This post is the continuation of >> 2016 (May to Sep) – Suicide Program #1 of 2 – Target: Lyn Champagne – V2K & Voice of God Technology?
After 14 SEPTEMBER 2016, they couldn’t evoke in me the emotional state required to commit suicide – Planting thoughts in my mind to trigger didn’t work anymore – it became mental pollution like a cheesy song playing over and over in one’s mind.
In early October 2016, the thoughts in mind were hammering “trying trying trying” and that’s how I realized these thoughts were transmissions of sort.
Until I discovered mind technologies existed, I didn’t dare write publicly about 2016 because it would have sounded too woo-woo for many which in turn, could have potentially led to losing credibility.
Now it doesn’t.
By early October 2016 they up’d the ante and started to target my son while still targeting me – there’s an overlap in attacks. They will stop directly targeting me and will focus on my SON . . . targeting me through my child.
This is an old tactic >> to attack the loved ones of a target. They did the same thing with my father “to get to my father, they targeted his family”.
By early October 2016, I realized the suicidal thoughts were not mine – Who or what is doing this and why?
In 2016, I was clueless I was being targeted, clueless of the Mark Smith agenda, clueless that neuro-technology existed, etc. The only new thing in my life since June 2016 was joining Connecting Consciousness – During investigation, years later, I uncovered that in 2016, select people in CC were targeted with technologies – I believe that’s where they got the idea to use it for the Mark Smith agenda.
Let’s go to 16 OCTOBER 2016
This is from my handwritten log entry 16 October 2016:
- “. . . the thought of suicide crossed my path on the 6th and a few times between 8th and 13th and I also felt attacked. . . “more so to be mindful in the emotional state of love.
“. . . I also felt attacked . . .” << push the pedal to the metal “kill yourself. kill yourself” << not my thought, it doesn’t evoke the emotional state needed to commit suicide”
- HEAVY ANGER, HATRED, ANCIENT, GOTH-LIKE / OLD WORLD >> An oppressive energy that I recognized from >> mid-February 2015, then again would in >> early July 2017 and on >> 26 August 2017, which is the day I would decree as the day the Strategist (new partnership) came on the job full-time – Their golden tool was full-blown monitoring online, in-house, satellite feed on property – Keep in mind, that Intel (from monitoring sources) is as good as the Strategist – this individual was most likely a psychological warfare specialist and yes, the job title exists in military and intelligence circles.
.Best musical piece to give you a sense of the energy >> Dante’s Inferno
What did I learn?
Implanting thoughts to activate involuntary emotional response in order to get you to do things is not fool proof – Planting thoughts by itself has no value IF IT CANNOT EVOKE THE DESIRED FEELINGS/EMOTIONS REQUIRED TO CARRY OUT A DESIRED ACTION.
SO KNOW YOURSELF and be sovereign of self
“the mind can be like an unruly child, so learn to quiet the mind and you choose how you wish to feel” –I recommend you watch this 20-minute video >> Self-Empowerment – How to Observe and Transform the Energy of Emotions
Early October 2016 >> Overlap with my son . . .
- Handwritten log entry 16 October 2016:
“Two weeks ago (start of October 2016), my son was having a great day – Out of nowhere, this thought appeared: “Your mother is dead”. It messed him up for the rest of the day.”
“. . . he started to see demonic apparitions” – appear & disappear -Three dimensional.
- Is this being done by demons / demonic forces ?
- Are they are going after my SON because they cannot affect me?
About supernatural demons . . .
On 3 MAY 2018, as Mark was having a seizure on the floor, I was convinced it was demonic and I started to talk in an ancient language which translated to “putrid creature how dare you come in my house, parasite, now that I know you can’t hide, etc”
Then I said “FUCK YOU” – At the time, we didn’t hear anything respond but in Spring 2019 while listening to full-length recordings for 3 MAY 2018 (for the first time since recording, we can hear a guttural voice give an intelligent response >> “FUCK YOU <slight pause> YOURSELF!”
From an esoteric perspective, demonic entities would be attracted to them and the shit they do – they are in a sense demonic marionettes.
Demonic entities would fuel / feed / influence them to push perversions, depravity, cruelty, pride, greed, torture, eugenics, crimes against humanity in order to feed off their victims’ suffering, fear, despair, self-harm, sickness, meltdown and death.
These people carried the energetic signature of satanism – they exude it.
On 3 May 2018, we uncovered FAMILY was in conspiracy with GUERTIN and that sent Mark in a suicide spin – It took over 4 hours to clear it. In January 2007, family was responsible for provoking suicide and here again on 3 May 2018.
A link to post 3 MAY 2018 is found at the end of this post.
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Another incident when I thought it was supernatural demons was on 27 AUGUST 2018.
But on 27 February 2019, I realized it was technology at a distance.
Each time I would talk in my car that GUERTIN were demons hosted in ugly human carcasses, I would soon after (immediately or same day) experience car problems – It happened four times >> 27 August 2018, 27 February 2019, 27 April 2019, 29 July 2020.
What I didn’t know in 2016 but know today . . .
These were not supernatural demonic forces . . . It was man-made >> “psychopaths with technology”.
It’s different, isn’t it?
Think about this >> No matter what banishment techniques or ritual you perform, it will not work – you will think that they are powerful demons . . . .
When in reality, the human psychopaths are sitting back, mocking and increasing oppression as they eavesdrop via monitoring, then gauge on what next paranormal-like psychological trick to pull << imagine the shit they can do. They can make you believe you are being attacked by demons, so-called bad ETs, shadow people via holograms, voice projection, voice in mind, etc. wow.
And now just think of the people who have been targeted and didn’t fare well >> mentally unhinged and/or destroyed.
Since Fall 2012, the FAMILY claimed Mark was to inherit a large sum from the LAVERGNE ESTATE. They kept Mark going with this story-lie weeks into months into years. The FAMILY, more precisely his mother Theresa LAVERGNE and Jean-Louis LAVERGNE, eldest Son of old man LAVERGNE, were the main characters dishing out dates, extensions and excuses for delay.
Mark didn’t go seek the inheritance THEY BROUGHT IT UP and carried it through the years.
By early October 2016, things became worrisome, new excuse and delay but this time, it was caused by the ESTATE Executor, Jean-Louis LAVERGNE for de-frauding the ESTATE and getting caught (criminally charged – of course it was a lie as there never was an inheritance). It was the new excuse so now they could dish out “we don’t know what’s going to happen – everything is on hold”.
After all the years of excuses, extensions and delays for something that wasn’t true, this excuse was worrisome “executor criminally charged for defrauding the estate”. wow.
As far as I was concerned, I didn’t care for the inheritance. I continued forecasting my financial portfolio . . . and not buying into suggestions such as “Lyn go ahead and go buy a new vehicle because the inheritance is coming soon” – I didn’t forecast my life around Mark’s future wealth – Mark was a friend, we were not romantically involved, we didn’t sleep together – I was his best bro.
But the plan was >> once he got his inheritance he would buy my house. I wanted my freedom so I could leave anytime I wish.
PIVOTAL POINT IN TIME >> 24 OCTOBER 2016 – “a uh-oh moment”
Because of the alarming situation with the Executor, I needed to talk to Theresa LAVERGNE, Mark’s mother.
On early evening of 24 October 2016, Mark was in the shower and the phone rang.
I knew it was Theresa, so I answered.
She confirmed he was getting an inheritance and then I told her I had a two-year window to sell my house, her tone changed >> she became cryptic and whispered:
“You should sell your house now and move far, go anywhere but go very far away, ok Lyn? Bye.”
I highly suspect she knew they were going to terminate me.
She also knew her phone was tapped.
She was afraid of Michelle GUERTIN – I knew this since 2010.
In 1979, when Theresa sold him to the GUERTIN under guise of fatherhood of the GUERTIN SON, she didn’t expect them to enslave him, to put legal life-strings over his life – That’s where Nicole PERIARD, her daughter, comes in play >> Since 1990s, Nicole agreed to be in conspiracy with Michelle GUERTIN –
PERIARD is a petty criminal and registered child abuser. I strongly suspect Michelle GUERTIN (lawyer) rescued her from criminal charges more than once. GUERTIN owned PERIARD.
Since 2009, family with GUERTIN lurking in the background maliciously created chaos in our house. In mid-July 2014, I took action. Here’s the confidential email I sent on 13 JULY 2014, click here – PERIARD’s brother, Bobby Lavergne forwarded it to everyone who despised her. Two weeks later they were ran out of the community. After that email went viral, FAMILY and GUERTIN stayed away from us . . . until they allied with the new partners (CSIS) by mid-2015.
I waited for MARK to get out of the shower – He was shocked.
In late afternoon, he called her. He told her that he needed her legal expertise to straighten out the release of his inheritance – And that his FAMILY were playing mind-games and now the Executor, Jean-Louis LAVERGNE had defrauded the Estate.
He might have even told her what his mother had told me the day before . . . (unknowingly putting Theresa on a do not trust list / a danger to the operation)
He called the predator.
Before he hung up, he told her to tell Anton “the SON” to call him – “Mitch! Mitch! I don’t drink anymore, tell Ant ok. Tell him Dad doesn’t drink anymore! Tell him to call me!”
He hadn’t seen them in over 12 years.
Last contact with her via phone might have been 2007
while he was at treatment centre
(suicide attempt – family provoked)
Post >> 2007 – Family Confess to Abuse After Mark’s Suicide Attempt – Grandmother Chenier Contact Treatment Centre
She immediately agreed to take his case. Of course she would, we had just open the door to have her at forefront, no longer lurking in the background – now she could be in plain sight . . . right?
After he hung up, we were both relieved.
What can go wrong? >> It’s the mother of his child, she’ll be all over this.
“No one messes with Mitch. She will do a good job because our son will be the primary heir to my Estate. She never liked my FAMILY. My mom is afraid of her, etc.”..
With Mark, Michelle GUERTIN had a reputation of being quick to come in as SAVIOR “fixer”, in a few days. expect a call back tomorrow or next day. Right?
. . . Three weeks later, 15-16 November 2016, we hear back from her.
Why did it take three weeks?
Here’s what I think . . .
When Mark called her, the suicide program targeting my SON was in progress.
The GUERTIN saw themselves as the clients & new partners (CSIS) were the service providers, strategists, contractors, project lead.
New partners most likely promised termination at a distance (using technology) – no one gets their hands dirty.
In 2016, no one was to get directly involved.
And Mark had called her. In this investigation, it becomes a telling point in time.
Under the directorship of new partners (CSIS), she was high likely told to sit back and wait for my SON to kill himself.
Why three weeks?
Because on 13 NOVEMBER 2016, they stopped targeting my son after I did something – 2-3 days later, she made contact.
Why stop when my son is about to kill himself later today or tomorrow?
Since they were most likely forced to stop using technology, they came up with a new strategy to remove me that would start in new year 2017, and this time without technology other than full blown monitoring and ancient psychological tactics.
By this time, my SON was being haunted by demonic apparitions. He reminded of an early 20th century fundamentalist preacher shouting bible quotes and religious incantations.
Since he is a reborn Christian, for past few weeks, he was voicing out banishment statements “in the name of Jesus-Christ” – one would disappear and another one would appear. To add insult to injury Jesus would appear staying in the sidelines and doing nothing.
If one didn’t know better, you would think he had schizophrenia. Imagine the psychological mind-melt.
How do I know he wasn’t delusional?
Because, on 19 October 2015, I experienced an amazing hologram and I took the time to examine it thoroughly (for my logs) – Although it looked solid, heavy and clay-like texture with details, I suspected it would disappear the moment I would try to touch it so I took my time. And as I thought, it disappeared the moment I touched it (empty space).
When he described his apparitions, they had the same texture, solid three-dimensional form, clay-like. He compared them to Pixar/Dreamwork 3D like characters.
I never told him about 19 October 2015.
Those holograms came from the same source.
After 10 November 2016, demonic apparitions escalated. He had become a witch-hunter from Inquisition period. I don’t know how to describe it to convey the total change over.
We communicated by phone – he lived 120 miles away.
13 NOVEMBER 2016 – What I did cause them to stop . . .
It got so bad that I reached out via email to someone in the UK who could help. My son was on the brink of killing himself as means to escape the demonic entities who had been after him for several weeks. In addition, he thinks the Muslims want to kill him. If they can put in mind (V2K) thoughts, then why not also do the Muslims who live across the hall.
Now thinking about this . . . it was man-made, not supernatural evil beings or so-called bad ETs.
My son Max Spiers
During that weekend, I discovered Max Spiers. I experienced a strong deja-vu connection. Genetic. Same body structure, same height, 2 years difference in ages – think of OAK TREE and IBIS projects. Max Spiers was the push to reach out. At the time, it seemed as if the moment I made the connection, they amplify with my son.
I wondered if there was a connection with the amplification . . . you know, I discover Spiers, feels like family, I have a holy shit moment, then my son calls with disturbing talks, and it escalates from that point forward. I’ve put a short list of Max Spiers videos at the of this post.
Here’s the email >> 20161113-email-helpreq’d-critical.pdf
And here’s a small document (one page) with more details why I believe we have a genetic tie >> 20161113-photos-notes.pdf
Here’s a snippet from a document date-stamped 31 DECEMBER 2017 called “In the Shadows” – it’s about my experiences with shadow people and this was one of those times.
IMPORTANT >> In early 2017, I discovered the recipient read the email weeks later.
On 14 November 2016 – I send an email to the same people with one liner >> “Thank you. Everything is fine now. It has stopped.”
One of the recipient, replied >> “I don’t understand” – a few months later, someone close to the recipient offered to do a clearing for my son. He had difficulty understanding that it had stjopped abruptly by next day. He didn’t believe me – I had to convince him.
Exactly >> not supernatural. MAN-MADE and that’s why it was stopped abruptly. High likely forced or made to stop.
Certainly not out of compassion. They were almost done so what happened?
I don’t have the answer but I think they were forced to stop perhaps out of their own volition and maybe not. It’s obvious that the email was the trigger.
If not then . . .
Did the demons read the email . . . grew a conscience, or got scared and stopped? or how about angels also got the email and they fought the demons away with warnings never to return.
it was technology manned by deadly people working on the Mark Smith agenda.
And here’s an interesting observation >> the person to whom I sent the email? well, his group was being targeted with same type of technology. He is located in the UK and one has to wonder if another intelligence agency intercepted the email.
The point here is that they STOPPED when they were just about to get my son to kill himself – WHY STOP? not compassion take that out of your mind . . . . so it’s being forced to stop . . .
In addition, at the time, I thought we were being targeted for genetic reasons. no no no . . . it was the Mark Smith Agenda to which I was clueless. In fact I would only realize by 22 January 2018 that they (GUERTIN) wanted me dead.
By 27 February 2018, I knew they wanted me dead as well as Mark.
From this point forward, they stopped for Christmas – vacation before the operation continued – this time they would not use technology (perhaps they lost access I don’t know) but they would take the long road by tweaking Nicole PERIARD to eat out of their hands and AGREE to re-introduce the SON in Mark’s life . . . to foster trust “my Son loves me, he is the one I trust the most” –
Once father-son trust would be established, they would launch PLAN A:Kidnap/Terminate Champagne- Once I disappeared, he would be falling to pieces and contact the SON and Nicole PERIARD (family contact). The first choice to deliver Mark SMITH to GUERTIN was still to remove me – make me disappear – but they would use traditional psychological means and now they had to come at forefront – the suicide programs had failed and I truly believe they lost access to certain technology.
Now they would get their hands dirty . . . keep in mind they were super confident the job would be done by mid-October 2017, then again super confident when GUERTIN crashed in our lives in January 2018 – they thought it would be done within a week >> 1-30 January 2018 – 1st MONTH with Michelle Guertin and fake SON at forefront,
Here’s the 2017 timeline
12 OCTOBER 2017 – >> PLAN A played out and it failed – They were so confident it would work that they didn’t immediately have a PLAN B.
Then they did a STAGED LUCID DREAM as means to inject obsession infatuation and over sexed – It was comparable to a witchcraft spell of sexual obsession (like in the movies). The point of doing this was so that they expected me to sexually engaged – I STAYED AWAY – but if I had, they were planning to come in JANUARY 2018 with shocking disinformation of betrayal – they were aiming for a crime of passion. On 9 NOVEMBER 2017, they used technology to induce a STAGED LUCID DREAM this is a way to inject new emotional tendencies and obsessions (more to come on this in future post).
When that failed, they laser shot him on 22 JANUARY 2018 and injected his mind with the personality of an ex-con who was recently out of a long term jail sentence. He had discovered I was the informant who had sent him away. And to add insult to injury, while he was in jail, I had several men over and we partied in HIS HOUSE.
He was suppose to commit a crime of passion but I broke the hypnotic spell 18 hours later . . .I’m going to stop here. The above was just to give you a sense of what happened after the suicide program was abruptly stopped by 14 November 2016.
ABOUT LASER TECHNOLOGY (4 minute video clip) >> 20221111_Lasershot-22 January 2018.mp4
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Max Spiers Videos
- Max Spiers – Important Interview – 2016 – Trigger video.
- Max Spiers – Last Interview (12 July 2016) – He died 4 days later – suspicious death.
- Max Spiers – 2015 -Unplugged
The guy was a targeted individual – Knowledgeable of these technologies & ancient psychological tactics.
3 MAY 2018 – Guttural voice – intelligent response, go to >> 3 MAY 2018 – Talk of Marriage caused Seizure – I shouted LEAVE HIM ALONE – Guttural voice responded “F&CK YOU YOURSELF” (audio) Shortly after we discovered FAMILY & GUERTIN were TOGETHER | Mark goes in SUICIDE Program | NICOLE PERIARD is Primary FAMILY Point of Contact post 1979 | Stalked Next Day (4 MAY 2018)
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