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Quick Recap
On 26 JULY 2018, Mark had a seizure and as he lay on the floor convulsing, his late brother Michael Trepanier and a new friend Cody Barrett were ruffling, pushing him around. There may have been other people.
- At the time, we couldn’t process what was going on here. What happened with Michael to turn on Mark? Hostility started after Mark he announced he was moving back to the house. on 31 August 2018. Daily escalation of bullying, change of character. We were baffled.
In summer 2021, I had several face-to-face conversations with Michael and his daughter Mary-Ann (17). I learned that Nicole PERIARD dished out claims I was a dangerous individual and she would have most likely mentioned CSIS in there to put weigh. Apparently, I was retired law enforcement – Forced to retire early for mental issues.
Mike >> Oh yeah?
Nicole >> Yeah and she’s been telling everyone, she’ll shoot you on sight Mike and Mark is siding with her.
Mike >> I fucking knew she was a cop. Fucking bitch always saying she wasn’t . . . I knew it! *
Nicole >> Watch yourself Mike – Mark and her have guns.
- In 2007, before I knew Mark, Michael, Jennifer and their two children were my tenants. Michael thought I was in law enforcement. I used to work in critical agencies with above top secret clearance in IM/IT Security. I retired in January 2009. Michael and Marcel Trepanier didn’t believe me. PERIARD leveraged it.
In addition, throughout the years, Mark embellished and ran with the false claim in order to scare them off. He made me bigger than life . . . wearing a proverbial cape.
His stance >> “if you try to mess with me she’ll come after you and you won’t be able to get away from her!”. The family feared me. PERIARD believed we had firearms (Thanks to Mark) as means to keep her and her friends away from the property.
- As for CODY BARRETT >> I strongly suspect he was planted – He appeared out of nowhere shortly after Mark moved to his apartment (2 May 2018).
On 27 JULY 2018, Mark moved back to the house. It was quite the day.
- If you haven’t read the previous post to this one, I suggest you do >> 6-27 July 2018 – Danger – Urgently Moved Back Home – Ransacking Apartment To Remove Copy of False Written Statement
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Before we start let’s make this clear:
(1) Mark’s mother Theresa LAVERGNE and his sister Nicole PERIARD knew the inheritance was a scam – The family were the first ones to bring it up in Fall 2012 – Then by 25 October 2016, Michelle GUERTIN took over.
Theresa LAVERGNE and Nicole PERIARD were in conspiracy with GUERTIN and high likely had a CSIS handler since Spring 2017. I will venture their CSIS contact was BOUVIER.
- Why do I believe BOUVIER (CSIS) was PERIARD’s CSIS contact/handler? >> On 20 JANUARY 2019, her son Anthony came to the house to snoop (show innocence non-involvement). But he talked too much. He confirmed knowing BOUVIER from CSIS “what a good guy that BOUVIER, hey Anthony?” Oh yes Aunt Lyn he is.
Immediately after bringing up BOUVIER, without missing a beat, her slightly autistic son, out of nowhere, stroke a pose (posture) and said >> “After all, we don’t know if it was his SON, a DNA test was never done” >> Mentioning BOUVIER (CSIS) triggered him to repeat what he had high likely heard BOUVIER say.
Had PERIARD’s autistic son just mimicked BOUVIER’s posture and repeated his words?
(2) MICHAEL TREPANIER knew nothing about the fake inheritance (confirmed in 2021). He was violent because PERIARD had fed him horrific disinformation of life endangerment and instilled a deep sense of betrayal between brothers who trusted one another since they were young boys. PERIARD the poisoner, enslaver, abuser. Pure evil.
(3) We believed that MARK was getting an inheritance.
And that’s where people stood regarding the inheritance.
2 AUGUST 2018
Since 27 July, MARK was back at the house.
On 2 AUGUST 2018, the Post Office called Mark because two guys had vandalized his mailbox located in the Post Office lobby. The Post Office had a video – They wanted him to see it to possibly identify the perps.
It was Michael Trepanier and Cody Barrett.
And as he were about to leave the Post Office, Michael and Cody were coming down the street, I started to record,
(20 seconds)
In the video, about “. . . the Russians are coming” – Fifteen years earlier, Michael was living in Montreal working at MAACO. The business was owned by Russians. Michael stole $40,000 (cash) and escaped to Clarence-Rockland, Ontario.
- After that comment, Michael was paranoid and stayed mostly inside, peering through the blinds – afraid of Russians and now of me (PERIARD’s disinformation).
Soon after we got home, we learned that the empty apartment had been vandalized, such as holes in walls and broken door frames.
Then his mother called. After hanging up, he started getting sick – In this audio, he says he took the call because he thought it was the lawyer >>
What lawyer? LUKE BOUVIER (CSIS) – For what reason? Updates on inheritance situation.
- The narrative >> Michelle GUERTIN was under house arrest somewhere in France – Mad as a hatter and a drunk. She had spread the large sum (inheritance) in various accounts which only she held the codes. (a convenient story to stall for time).
Theresa “Terry” LAVERGNE and Nicole PERIARD were angry that he had moved back to the house.
Mark was convinced they were lashing out of greed, because of the inheritance >> “They don’t want me living here . . . they want my inheritance and they don’t want you to have anything – I told them I’m leaving everything to you”.
The house was the safest place – Trusted environment. Secure shelter. Protection.
But here’s the thing . . .
They knew there was no inheritance – So what was the real game here with Family?
If they knew there was no inheritance then what were they afraid of . . . .
I will assume the perps used my name as threat agent – the old “blame a third party” gimmick? In what capacity, I don’t know.
Perhaps a threat such as >> If they don’t help GUERTIN and CSIS to isolate MARK then . . . “We’re sorry Mrs. Lavergne and Mrs. Periard, we will have to bring forth the criminal charges we’ve been holding off . We won’t have a choice it’s out of our control — but if you help us then those charges might go away.”
Just a theory.
- Theresa had dirt — not from an email like PERIARD, click here for details — but from 2007 Treatment Centre from counsellors who had pushed to have her criminally charged for abuse (case file exists) and to think at the time they hadn’t uncovered (yet) the 1979 human trafficking sale to GUERTIN and fake fatherhood. If only Mark hadn’t stop them – I believe it could have been his key to freedom from GUERTIN.
Perhaps there were other things hanging over their heads.
I will venture they would have been threatened with deadlines . . . scare them / keep them on an emotional roller-coaster . . . call them every few days and dish out fake updates . . . “As you already know, Lyn Champagne has made legal arrangements against you and Mark is on her side . . . Nicole might be going to jail . . . It’s very serious . . . time is of the essence here Mrs. Lavergne, your case is pending on so-and-so’s desk. Lyn Champagne is the perpetrator pushing to him to obey her . . . Yes, we will try to hold it off but we can’t promise you anything . . . IF only you could get him out of there that would help your case.”
Play with their minds >> reel up fear emotions and then sit back, e-monitor and watch them go.
- Keep in mind, they were most likely e-monitored as early as Fall 2015. In early 2017, it was known >> each time someone called them, the caller was warned their line was tapped by CSIS because of Nicole PERIARD.
Now IMAGINE THIS timeline . . .
THERESA LAVERGNE to MARK >> “Hey Mark! There never was an inheritance and by the way the kid wasn’t your son …. sorry Mark JP and me (mom) were stupid in 1979 and never was in our consciousness that GUERTIN had an enslavement & kill agenda – we just didn’t want you in our family after papa died.” – “Papa” was George Charles Smith. When Theresa married Jean-Paul LAVERGNE, they left MARK with his great grand-parents. George passed away in early summer 1978.
That’s the communication that should have happened to break this bullshit. And now it was too late to turn back for Theresa and PERIARD.
On 25 October 2016, Mark called Michelle GUERTIN to look into the release of his (fake) inheritance because he believed his mother was playing mind-games. Michelle GUERTIN gladly took the case (yes-s we let the demon in at forefront – wonderful).
Oddly, Michelle GUERTIN wouldn’t call us again until 15-16 November 2016. Interesting that she waited that long to call. The suicide program targeting my SON was halted on 13 November 2016 – most likely forced to stop – then she called a few days later? What if they were banking on my son killing himself and that’s why she waited. Then once they were most likely forced to stop, the Directorship (New Partners CSIS) made her call.
Theresa then called Mark asking “why did you call her Mark?!” to which he replied “because she’s the mother of my son and she’ll do a great job fixing this . . .”. Theresa didn’t say a word. Perhaps this could have been an opportunity to tell him >> “he’s not your kid Mark”.
By 2018, Theresa LAVERGNE & Nicole PERIARD were trapped in the spider’s web.
After Mark died, their lifestyle didn’t change – so it wasn’t money.
After 10 AUGUST 2018, FAMILY and BOUVIER (CSIS) became the forefront callers replacing GUERTIN now out of the picture.
The FAMILY were the aggressors.
BOUVIER (CSIS) was the dispenser of nasty Intel reports and fake inheritance updates.
- Sometimes reports were about me (not good) and at other times it was about the family (nasty) . . . eventual claims that they had allied with bikers called 81 percenters who were coming after us. BOUVIER (CSIS) weaved scary Intel reports sending Mark in downward spirals.
Together FAMILY and BOUVIER provoked more sickness incidents than GUERTIN >> List of Sickness by Date & who Provoked.pdf
On 23 April 2018, he went to stay at his mother/sister’s house until court on 9 MAY 2018. He was in the viper’s nest.
No one anticipated this >> On 29 April 2018, I breached the No-contact order and extracted him from there. By 29th, poisoned by PERIARD was suspected and two kidnaps had been attempted.
Once I removed him, they came back with threats of using the Court to cancel my case and instead to use the Court to hospitalize him (make it a Court order) – That was canceled and on 3 MAY 2018, they pressured that he returned to their house which led us to uncovered mother & sister were in conspiracy with GUERTIN. Mark wanted to kill himself.
Upon discovering his sister and mother were following the GUERTIN agenda, Mark went in a suicide spin. It took several hours for him to snap out of it.
The agenda consisted of grabbing him as means to hospitalize him (GUERTIN killing field is the medical system). Since 27 FEBRUARY 2018, we both knew that hospitals, calling 911 (ambulance) was a GUERTIN trap.
And to validate this was the case, on 3 MARCH 2018, Michelle GUERTIN called decreeing she was making legal arrangements to have him forcefully hospitalized (psychiatric). She brandished her Power of Attorney she held since 1992 with Nicole Periard her sidekick who she had assigned as legal caretaker. Mark totally freaked – Michelle GUERTIN was no longer trusted from this point forward (3 March 2018).
Mark was afraid to wake up in a hospital setting strapped to a bed under the control of GUERTIN. And what he feared is exactly what happened in December 2018. The moment he realized it was a trap and demanded to leave (13 DEC 2018), three days later, they euthanized him (16 DEC 2018) – His worst nightmare came true. I’m sorry Mark.
After 3 MAY 2018, Mark no longer trusted his mother and his sister. A done deal. These two creatures no longer contacted him nor was he in contact with them.
But after 27 JULY 2018, they came back in his life with nasty phone calls. Now they were demanding that he moves out of the house with no further explanation. Angry demanding.
We know how they hooked criminal Nicole PERIARD (see posts below) but what did they have on Theresa LAVERGNE? Was she protecting her daughter at the expense of her son’s life, the son she sold in 1979 and initially attempted to sell when he was age 1 day old?
NEXT POST –> 10-14 AUGUST 2018
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How they got PERIARD to comply >> 13 JULY 2014 Email Becomes Future Pay Off in 2017 New Partners (CSIS) – PERIARD Must Be “Onboard” Before SON Fosters “Father-Son” Trust Bond (Summer 2017)
18-20 January 2019 – Pressure from a Freemason I Visit FAMILY Triggered Chain of Events that Opened Pandora’s Box – Nicole PERIARD’s son came to visit to snoop – Reason for sending her SON was to make them look innocent. But her kid talked too much – Talk enough for me to start full time investigation on 2 February 2019 (day 1).
Summer 2018 – False Flag – PERIARD Warned Michael Trepanier (brother) >> Lyn will shoot you on sight
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