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9 JUNE 2018
For past few weeks, MARK knew the 5-year jail term sentence dished out on 9 May 2018 would be reduced to probation – My conversation with the Court Administrator on 10 May 2018 was most likely influential (see post above 9-10 May 2018). In reality, he was not guilty.
But we were made to believe that if we pushed to overturn guilty charges and if I gave supportive material to the Crown Attorney, it would hinder the release of his inheritance. Let it go. RCMP are after Michelle GUERTIN. Be patient.
Prime influencer was LOUIS GUERTIN. The only one left standing to keep the narrative going.
- On 15 MAY 2018, an individual claiming to be RCMP called to announce Michelle GUERTIN had been arrested (see post above 14-15 May 2018 to read why they most likely did this) . . . Soon after, Louis GUERTIN substantiated / validated that it was true. LOUIS became a daily caller to keep the story alive, weaving updates and new development twists.
. - Michelle GUERTIN was under RCMP investigation – Building a case – On a watchlist – Just a question of time – Her motive was the inheritance – The SON was her sidekick.
That was the running story. Did I believe it? Yes.
The perception was that LOUIS “her brother” was doing everything he could to make sure Mark’s (fake) inheritance was safe until it was over for Michelle GUERTIN – She had (legal) control, secret codes, already spread out the inheritance in various accounts which she only had access to, etc.
The SON was profiled as maman’s pinocchio because she held the purse strings – Lowest on the food chain – Sent in the background.
- Patriarch of GUERTIN family, the oldest brother. The sane one – Not a psychopath.
- Able to control his sister Michelle GUERTIN but not quite.
- When he was unable to control her, he was apologetic and outraged “huffing & puffing” – Showed empathy – Conveyed being ashamed by the actions of his sister and nephew. (wife and son?)
- After mid-September 2018, he played the frail old man grieving the lost (death) of his sister and his nephew who committed suicide. Shamed. Expulsed from the Brotherhood – Destitute.
16 September 2018 – How They Killed Off LOUIS GUERTIN Sent Him In The Background – Weaving Story-Lies Using My In-House Voice-Outs & Online Comms
Mark went to his grave admiring this guy. Poor Louis, right Mark?
LOUIS came in as savior – You can trust LOUIS – Saved Mark from being forcefully institutionalized on two occasions – 6 March 2018 and 3 May 2018. In both cases, claimed to have stopped Michelle GUERTIN from using COURT to have him sent to psych ward and having me criminally charged with mental abuse.
Praise monsieur LOUIS.
You can imagine our dismay on 7 APRIL 2018, when mild-mannered LOUIS called threatening me and my kids – Shouting he would send the Templar after me – Shouting “does she know WHO I AM?!” – Angry claiming I was the delay for the release of (fake) inheritance which was most likely the delay on getting a grip on SMITH in order to get what was over his previous non-legal identity “Mark Trepanier” (baptismal certificate).
- To know more about name “Trepanier” go to post above 29 May 2018, in that post go to section “About the SON using last name Trepanier“.
On 7 APRIL 2018, Mark sided with LOUIS. If LOUIS was upset and said I was the problem for the release of his inheritance then it had to be true. LOUIS would never lie, not mild-mannered Louis who had saved him from institutionalization and me from getting charged with mental abuse.
After 9 JUNE 2018 . . .
A few days later, people seeded doubts about me . . . I had enough.
By 16-17 JUNE, I forced him to read with me the list of recordings as well as the Summary of Events (see post above 22 May 2018). I made sure he understood – read/elaborate/explain, etc.
At the time, I didn’t want him to listen to recordings because he would hear how psychotic he was after hanging up with either of them (GUERTIN) – I sensed it would have most likely made him think I was setting him up – triggering distrust in me. I couldn’t risk it.
It worked. He was convinced >> We had to push forward and attempt to get Michelle GUERTIN and “his” SON criminally charged for what they had done. He was onboard.
Sorry LOUIS, we are doing this – There’s nothing you can say to stop us. It will help RCMP.
- (I have to admit I was puzzled why RCMP had not contacted me if they were building a case – So I would go to them. They must have panicked. Hurry! Must do something before she contacts them and a few days later, they did.)
After MARK agreed, he was stalked each time he went out. Afraid to go outside, he was living at his apartment – curtains closed – living in fear – the stalkers all looked alike, bald.
Since they could overhear in-house voice outs, every day, I started to voice out that by 22 JUNE 2018, Michelle GUERTIN and the SON would be arrested for what they had done to us.
I gave daily lectures, monologuing that they were enslaving psychopaths, inhumane level of cruelty, no remorse nor shame, leveraging suffering most likely reveling in the progress of decay, provoking illness like fvcking demons at level reaching crimes against humanity – threats of forceful institutionalization – eugenics – psychological abusers – deadly – satanic – no conscience.
About them being arrested by or on 22 JUNE 2018 . . . was my prediction correct?
On 22 June 2018, two so-called INTERPOL agents with OPP sergeant (Flint) known in the community, physically came to announce GUERTIN duo (mother & son) had been arrested and deported to France – Apparently, LOUIS GUERTIN had reported them – The OPP presence gave the impression that it was true – nice touch. They insisted I destroy the recordings – Keeping them would be perceived as ill will (hidden bad intentions). – Said I was no longer monitored.
Mark believed it – They told him he would no longer be stalked . . . If I destroyed the recordings.
Mark to me >> “you’re going to get rid of those recs hey babe?”
Me >> Sure.
The Director, “the Intel King” decided to tell us they had been arrested – I wonder where they stole/got the idea to do it on 22 JUNE 2018? They had to counteract us before we contacted RCMP (so I thought at the time) . . . Keep in mind, they were always one step ahead of us because all calls, online communication or discussions were overheard. The ones with access to electronic monitoring were/are KING.
At this point in time, I didn’t trust OPP (because of the swapping of the genuine VIDEO statement for a false statement on 9 MAY 2018 – barring me from COURT under threat of arrest . . . wow).
Why choose 22 JUNE to pull fake arrest? Here’s an image that says it all:
The above image was created in early October 2019 before uncovering Directorship was New Partners (CSIS) – not LOUIS GUERTIN and the Templar Knights / Freemasons.
They had tendency to use in-house conversations / statements and weave them in their story-lies.
After 22 JUNE 2018, Mark no longer wanted to pursue anything.
Since I didn’t believe them, I started deep diving in the recording material. I experienced hostile stalking. I told people about it – I asked them to download all the recordings stored in GDrive (offsite copies). They know who the people are, they saw the emails (Canada and UK).
I focused on a specific time period 24-27 February 2018 because February was the most dangerous month for getting killed or forcefully removed via crime setup – As I worked, I targeted the SON, I gave lectures / told him to kill himself like they had repeatedly told me to do, impatiently demanding it as if they were entitled.
- I believe they thought they were entitled because suicide was a promise made by New Partners (CSIS) as early as 2016.
Then think of the crime setup from 16-23 February 2018 . . . I’m convinced that if they had forcefully removed me from home with a warrant, they were most likely going to do an organized jail cell suicide – only one overnight is required to pull it off. The GUERTIN were too impatient and demanding it as if it was due.
On 2 July 2018, they faked his suicide and blamed me.
Did I believed he was dead? Yes.
Would I now destroy the recordings? No. Michelle GUERTIN was still alive, recordings stay.
- A few days after the fake suicide, on 6 JULY 2018, while no one seemed to be paying attention. I did a full backup of all uploaded recordings into an obscure GDrive sub-sub-folder and never went back – nobody noticed – out of sight, out of mind. And I stopped deep diving on points in time / stopped working on the recording material. There you go.
. - But by 10 August 2018, the pressure to destroy the recordings (BOUVIER CSIS) became intense so I destroyed the original folder of recordings they were focused on – Afterwards, BOUVIER (CSIS) and FAMILY were openly hostile – no fear – the foe-SON faked death and the recordings were destroyed . . . let the games begin.
. - By 27-28 August 2018, Mark no longer wanted to have anything to do with BOUVIER (CSIS). We were back at wanting to press criminal charges and this time it included the FAMILY . . . and surpri-ise! here were all the recordings they thought I had destroyed (remember that sub-sub-folder on 6 JULY? they didn’t know) . . . A few days later they killed off Michelle GUERTIN.
On 6 February 2019, after calling CSIS and they hung up after I said my name, I called RCMP. The person at RCMP told me to contact OPP. I tried to tell him that I couldn’t because CSIS and OPP were together in the crime I wanted to report . . . I sounded like a nut-bar – The person at RCMP persisted that I call OPP.
There I was in no-man land, no one who could help, no law enforcement I could trust. After a few days of reflection on my situation, I decided that the best way to approach OPP was to physically walk in the station, not to call.
It was very revealing and not in a good way.
The point here is that calling RCMP after mid-JUNE 2018 would have been futile . . .
Next post 22-30 June 2018
- Fake arrest by INTERPOL & OPP, how that went down and what ensued in following days – Among the many things that happened, I was stalked (hostile) – it got so intense that on 27 June 2018 8pm I emailed people to let them know that my life was in danger – please make sure you have uploaded the recordings I stored in the Google Drive (offsite copies – people in 1 Canada and 2 UK).
Mark was laser shot behind the leg – he was sick for 3 days – Heavy flu like symptoms aches and pains even his hair hurt – It caused the resurgence of seizures and lead to defecating on self (loss of dignity) – accelerated health decline.
I strongly suspect the first laser shot occurred in November 2015 – that shot delivered a payload (three little sacs of liquid which I carefully extracted) – Today, I wish I would have preserved them but at the time it was the start of what was to come. There was no way of predicting what the future held – clueless. However Fall 2015 is when New Partners (CSIS) started to insert itself in our lives. Read this:
. . . right, blame ETs . . . wrong it’s man-made. His mother talked too much as if she knew about it.
Second shot >> 22 JAN 2018
22-23 January 2018 – Lased through Window – Ex-Con Personality w/t False Memories – Deep Sense of Betrayal – Setting Stage for Crime of Passion
On 29 NOVEMBER 2018, on X-Ray we could clearly see the marking lower left lung caused by the laser shot of 22 JAN 2018, here’s a photo (of what it looked like),
(click to enlarge)
And third laser shot end of JUNE 2018 as mentioned in this post – serious flu like symptoms – resurgence of seizures and accelerated health decline.
FORENSIC BIO MATERIAL (collected 15 December 2018)
This 6″ strands of hair was cut a few hours before he died (16 Dec 2018 @ 4am) – It equals 15 months which brings us into Fall 2017.
We have time markers such as another bio-sample taken two days after the laser shot on 22 JAN 2018.
Another time marker would be the suspected poison by poisoner Nicole PERIARD end of April 2018.
Another time marker >> He stopped smoking cannabis in first week of May 2018 – never smoked again – he didn’t smoke cigarettes. No alcohol (dry date 16 January 2007).
Then we have the next laser shot in late June 2018 which could potentially be another time marker.
This hair bio-sample has been properly preserved and stored for future forensic analysis to show this guy didn’t have cancer as they tricked him to believe as means to have him agree to be transferred to a palliative centre.
After day 2, he wanted out – They comatosed him to shut him up and make sure I wouldn’t extract him from there – Three days later he was euthanized. His worst nightmare came true – GUERTIN medical organized crime – They didn’t need New Partners (CSIS) anymore – For this grand finale GUERTIN flew on their own.
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