On 14 JULY 2020, via Facebook, I sent the link to this website to six people:
- Nicole Periard
- Cynthia Rosebush
- Bobby Lavergne
- Theresa Lavergne
- Nicole’s son >> Richard Bedard-Trepanier and his wife Josiane
- And another individual which I will not name here
AFTER SENDING the link, within 10 minutes, my FACEBOOK account was terminated – – Based on website statistics, they all accessed the site.
6 years ago on 14 JULY 2014 >> a confidential email was sent to one recipient – the recipient made the mistake of sending it to Bobby Lavergne >> “heads up your sister Nicole is being investigated”.
Out of spite, Bobby Lavergne sent it to everyone who resented Nicole Periard – including their landlord at the time – they got evicted two weeks later. The confidential email went viral in our community.
From 2009-2010, the family created chaos in our lives. When Mark’s grandmother died (30 October 2010), they became dangerous – Various setups throughout 2011 using local law and forging warrants.
6 years ago (13-14 July 2014) > > here’s how we halted them in their tracks – kept them away from us > 20140714-FAMILY-GUERTIN-AT-BAY-STANDSTILL.pdf
This was the only way to get this dangerous woman off our backs – it succeeded but put me on a HIT list when their new partners associated to CSIS allied with GUERTIN – I estimated by Fall 2015 – They came in offering a golden weapon >> Unlimited Electronic monitoring of all points of communications include in-house discussions.
THE LIST OF CRIMES in the confidential email was gold nuggets to STRESS NICOLE PERIARD and GET HER BUY-IN:
During early winter 2017, CSIS came into NICOLE Periard’s life and used the information found in the LIST OF CRIMES EMAIL to tweak her – MICHELLE GUERTIN played with the new partners “Good cop” and the partners (CSIS) “Bad cop”.
Everyone who called their landline was warned that CSIS had tapped their phone line because of NICOLE.
In Spring 2017, when they asked her: “Who do think caused you all that trouble, Mrs. Periard?” She gave them a copy of the email – She called Mark to announce I was in trouble with CSIS because of that email. To which I responded: “Tell CSIS to call me” – They never did.
By early summer 2017, NICOLE was relaxed and relieved – The SON started to call in mid-July 2017.
I will venture to say, that’s HOW they persuaded NICOLE PERIARD “family spoke person” to agree to go along with the agenda to use the FATHER-SON COVER to get Mark’s confidence.
The SON would be the person who would convince him that I was a threat to his livelihood – to his incoming share from the Lavergne Estate <– bogus carrot dangled since fall 2012.
I became a “Bash BAIT” accessory to mobilize him. They were very confident in January – February 2018 including April 2018 – By September 2018, the operation was taken over by rogue CSIS individuals.
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26 August 2020 – Denied Access 4 Months – What was I posting & investigating at the time? What was Special About 26 August?
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