These are the final moments of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena Ceausescu’s lives after being found guilty of plundering Romania’s wealth and resources for their own self-enrichment. They were executed. They ruled with an iron fist and people feared them tremendously. The people rose up against control and corruption and revolted.
In this video, at first, Elena was in denial. Then she was insulted “how dare you touch me! do you know WHO I AM!” , thinking she was still in control to punish and oppress as if entitled. Then, when she realized it was over . . . she acted like a victim “ahhhhhhh noooooo ahhhhh”. . . . priceless.
(Note: Each time I watch this, I stand up and clap. Bravo.)
1:09 minute
That behavior is what I would expect from Michelle GUERTIN. Full of herself as if people exist to serve her and if you don’t comply the demonic hag comes out “you will be dealt with and punished . . . no one gets away from brilliant magnificent Michelle GUERTIN . . . because i’m entitled! HOW DARE YOU!!
Before she came at forefront in January 2018 like a psychopath, everyone who knew her, feared her.
Oh yeah?
- Since summer 2017, I had asked several times to meet her face-to-face – After pressing to meet, she announced she was out of cancer surgery and would be convalescing until JAN 2018.
. - In 2018, MARK told me (something like) >> “She would never want to meet you! She fears intelligent women . . . She’s comfortable with low-lives like Nicky (PERIARD).”
The woman is mentally ill – fearful creature who happened to be in position of influence – A crook in the legal system and medical system – a pedophile and responsible for organizing the murder of SMITH in December 2018.
In February 2018, they were planning to set me up with a crime. Oh yeah? I uploaded many things to SKYPE and this is one of them (below).Michelle GUERTIN
The above is a date-stamped screenshot from SKYPE – 23 February 2018 – Uploaded after knowing for past week that they were planning to set me up (frame) with a crime to forcefully have me taken away – It was their solution after they realized I was secretly recording them.
Prior to uploading this, I uploaded incriminating material, like the 1979 photo and more.
16 FEBRUARY 2018 – I overheard them “she demanded the shipping bag I received from Thailand – online purchase” – To have heard them was a gift from Divine Providence. But then I had to do something, figure it out, so . . .
From 18 to 24 February 2018, I uploaded incriminating material in SKYPE – included external people by giving them access to my Google Drive – asking them to download files off-site. They did.
By then I was ready for the knock at the door by police handing over a false arrest warrant like Michelle GUERTIN did in March 2011 to get Mark arrested under false pretense so she could come to his rescue and complete the job (grab done). And this was well before New Partners (CSIS) came on-board (2015).
BUT >> ON 24 FEBRUARY, 6:30pm, I uploaded a recording where I was questioning Mark as to WHY DID MICHELLE GUERTIN want the shipping bag I received from Thailand? (They were highly planning to do a drug smuggling crime setup).
After uploading that recording, all hell broke loose >> the start of the Full Force Kill Program – It got so intense and dangerous to be killed that I had to leave my house.
This is the kind of crass being protected.
In March 2018 to Mark SMITH –> “Come come my son and join the TEMPLAR organization for your induction as “your” SON rises in degrees in the brotherhood.”
“. . . Memories that you and your son will cherish forever.”
Did it work to make him leave and join them?
Of course it did. But they botched kidnapping . . . . doh.
1 APRIL 2018
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
-1983 – Crime setup – Marcel Trepanier & Mark Smith – GUERTIN Savior Lawyer | FALSE FLAG 2011 – GUERTIN’s Fraudulent Warrant Missed Jail Weekends (28 years ago) – Marcel & Me as Blame Factors FAILED – GUERTIN Unreachable – she let him rot in jail under false pretense. Why not rescue him? because blaming me for his arrest failed – I was supposed to be portrayed as the bad guy and she was to come in and save him.
2011 – GUERTIN w/t PERIARD – Organized Operations – Forged Arrest Warrant & 2 Attempts to Set Me Up
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