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After 16 JUNE 2018, they knew we want to find a way to press criminal charges against Michelle GUERTIN and her SON who at the time we didn’t know, wasn’t Mark biological child – The father-Son cover was set in 1979 to make the youth 13 believe he was the father – The means for the family to sell him to GUERTIN “go go with your new family – you are a father now” – pure evil.
But they were always one step ahead because they overheard all our conversations, phone calls and online exchanges. As I mentioned in the previous post, RCMP insistently referred me to OPP – that was a problem because I couldn’t trust OPP.
I suspected COM interception as early as Fall 2017 >> online monitoring including telephone. However, the reality uncovered during investigation is >> they’d been monitoring online since 2015 and in-house conversations most likely since January 2016.
On 13 February 2018, I began to leverage the fact they monitored as means to get them to react – as means to change the course, my fate. Write to them in SKYPE and I was right.
There was no point getting upset about it, instead it was an opportunity to influence them – shake them, change the course when possible.
I have no doubt about this >> Without the Internet, I would have high likely been killed by mid-February 2018 either via crime of passion or by that crime setup they were planning – With my death or disappearance, they would have had Mark SMITH much much earlier –> isolate – grab – immobilize – euthanize. No one would question as the family was in on it and my grown up children were clueless – they would have seen my murder as a crime of passion with Mark SMITH solely responsible for it.
Without the Internet, it would have been very foolish to tell them I recorded / or even to taunt them because I learn early on that they twisted what I wrote/uploaded in SKYPE (twisting against me like they did on 24 Feb 2018) –
With Internet, I uploaded recordings, wrote them messages in SKYPE and got external sources (two people) to download recordings OFF-SITE. Of course, they know/knew who these people are.
Every day, several times during the day, I gave lectures, monologuing how they were enslaving psychopaths who had reached inhumane level of cruelty, no remorse nor shame, leveraging suffering, provoking illness like fvcking demons at level of crimes against humanity – threats of forceful institutionalization – eugenics – false crime setup / false arrest as means to remove me – psychological abusers – getting off on trauma inflicted – deadly – satanic – no conscience . . . you get the picture.
- Little did we know at the time that the name of the game was to permanently remove me in order to seize Mark SMITH. They had illegal things riding over his former identity “Mark TREPANIER” – no wonder they didn’t want him to find his birth certificate which he did with help after they provoked suicide (Jan 2007). To release what was riding over his head (illegal non-existent name), they needed to kill this guy (name Mark Trepanier doesn’t legally exist). For past years they were trying to isolate him by first removing me and after Fall 2015, first choice for my removal was extermination – GUERTIN and FAMILY allied with New Partners by Fall 2015 (detected).
. - In 2018, we thought they were after him for the (fake) inheritance they had been dangling like a carrot since Fall 2012. We thought that’s why they had become demonic psychopaths on a kill & destroy frenzy – we thought they wanted his (fake) inheritance “blinded by greed” – In reality, what they called inheritance is what was riding over his identity most likely locked under Lavergne Estate using a name that no longer existed legally “Trepanier”. I will venture that it was/is very illegal and criminal because why hide under someone else’s identify?
On 22 June 2018, a world-wide spiritual group would be meditating, focused intent on world-wide discernment and peace – Humanity is a traumatized species – done by design . . .
- Since 18-19 JUNE 2018, I was voicing out that my focused intent on 22 JUNE 2018 would be geared on exposing these psychopaths who tried everything they could to bring Mark SMITH down and repeatedly attempted to terminate me in the process.
They showed experience, seasoned, organized which logically showed we were not their first nor would we be their last. My stance? >> Get these fvckers off the street — enslavers, killers. They meet “the code” (responsible for the demise of many lives).
THEY FAKED IT (influenced by my monologues)
ONE HOUR after the world-wide meditation, two so-called INTERPOL Agents with an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Officer, known in the community came to announce they had been arrested and deported to France.
They warned me to destroy the recording material claiming they didn’t need them for their investigation which to me was illogical.
They also announced that I was NO LONGER MONITORED.
You don’t say . . . Shows their psychology behind this statement.
Also shows they leveraged my in-house voice outs for past days
. . . . making my wish come true.
Oh, and apparently, LOUIS GUERTIN reported them – reported his own family members. Praise for monsieur LOUIS for doing the right thing.
bullshit (on all counts).
NEXT POST >> 22-28 JUNE 2018 – there is more to it. – I didn’t believe they were arrested and continued to deep dive in recording material – I didn’t destroy the recordings and knew I was still monitored and monologued in-house . . . a lot (not very nice either) – I taunted.On 27 June 2018, my life was in danger. So I told people ONLINE – things changed on the 28th – again using what I had done online – weaving in their story-lies.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Before I close off on this post, let’s return to early February 2018 . . . .
If I had not had INTERNET, I would have high likely been hacked to death and dismembered. Since they showed experience, now think of those that didn’t make it – let this case, uncover those victims today. Much respect and compassion to the fallen.
Earlier today (23 June 2024), I was browsing through my Google Drive and my eyes fell on this picture. I winced when my eyes fell on the machete.
On 13 FEBRUARY 2018, if I had not uploaded some recordings (two I believe), I am pretty sure I would have been hacked to death on St-Valentine’s day (14th).
On the bright side, if there had been guns in the house (like they thought – PERIARD believed it – we told her that as means to keep her and her gang away from us), I would have been shot on 10 at the latest on the 11th February 2018.
Oh, and what’s bright about it? it would have been a swift death instead of blood everywhere and screams . . . now imagine this:
They would be sitting back (monitoring) hearing it and happy (successful operation). Could you do it? monitoring and listening to despair, cruelty hearing the killing / despair of a human being being hacked to death? They could.
Let that sink in and while you’re at it play the scene in your mind . . . . ask yourself could you do it?
- If you can’t and those sitting next to you could and they see/detect that you can’t . . . they would most likely remove you from the operation and most likely outcast you (now they would know you are not like them – uh-oh). Imagine the screaming of horrors and oomphs as you hear the machete come down on the victim . . . . after a while you hear whimpering, slience and death.
And they would be celebrating because that was the purpose >> get him to kill me – awww finally the crime of passion that the assigned psychological warfare specialist (New Partners (CSIS)) had been trying to do since late 2017.
In my books, that makes them serial killers.
Take some time to reflect on this . . . could you do it (sit at the monitoring station) and not flinch but rather be encouraged because the obstacle (me) is being permanently removed?
So those are the kind of psychopaths that were manning e-monitoring – you know who they are . . . – the fact that they were able and rooting for it to happen just give you a very good psychological profile on these people.
Uploading two recordings on 13 FEB 2018 changed the course and now it was >> do a crime setup. I was utterly shocked when I overheard it (16 FEB 2018). The first impression that came to mind was Gestapo SS Nazi equivalent to Satanism (same working principles).
Oh, and when I counteracted crime setup, they twisted it against me when I uploaded a small recording mentioning I knew that via Michelle GUERTIN (forefront) they were planning a crime setup (frame up) – Twenty minutes after that upload, they went nuts trying every which way they could for next three days and nights to have me killed . . . back at crime of passion which seemed to be an obsession with New Partners (CSIS) >> “I want my crime of passion’.
Why three days, nights (24-27 FEB 2018)? because on third day, Mark SMITH had a major seizure. There and then I knew they wanted this guy dead or alive and we BOTH knew that calling 911 was a GUERTIN medical trap. Mark’s biggest fear was to wake up strapped to a bed under their control.
To know more about 13 FEBRUARY 2018 << the major change in timeline because of Internet, refer to these posts below – this fateful day was a life timeline changer >> uploading to SKYPE changed my fate and would again change the course after I uncovered on 16 FEB 2018 they were planning a crime setup as means to remove me.
10 February 2018 – The Fork In The Road – They Canceled His Departure Instead They Turned Around in Attempt to Kill Me – They Went Down The Rabbit Hole – New Partners (CSIS) seemed obsessed in wanting that Crime of Passion – Bent of having it happen. Keep in mind, Mark SMITH was joining the GUERTIN on 10 FEBRUARY 2018, they canceled it and turned around attempting to do everything possible to get him to commit that crime of passion.
NEXT POST >> 22-28 JUNE 2018
Imagine no Internet >> Dead woman writing – I was suppose to be eliminated in 2018.
In a parallel timeline, New Partners (CSIS)’s obsession to effect their crime of passion was fulfilled, I was killed, SMITH committed suicide and they got away with it.
My heart goes out to those who suffered at their hands
and didn’t make it . . . those they killed.
Don’t close your eyes and your heart to them.
Electronic monitoring in the hands of psychopaths and criminals
is the ultimate golden INTEL tool.
Keep in mind, they faked Michelle GUERTIN’s death as well as the SON (fake suicide). Mark SMITH believed that hospitals were safe (so did I). They did exactly what he feared . . . being in the hospital under their control.
GUERTIN didn’t need New Partners (CSIS) once he was hospitalized. – The GUERTIN were experienced at effecting medical organized crimes well before New Partners (CSIS) came along. When he screamed demanding to get out, they comatosed him and euthanized him three days later. GUERTIN is responsible for the death of Mark SMITH
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