “Med-Corpus” <- a medical body of governance <– a term you will surely read in early documents posted on this site (2019-2020).
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No wonder Mark feared being hospitalized.
Although this is only one person (this case), how many others of which we don’t know?
I can not help but think of the NUREMBERG CODE (Medical War Crimes).
The Significance of the Nuremberg Code
(source: The New England Journal of Medicine)
The medical network was in conspiracy as early as 2009** – the Power of Attorney is a means to get access to financial assets – I believe they were at a standstill by mid-July 2014.
A new financial partnership was most likely formed as early as 2015. The introduction of CSIS representatives at forefront during Winter 2017 – one could impersonate but not get away with it for 2 years without getting caught. These folks were open about and had access to electronic monitoring, other spying technology including aerial command of Police and Military fly-overs “on demand”.
**18 December 2009 – FORGED LETTER “MEDICAL”– A means to an end for future operation – they would eventually need to isolate him, grab him, incapacitate him.
Mark and I had been living together since 29 May 2009.
THEIR PRESENCE “New financial partnership” who would help them incapacitate Mark ->> brought with them >> psychological “smoke & mirrors” which was detected in mid-December 2015 –> the use of electronic monitoring and psy technology of projection (e.g. shadow people) – this technology exists since WWII and was in use as early as 1950 on unsuspecting people.
INTERESTINGLY, by DECEMBER 2015, the FAMILY more precisely NICOLE PERIARD was back in chaos mode just like before MID-JULY 2014 – On 14 July 2014, the chaos and any eventual GRAB operation of MARK by Guertin and Family was at a standstill. In December 2015, they were back on track:
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GUERTIN MEDICAL CRIME SIGNATURE.- – NICOLE Periard accessory, aiding and abetting.
Poison highly suspected few days before the appointment on 28 April 2018.
He had new symptoms, shaky hardly standing up.
Nicole coordinated the appointment and off they went.
Mark was caution of hospitals because of past experiences with NICOLE and GUERTIN.
The purpose of making him sick and escalating is HIGH LIKELY to get him to a hospital (call 911) – it would trigger established op procedure – The SICKNESS start point is 23 January 2018 >> first seizure (only one for which I called 911) and down hill from there . . . they amp’d to cruelty to provoke / elevate sickness from Jan-April 2018
Seizure after seizure then it changed after the suspected poison by NICOLE 26-28 April 2018) >> new symptoms are abdominal pains, foam, retching, dizzy spells, escalating to defecating on self in AUGUST 2018 <-- family and Bouvier took over for the GUERTIN at forefront.