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Quick Recap:
22 JUNE 2018 – They sent two so-called Interpol agents and one known OPP Officer to announce Michelle GUERTIN and the SON “Anton” were arrested and deported. Mark believed whereas I didn’t – they used what I had monologued a few days prior (that they would be arrested on the solstice).
They warned me to destroy the recordings. I didn’t. Instead I started to deep dive in certain time periods, starting to piece together based on tactics played out – These would eventually be called programs for easy reference (instead of by date) –
- Here’s what I mean. Here are some programs but not all of them >> In 2018, Laser Shot Killer Persona Program (22-23 Jan), Worthlessness Program (26-30 Jan), FaceBook Cheaters Program (2-9 Feb), Reliable Source Program (10-15 Feb), Crime Setup Program (16-23 Feb), Full Force Kill Program (24-27 Feb), Lure Program (8 Mar-1 Apr), etc.
. - In each program, they played out different techniques, disinformation variances but always to attain the same result which was to terminate me and get him dead or alive – it would have been closed off as a Crime of Passion (that he suicides or not). Exceptions were the Crime Setup and Lure Programs.
After 22 June 2018, as I worked I talked a lot, well knowing they heard me. The lie of arrest had not worked instead it had motivated me to stay the course.
On 27 June 2018, I sensed my life was in great danger. Mark had sided with them (Louis GUERTIN) and demanded that I destroy the recordings. In addition, he knew they hadn’t been arrested and wanted me to let it go. I felt betrayed. Many stalkings that day.
By 8:40pm, I briefed my external sources (1 Canada, 2 UK) that my life was in grave danger – I asked them to make sure they download all the recordings (found on Google Drive). Keep in mind that the monitoring folks read everything in real-time. They knew who the people were.
By 11:29pm, three hours later. I would be told that the GUERTIN duo were finally deported to France, the SON was in rehab and get this >> Knights Templar were indeed after me (termination) because Michelle GUERTIN had told them I was a dark magician aka Satanist and now they knew it wasn’t true.
In other words, we thought you were a Satanist and we wanted to kill you but now that we know you’re not we won’t kill you. A story to cover the real reason for termination which of course was to isolate SMITH and he runs to them, the job is done.
- They projected/mirrored what they are onto us. They exuded / showed knowledge, belief in the power of black magick and witchcraft, superstitious and supportive of dark practices and power of symbolism.
I suspect probable reason for downplaying “change of plan” >> NEW PARTNERS (CSIS) are the ones who might have been more at risk of exposure because two external contacts were in the UK and were monitored for other reasons than us. Too many outsiders knew and it was on the Internet – there’s a digital footprint.
In the handwritten notes that I digitized and emailed stating that my life was in grave danger and to download recordings, I gave out a lot information such as blaming Knights Templar, talked harshly about being monitored, etc. Perhaps with this information in the hands of another electronic monitoring team (Intelligence agency) it could potentially roused curiosity / start poking around.
What if Knights Templar were not behind this but were being blamed, wouldn’t you want to find out? Perhaps contact one of your contacts who’s a Templar/Freemason . . . let them know. Now imagine if they Templar/Freemason didn’t know they were being used. Wouldn’t you want to know if someone was using you as threat agent to commit crimes in this case premeditated homicides.
Throughout 2018, they went out of their way to make sure I thought Knights Templar/Freemasons were behind this operation ->Templars/Freemasons – they are the ones who want to kill you” . I will venture that in past successful operations (terminating targets) it wasn’t an issue as long as the target never got to tell anyone – No comebacks target is dead.
They actually used that tactic by using names of family kins as reliable sources during Reliable Source Program (10-15 FEB – post link below) – They were confident I would be killed so these folks would never know their names were used to tweak SMITH into homicidal rage – I will venture past targets did not use the INTERNET to report atrocities and talk to them nor would have thought to record and chronologically document like I did.
- Here’s another time when similar behavior occurred after email to UK >> On 13 NOV 2016 when my SON was on the brink of suicide, I contacted one of my contacts in the UK asking for urgent help (a very long email) – Although my contact didn’t read it, they (New Partners CSIS) immediately stopped the suicide program. Why stop if the kid is about to do it? Most likely forced to stop against their will. Exposure?
On 27th, I contacted the same person and POOF! Within three hours, a change of plans. The odds that my contact read the email is slim, why? because it would have been 1:40am UK time – most likely sleeping. just like on 13 November 2016, it was late and I know that he read it much later.
So it begs the question >> What happened on 27 June 2018 between 8:40pm when email was sent and when they come back with a new story at 11:29pm?
Why the down-playing? Telling me I’m not longer at risk of being killed. After mid-August 2018, I was at risk of being set up (arrested).
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29 JUNE 2018
They quieted down – down played “no longer will kill you” – So let it go, no criminal charges, would be better you destroy those recs – everything is under control – don’t worry they will never again try anything on you and Mark SMITH. After all, the SON had serious drug addictions and was in rehab and she was confined to the house in France.
Bullshit on all counts.
Then, in afternoon, LOUIS GUERTIN asked an “out of the blue” question regarding the item “sigil that’s not a sigil” that I spiritually cleared on 22 January 2018 – With a worried tone, he asked if the request for clearing came from so-and-so. He named “full name” one of my external contacts to whom I’d reached out on 27 June 2018 (email and attachment – life in grave danger now). He also mentioned my contact’s wife by name and inquired who she was in relations to me. These people based in UK were/are renown world-wide.
LOUIS never alluded to 27 JUNE 2018 . . . He was just focused on knowing about the item cleared on 22 January 2018. I got the impression he didn’t know about my contacts on 27 JUNE 2018 – as if clueless and made to believe something else (hoodwinked by his trusted New Partners?).
- Keep in mind, early on I over-inflated what this item was – Made a big deal out of it trying to mind manipulate them using their fears and belief in the power of black magick and summoning entities. Told them it was tied to DJIN who now was bound to me – an ally.
They are the kind of people who believe dark supernatural and symbolism will give them an edge but at the same time fear it. I leveraged it.
I strongly suspect the ones who had first hand raw feed from electronic monitoring also mind manipulated the GUERTIN – tell them what needs to be told in order to manage/steer them into compliance (easy).
I strongly suspect monitoring outside of Canada was a vulnerability / a risk factor for New Partners (CSIS)’s electronic monitoring team – Risk of exposure, getting caught using monitoring to advance a criminal agenda.
- Keep in mind, GUERTIN was high likely fed second hand intel. . . . . I mean the GUERTIN were not sitting in front of incoming raw data (COM), right? right. The GUERTIN relied on New Partners (CSIS) for that operational detail.
In addition, the directorship of the SMITH agenda was also out of GUERTIN’s control because they gave the reins away and high likely adopted the attitude of clients. GUERTIN was lured to believe the job would have been done in 2016 – no involvement – no one gets their hands dirty. In 2017, a nine month prep plan for PLAN A (12 October 2017 my removal) and it failed? Here we were end of June – they went down the rabbit hole, the fork in the road was 10 February 2018, click here. Burnt bridges, recordings and reports on events, video police statement, etc.
The ones with first hand COM intercept Intel are KING, have the upper hand.
Who knows what they told LOUIS – In my opinion, the GUERTIN were managed/handled.
After 26 April 2018, LOUIS was the only mouth-piece left standing – trusted by Mark SMITH.
Did they stall GUERTIN to cover their arses (risk of exposure) – After all, the email and attachment were pretty intense and detailed. I think they didn’t tell GUERTIN about it. New Partners (CSIS) was most likely the ones at risk.
29 JUNE 2018 . . . is not as it seemed – Throughout this operation, when they (New Partners CSIS) were the ones in jeopardy, they most likely dished out “fear porn” to make GUERTIN believe “THEY” were the ones at risk – Turn it around so one doesn’t assume being the cause . . . GUERTIN is the cause not New Partners (CSIS).
By using that tactic, it would likely get GUERTIN to agree to follow the recommendations of the psy-war specialist. You need to get them to agree >> make them think they are deciding on their own “illusion of free will”. Tell them what needs to be told to get them to do what you want them to do.
At end of day, LOUIS’ question (22 Jan 2018) was left-field and it didn’t sound like he was acting. There’s no value added. This guy was fed a false reality. The GUERTIN were managed.
30 JUNE 2018
. . . so I should let all of this go . . . as if it never happened . . . after all, you won’t be coming after me to kill me.
My stance? Not going to happen. You are guilty and you will be exposed for what you did.
So I decided to deep dive / focus on the cruelest time >> the time period I called Full Force Kill Program that ran 24-27 February 2018.
- Why was this program only three days? Because this program stopped when he had his nth seizure. As he was convulsing on the floor, I realized they not only wanted me dead but also SMITH . . . in fact dead and if alive they would terminate him in a medical setting – A GUERTIN favorite.
On 27th, I knew there and then that if I called 911, I was sending him to his death. This is the moment, I made consciousness decision to protect this human although I wanted him of my life. Protect him or else he will be killed – Yes, yes I could have made belief I didn’t know that calling 911 was a death sentence and just do it, get him out of my life. I chose to protect the human who was still in denial and trusted them.
I strongly suspect they were CERTAIN that I would have called 911 so much so that it sent them in disorganized mode. On 3 MARCH 2018, hag Michelle GUERTIN called shouting she was having him forcefully removed and institutionalized >> EXACTLY what we had figured out on 27 FEB 2018. Her outburst put their operation in jeopardy, from this point forward, Mark SMITH never trusted her again. That was a faux-pas which I suspect she did behind the mind-war specialist’s back.
On 30th, while I worked, I monologued a lot and specifically targeted the SON.
I wasn’t nice.
I monologued a lot about Fall 2017 when the SON under guise of a doctor repeatedly suggested anal sex “sodomy” as means to show my love and devotion “Dad if she wasn’t playing she would do it to prove it!” . . . “My son is a doctor, he knows what he’s talking about!” .
I was able to snap MARK out of that notion by comparing him to Francis Lee Periard, his sister’s husband – the name of the game here was HUMILIATION while they listened and most likely viewed (hidden cameras in the house suspected since 24 DEC 2015).
Fuck you Anton not going to happen.
- In Fall 2017, I voiced out loud and clear (something like) >> “So Anton do you have old farts sitting around waiting to listen and view? Do you do coke and then hold each others cock and masturbate or give one another blow-jobs? Go fuck yourselves – not going to happen”.
After failed PLAN A (12 Oct 2017), the SON became nasty crass – He had fostered sufficient father-son trust bond to hoodwink/gaslight SMITH “My son the doctor who loves me”. But I believe they had put all their eggs in one basket (PLAN A) and now that it had failed they were disorganized . . .. humiliation was a means for revenge and more.
I went on and on about it such as posting in SKYPE things like this and more.
Squeal like a pig, boy . . . that’s you Anton.
1 JULY 2018
Continued to deep dive in time period 24-27 February 2018 . . .
On 24 February it was so intensely dangerous to be hacked down that I took a chance and wrote in SKYPE screenfuls of >> PLEASE HELP ME – wrote it at least 80 to 100 times. It was a shot in the dark. What if someone ethical at the monitoring station intercepted it and did something? At the time, I braced myself to the fact how I would feel if no one answered the call “don’t depend on it and become emotionally distraught – can you handle it? yes? then do it” – Sure enough NO ONE answered my call for help.
DURING the FULL FORCE KILL PROGRAM, the GUERTIN repeatedly demanded, as if entitled, that I kill myself. the oddity is that I sensed that they had been promised that I would be suicided “killed at a distance” – and sure enough after laying out the case material like a mosaic, we uncovered that they had ran suicide programs on me and my son in 2016.
In addition, suicide was high likely to be the outcome if the crime setup program had succeeded (16-23 FEB 2018) >> only one day/night in jail is required to pull an organized suicide in jail cell operation “awww she killed herself in her jail cell”. None the wiser. Open/Shut case.
- In August 2018, the biggest threat was being arrested. Again I strongly suspect my potential murder was to be an organized suicide in a jail cell.
Also while I worked, as I said I monologued “voice outs”, I talked about how they repeatedly demanded that I kill myself. They were very impatient and sarcastic about it, things such as “come on do us a favor and kill yourself” etc.
As I worked, I told him a few times “hey pig boy, do US a favor and kill yourself”.
2 JULY 2018
Just after midnight, I uploaded pieces of 24-27 February 2018 to Google Drive and on SKYPE to make sure they intercepted. There you go.
The day was quiet. Mark continued to live at his apartment.
4 JULY 2018
Mark spent the day at the house.
LOUIS GUERTIN called to announce the SON, two days earlier (2 JULY), had killed himself. We believed it.
- So they reacted to what I uploaded, pieces/moments during the Full Force Kill Program and my monologues for past few days . . . . I just wouldn’t let it go. But it took then a few days to scramble and come up with this story-lie of fake suicide. They most probably felt that they needed to get the (fake) SON out of the picture – if he’s dead, you can’t prosecute the dead, right? right.
As per LOUIS, my “online writings” (his words), had triggered the SON to suicide. Apparently he was remorseful for what he had done to us.
Blow-boy apparently barricaded himself in a cheap hotel in Paris and while super high, cut his throat in the bathtub.
In addition, LOUIS mentioned that the SON, a forensic doctor, was selling hospital drugs from the morgue << why add this piece, Louis?
Tell us MARK, why did your SON kill himself? “My SON was a drug addict, he was triggered by Lyn Champagne to kill himself”. I was blamed.
We believed it. Mark went to his grave believing this guy was his biological child and that he committed suicide triggered by me.
- On 20 January 2019, I discovered it wasn’t his kid and he wasn’t dead nor was his mother Michelle GUERTIN who faked her death on 4 September 2018.
Did I feel remorseful for targeting him? Absolutely not.
I felt for Mark SMITH as the suicide of one’s child his very difficult for a parent.
PURE EVIL to use that as means to get the fake SON out of the picture.
Getting hit by a car would have worked, however they wanted to brand me as the culprit and get SMITH to distance himself from me.
MARK >> “Are you going to destroy those fucking recordings now and STOP whatever you’re doing on the INTERNET – fuck babe stop, my kid killed himself because of you”
I didn’t destroy the recordings but stopped working / deep diving in certain time periods.
On 6 JULY 2018, I had the foreboding sense that I would eventually be pressured to destroy them – at least what was uploaded in Google Drive (over 40 recordings were on GDrive).
- By the way, there are over 145 recordings – many they would discover only in SPRING 2019 – when they did, I was stalked >> List of Recordings Full-Length Date Stamped
So in evening of 6 JULY 2018, I had the brilliant idea to do a full backup in another GDRIVE area, in a sub-sub-folder. Back everything up and DO NOT return there. Out of sight, out of mind.
- By 10 AUGUST 2018, the pressure by BOUVIER (CSIS) was so intense that I would have to destroy the original folder of recordings . . . . I made a theatrical display as I deleted the entire FOLDER. . . . Delete ALL? Yes. I saluted and hummed “The Fallen”.
And they bought it (believed it). A few days later, BOUVIER (CSIS) and the FAMILY became the forefront oppressors replacing the GUERTIN who were at forefront (2017-April 2018)
HOO HOO! fake SON doesn’t exist anymore! The recordings are gone! (so they thought) – Let the cruelty, suffering and depravity rule again, right BOUVIER (CSIS)? Do you remember? I sure do, it’s documented.
By 26-27 AUGUST 2018, Mark was wary of BOUVIER (CSIS) – tried to ignore his calls (keep in mind they could hear our conversations in the house “oh no it’s BOUVIER, I have to close my phone . . . ” – and to think they could hear us in-house as he closed his phone – They would retaliate on 27th.
By 28-29th, Mark wanted to press charges against hag Michelle GUERTIN (still alive) and his family and bring forth the 2007 abuse case that was started at the time but that he halted against the advice of medical professional at Treatment Centre.
On 29-30 AUGUST 2018, they discovered the RECORDINGS were still on GDrive (that obscure folder of 6 JULY) there they were! Surpri-ise, we are back! Lo and behold they fake killed off Michelle GUERTIN a few days later.
About the fake suicide method “cutting one’s throat”
In early 2019, I learned that they used the suicide method of a REAL suicide that had occurred a few months earlier (before the fake suicide) . This suicide method was used by someone, who cut his throat in front of his wife – I am convinced it was a provoked “killing at a distance”.
The couple was harassed, laser shot and more by the same criminal outfit who presented itself as Secret Space Program in the GUERTIN agenda – same network.
Once the husband was out of the way, they went after the female (Julie). At first she cozied up to them. She was psychologically re-arranged to believe she was a Pleiadean incarnated as a Human “on a mission to Earth” – She was witch-hunting for any human who might be in reality a reptilian. Hunt for shapeshifters.
In late June 2019, I did a SKYPE video presentation to a group about criminal outfit who calls itself Secret Space Program – Also tried to wake people up about the false narrative of good vs bad ETs – I concentrated on mind-war tactics they played and more. She attended.
In July 2019, she started the rumor and fear-mongering that I was a hybrid reptoid, a super soldier working with MILAB in abducting people for Reptilians, the overlords – Many believe in the bad vs good aliens narrative. In my opinion and logically >> if the bad guys are pushing that narrative you should question why that is – using fear porn about reptoids . . . only the good looking human blond ones are good ETs. Ri-ight. Today, this false narrative is pervasive in the UFO community . . . time to wake up folks.
And I love this one >> “she’s not afraid of reptilians because she’s one of them. They don’t bother her because she works for them” – I have also heard similar comments like that about Dr. Steven Greer. Wow. Talk about indoctrination or what. As you probably noticed by now, the only one I agree with is Dr. Greer – We share similar ideology / logic.
- All posts / podcasts with Dr. Steven Greer >> Dr. Steven Greer POSTS – Interestingly, I noticed the pattern of branding those who don’t buy into the false narrative of good vs bad ET – if you are not against them then you are one of them or working for them. Right.
But in 2019, it created division in the group I managed as I was Canada Country Coordinator (CC). On 2 August 2019, I stepped down in order to not divide the group and I concentrated full-time on the Mark SMITH murder case.
- Interestingly, here again, they used the same tactics over and over again. This “bad ETs” are going to bite you tactic was used in 2016-17 as means to close off this spiritual group in North America – I didn’t believe it. On 15 MAY 2017, we convinced the founder of the group to revive it starting with Canada. I stepped up to the plate to be the National Country Coordinator.
By Fall 2019, she realized she was in danger – they were a threat – might have also realized they were behind the suicide of her husband. She had to go to a safe house (KB friend) and by October 2019, she permanently left Canada and moved to UK in order to get away from them.
- JULIE PHELPS – Bases Lectures 2019 Julie Phelps 1 full – 2019 – SSP Harassed and more – when you view this podcast with JULIE keep in mind that it’s about 1 1/2 months after she escaped them.
The excuse method for the fake suicide of the SON came from New Partners (CSIS). LOUIS GUERTIN followed their advice most likely unknowing that they were most likely behind a REAL suicide a few months earlier.
It would have been wiser to claim the SON had taken pills or cut his wrists in the bathtub but they lack co-creative abilities and instinctively tend to use over and over again same story-lies – things they provoked in the past that worked and they put it / used it in their current situations.
As if that wasn’t enough, I know another female who’s husband was murdered as means to isolate HER. The criminal SSP outfit were after her.
These men (husbands) were psychologically toyed with – suffering of what I’ve come to call the Mr. Jekyll/Dr. Hyde syndrome.
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2 JULY 2018 – How They Killed Off The SON Using My In-House Voice-Outs & Online Comms – I Was Blamed
All posts / podcasts with Dr. Steven Greer >> Dr. Steven Greer POSTS
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