In this 13 July 2014 stunt, Tony Savage a fictitious former security colleague takes the initiative to bring forth what PERIARD is responsible for, it was a list of her crimes.
I was triggered to do this when I discovered she was slandering me on Facebook all lies . . . My logic was >> “Look at yourself before you spread lies about others, now let’s show others who you really are”.
In 2017, New Partners (CSIS) used content from that email to trap PERIARD (multiple ID thievery, fraud, creditors searching for her and more). It was key to bring her back in the game JUST LIKE in 1992 (Son-Bait), legal guardianship appointed by GUERTIN, the attorney.
Once that family point of contact (PERIARD) was hooked, then they introduced the SON to start fostering a trusting loving relationship with Mark (faux-fatherhood) which was key so that once I was permanently removed, SMITH would run to his SON. Job Done October 2017 – different variance but similar routine to 1992 with GUERTIN.
They needed Nicole PERIARD back on-board like GUERTIN had done in 1992 – Needed her to re-assume legal guardianship (Family) – Once institutionalized and euthanized – no one will question – clean closure.
Having her on-board “eating out of their hands” – Then could then move to the next step, bring the SON in – Time to foster father-son trust relationship, give the perception “I love you Dad”.
By MAY 2017, Nicole PERIARD was hooked.
On 13 JULY 2014, I sent the email to one of their cousins who then made the mistake of sending it to Bobby Lavergne, PERIARD’s brother. He forwarded the email to people who despised her – There’s a long list – He even sent it to her landlord.
- Why did he do that? Bobby Lavergne has been victimized several times by PERIARD in false flag operations involving cop calling. He despises/d her – This was a way to get back at her.
The email contained factual information with the exception of one claim about PERIARD, impersonating her mother and using the LAVERGNE estate as promisory note for a $100,000 loan. That story was a lie by PERIARD, GUERTIN and the Executor of the Lavergne Estate, Jean-Louis LAVERGNE – to make it seem that PERIARD was cut off from the Lavergne Estate therefore not a threat to Mark’s (fake) inheritance.
- Because of their story-lie in the email, they got a two-week eviction notice – Their own story-lie got them evicted. In the email I stated that she had photos of the house they rented and said she owned it. The landlord had a fit with all the other “hair rising” info found in the email and he evicted them. Goodbye.
Two weeks later, on 31 JULY 2014, they were ran out of Prescott-Russell county – many people rejoiced. I said to Mark >> “OPP will be happy with at least 20 calls less annually”.
Since mid-2009, these people had created chaos, horrific false flags in our household. From this point forward (2014), they became cordial, no more chaos, very polite. When my name was said in social gatherings, PERIARD and Theresa Lavergne would strike a pose, then change the subject. It was noticed by some people who then told me.
Since PERIARD was front-man for GUERTIN, the email must have contained things that involved GUERTIN – Perhaps, defending PERIARD on dubious charges, etc. The email put a sock in their dirty mouths and up their arses.
They were at a standstill until New Partners (CSIS) joined them in Fall 2015.
The point here is to show what CSIS rogue agents used to tweak PERIARD to get her eating out of their hands and ultimately blame me for problems it brought into her life.
Here’s the email >> 20140713-email-List-Crimes-Nicole-PERIARD.pdf
Let’s go directly to the information that was high likely leveraged to make her come to papa.
(click to enlarge)
THE SIX ALIASES, Bradley, Bedard, Trepanier, Periard, Tretanier, Lavergne, were leveraged. Although not mentioned in the email, she used various first names including the first name of Mrs. Lavergne senior (Anita).
Once they started investigating / deep diving in databases, it all came to surface . . . I can just imagine the gold nuggets they found. Credit cards, collection agencies searching for fictitious people (who don’t exist) . . . there you go, there she is >> NICOLE going by last name PERIARD (married name) – here’s where she lives and here’s her phone number.
Why do I know that’s what they high likely used to trap her?
>> When you read the email, logically it’s the only thing left to be leveraged but that’s not all . . .
After mid-September 2018, when BOUVIER (CSIS) claimed to protect SMITH and they would represent him in COURT for abuse by his family, BOUVIER (CSIS) NAMED THOSE SIX ALIASES without missing a beat.
Why would he do that? To put weight / validate that CSIS was protecting and representing Mark in his abuse case against Family, to show they were already on the case – started investigation.
- Oh thank you Mr. BOUVIER and please thank the CSIS Crew for looking over us.
- Oh wait . . . wait for it . . . black helicopters are coming . . .
- “Do you hear them Mark? Yes Mr. BOUVIER. CSIS is looking over you to make sure you are safe until your court case is over. You will win it’s a sure dunk hahahaha.“
- Oh thank you Mr. BOUVIER, you are the best. Right babe?
They awoken collection agencies and creditors >> there’s your culprit >> Nicole Trepanier-Periard.
It was so bad that Theresa LAVERGNE (mother of Mark) who, at the time, lived with PERIARD was instructed not to answer the door nor the phone. Since she is an Identity Thief I will venture that there were criminal charges pending with jail time.
Who awoken the beast? CSIS.
During that period, Nicole PERIARD was having a melt-down and so was Michelle GUERTIN for that matter. Unexpected visits and calls by CSIS agents. Michelle GUERTIN calling PERIARD and having fits on the phone. Afterwards, most often, Nicole had to go to clinics (feeling unwell, sick).
This went on from Feb/March to May 2017
So how did they get her eating out of their hands? Easy.
Pay off the creditors and make those criminal charges go away. Now they owned her. Trapped.
Don’t want to Nicole? no problem, let’s have you prosecuted for the crimes you’ve committed – you’re going to jail. Oh and you’ll have to pay off multiple creditors . . . most likely dating as far as 1990s.
THEN IN MAY 2017 . . .
CSIS >> “Mrs. PERIARD who could have brought all of this onto you? Do you have anything to show us?”
PERIARD >> Then PING! “yes an email . . . yes of course! oh my god . . . yes in July 2014!”
CSIS >> “Mrs. PERIARD do you still have a copy?”
PERIARD>> “yes, I do”.
CSIS >> “Good. Please send it to” . . . and she does.
Soon after, she called our house. She said I was in big doo-doo with CSIS . . . she claimed she didn’t have choice but to send them the email.
She was genuinely convinced they were seeing it for the first time – clueless that they had leveraged the information to reel her in.
To which I replied, “please have them call me”. They never did.
Mark was also extremely worried. “This is bad, it’s it’s CSIS babe”.
ME >> “Yes but they just have to call or come and see me.” They never did.
Lyn Champagne is our problem and also yours Mrs. PERIARD.
She side with them / agreeing to bring in the SON and foster father-son trust so that once that was established – mid-July to mid-October 2017 – then they could effect PLAN A: Kidnap/Termination (me) on 12 October 2017.
Obviously PLAN A failed . . . But that operation started in Feb/Mar 2017 up to mid-October 2017 which took 9 months.
- The first plan were two suicide programs which were abruptly stopped on 13 November 2016 when I sent an email to an external source located in UK. POOF! Stopped. Most likely forced to stop.
. - Now they had to take the long way home >> 9 months in the making >> PLAN A required them to get the family contact on BOARD >> Nicole PERIARD, then foster father-son trust bond, then you remove me, SMITH falls to pieces and runs to his trusted SON. Job done by mid-October 2017.
After failed PLAN A, they didn’t have a PLAN B that’s how confident they were. They became disorganized (to know more see links below under “Related Posts”)
In first paragraph of the email, I said it came from an individual called Tony Savage – ON 13 July 2014, I opened a Facebook account, created a quick profile. I needed it to email the cousin. The FB account was closed two days later – it had served its purpose.
In first paragraph, my name is in the second sentence. The family NEVER approached me. Everyone knew Bobby was responsible for forwarding the email to people including the landlord. They avoided me – afraid. Polite like it should have been from the start (2009). I reciprocated. Cordial. Good, it’s over so I thought (2014).
(click to enlarge)

Facebook profile photo of Tony Savage.
She was slandering me on Facebook – The email was a “What would Jesus do” moment. >> “Look at yourself before you spread lies about others, now let’s show others who you really are”. I
Interestingly, one hour earlier she had ran to my (parked) car with arms in the air >> “Lyn! Lyn! did you know you cured me of 3 cancer tumors?!!” I ignored turned my head away to look at the other person who saw/heard her. She turned around went back in her house. The slandering was so bad that people came to the house to tell us.
I had had enough. On 21 Dec 2011, this woman tried to set me up (post below) . . . Since mid-2009, she’d been at it with her mother, bringing daily drama in my house.
For full details of this day >> 13 JULY 2014 – DETAIL EVENTS
Photo came from the cover of sheet music that was laying on the piano – It’s Eric Burdon and the sheet music “SPILL THE WINE”.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2011 – GUERTIN w/t PERIARD – Organized Operations – Forged Arrest Warrant & 2 Attempts to Set Me Up
Disorganized after failed PLAN A >> October 2017 – Disorganized – Retaliation pressing Sex Perversions like SODOMY and Black Helicopters flying over head for 35 days – I got the sense that pushing sexual perversion was a HUMILIATION tactic.
Then when they realized, pushing sex in a vulgar way was not working, they resorted to psychologically inject him with limerence, obsession, illusion of “being in love” >> 19 SEP 2022 >> 9 November 2017 – ORGANIZED – Staged Managed Dream – Sexual Obsession & Infatuation – In Prep for Crime of Passion in Jan 2018? Most Likely. – It failed, I stayed away even more because that’s when I realized they had used my ONLINE stuff to fabricate the staged lucid dream << this is a great way to rewire the psyche –
Used the right way I believe staged lucid dream could heal people. Scientists Successfully Communicate With Lucid Dreamers While They Are Dreaming
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