10-14 August 2018 – Get Rid of Recordings & Inheritance Will Be Released – OK No Problem
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Keep in mind, they had full-blown e-monitoring online & in-house conversations –> “Oh no, it’s BOUVIER . . . fvck! #$*%& – I forgot to close my phone” << they heard that.
- Also keep in mind, that they had him tweaked up with claims of that huge (fake) inheritance. After mid-October 2017, they portrayed me as the foe, the enemy who’s nice but in reality is super evil waiting for his share . . . who will trap him (just like GUERTIN wanted to do – projecting) by either institutionalizing him or sending him to jail. He was paranoid with me too many months into years.
What they wanted to do to him, they mirrored / projected onto me.
(Spoiler alert: About closing his phone to avoid BOUVIER? They retaliated on 27th.)
- At the time, I remember thinking how symbolic it was that Mark would wake up on 26 AUGUST 2018.
Audio >> 20180826-1-I.048-0.30-Mark-Reflexion-Realization-Anger-makes-him-sick.mp3 - Audio >> 20180826-2-I.048-0.53-Mark-Going-To-Sleep-Clearminded.mp3
Date-stamped Full lengths for 26 August 2018 – click to enlarge
- Why is 26 August symbolic? Because the Operational Director, according to my books, came on-board full-time on 26 AUGUST 2017.
A year to the day, BOUVIER was crashing like the others (GUERTIN duo, Family, Terrence LEPAGE) – Who’s left? LOUIS GUERTIN? This one only played role of good guy – didn’t like confrontation – not good at it – don’t want to.
More about 26 AUGUST 2017 at end of this post.
BACK to 26 AUGUST 2018
27 AUGUST 2018
On this day, opportunity presented itself for them to retaliate:
- “you want to close your phone? oh yeah? then will create a situation where she (me) will try to reach you but will not be able to . . . . because your phone was closed”
Here’s what happened (short version):
- Around 7-8pm-ish Mark asked me to get him hamburgers at A&W in town 12km away. The weather was fine.
. - He closed his phone and laid down on the sofa and fell asleep. It should have taken me no more than 30-35 minutes back and fro.
, - They zapped my car (at a distance) so that I would have car problems unable to reach home, that trip would end up taking me 2 1/2 hours.
Here’s how it went down:
So I was at the A&W drive thru, a car in front of me – As I waited my turn, I launched a Ghost app on my smartphone and laid it on the passenger’s seat. Here are the words that appeared rapidly one after the other:
When I saw the word DEMON, I chuckled and said out loud something like “oh yeah, you’d be right, they (GUERTIN) are demons, pure psychopaths from Hell” rambling on “yeah, the witch GUERTIN uses her fvcking legal wand to set up people did you know that?” referring to –> “main, law, element, interest”- Witch GUERTIN was a (crooked) lawyer. At the time, it wasn’t in my consciousness that New Partners (CSIS) << main law, was in conspiracy, in fact directing the operation.
I’m convinced they could hear me –> smart phone.
No sooner did I say that, BANG! A super storm erupted, thunder and lighting with strong winds, and extreme rain. It was so bad that the cashier at the drive-thru had difficulty serving me.
After getting the order, I decided to go put gas.
When I came to leave the gas station, I was unable to move into Drive mode. The transmission stick was stuck.
I called MARK. No answer his phone was closed. There was no way to reach him.
I called a towing and waited over one hour. The individual, a good Samaritan, showed me a trick on how to manually disengage the transmission (at no cost).
It took over 2 hours to get home.
At the house did it rain? No. We lived 12km away from the A & W.
When I arrived at the house, did he believe me? Of course not.
Here’s three .mp3 audio extracts from date stamped full-length:
- 20180827-1-I.050-0.27-Car-Problems-Caused-Conflict.mp3
- 20180827-1-I.049-1.44-Mark-ate-Hamburgers-upset-at-me-gone.too.long-then.sick.mp3
- 20180827-2-I.049-1.23-Mark-no-believe-me-wants-2-leave-few-days.mp3
The experience from A to Z was so unnatural that I thought it was supernatural. It validated that they were “demons”.
I thought it was supernatural UNTIL it happened again on 27 FEBRUARY 2019
- On that day, as a friend and me were about to get out of the car, I told him (in the car) that this was the ONE year anniversary as to how the Full Force Kill Program had ended (27 FEB 2018) –> Full blown seizure and realization that the fvcking demons not only wanted me dead but also Mark SMITH.
. - 27 FEBRUARY 2018 was the day I had made conscious decision to protect him (although I wanted this guy out of my life) – On that day, I knew hospitals were GUERTIN traps and they wanted to trap this guy. Hag Michelle GUERTIN confirmed it on 3 MARCH 2018, when she-psychopath called decreeing she was prepping documents to have him forcefully institutionalized and have me arrested for abusing him. I went on as to how demonic they were, blah blah blah.
Oh and my friend was French, I kept referring to her as “la vieille plotte démoniaque, la sorcière” which translates to “Old demonic cunt, the witch”.
Then we got out of the car. We shopped (40 minutes) and when we returned the car was in total lockdown mode – dead.
It had to be towed – 50km away from home – took over 5 hours. When I told the towing guy about the uncanny circumstances, he said something like “Perhaps your car was zapped at a distance?”
That was an enlightening moment.
- I had my smartphone, they overheard us in the car. Just like they could manipulate the Ghost app on 27 AUGUST 2018 – zap the transmission – as for the storm, it was localized.
They were still using technology? MOST LIKELY.
THIRD TIME >> “GUERTIN and DEMON” were again mentioned (online) on 27 APRIL 2019 and this time I mocked them – ta-da-a again car problems – But on 27 APRIL 2019, they went a step further and did a staged managed dream where I died.
I mocked them (illustrations of Little D appears 7 times in document included in this post) >> 26-27 April 2019 – Cartoonish Parody with Character Little D(emon) – Mocking Them – 5-Stage of Conflict Cycle – Led to Staged Managed Lucid Dream – I mocked them.
But that staged lucid dream was actually an enlightening experience because in the staged dream I realized I had died often, I had just forgotten. While in lucid dream state, I made it a point to remember how it felt to die when I wake up.
- Keep in mind I don’t fear death, why? because that fear was kicked out of me in 2003-04 when I was tricked to believe I had 18 months to live – It took 11 months to discover it was a lie, 11 months thinking one was going to die – that was a gift – To bring it a step further –> Two months later they offered me a free trip to CUBA and two kidnap attempts failed by Cuban SS police (ordered from Canada).
. - Seems I’ve been on a hit list well before GUERTIN came in my life and I am convinced it’s the same network as New Partners (CSIS) which is why the first option when they joined GUERTIN was to terminate me.
In 2004 (CUBA), they got egg on their faces – exposure – With them it is usually just a question of time until next opportunity arises and it did in 2015 with GUERTIN agenda.
13 February 2018 – What does this day have in common with Cuba 2004? New Partners (CSIS) & A Sheet of Paper
Here’s the link to a comment (31 AUG 2024) about CUBA –> about getting egg on their face – In 2004, how they must have been pissed off –> At next opportunity, we won’t miss “. . . and you’re fvcking going to get it” >> CLICK HERE (less than a page long) – I explain how they got exposed.
On 27 APRIL 2019, what’s tragic is that one of my dogs (Big Louie) died and my car was inundated from the inside (all windows closed) and inoperable for several weeks.
What’s more uncanny is the staged dream started with me falling off a 200ft cliff with my car into a body of water and my car was inundated with 1-2 inches of water? It blew my mind.
See 3 second video below -water in car – date stamped 27 APRIL 2019.
FOURTH TIME >> 29 JULY 2020 – I was writing a post about these occurrences saying GUERTIN & DEMON in the same sentence – Later in the day, when I came to use my car . . . hum . . . the transmission was stuck – I remembered what the good Samaritan had showed me –> how to manually disengage the transmission. Uncanny considering the last time it had occurred was on 27 August 2018.
Four occurrences –> (1) 27 AUGUST 2018 (2) 27 FEBRUARY 2019 (3) 27 APRIL 2019 (4) 29 JULY 2020
All coincidences, right? no, man-made.
From another perspective, I found it was telling when we consider they are demonic aka psychopaths.
NOTE: Imagine all the people who experience supernatural-like events and in reality many are man-made. Just like alien abductions, most or nearly all of them are fabricated including anomalous lights in the sky (moving, no sound).
Same goes with seeing shadow people, many are man-made (holographic). And don’t get me started with staged managed lucid dreams (I should do a post on this subject, Mark and I have been subjected to those).
No kidding Sherlock >> Scientists Successfully Communicate With Lucid Dreamers While They Are Dreaming
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ABOUT 26 AUGUST 2017 –> Full-time dedicated to the operation, focused on directing the SON on how to foster father-son trust bond in time for PLAN A (12 October 2017).
It helps when the operational side can e-monitor in real-time – it’s easier to know what to focus on / what to say in order to foster/build trust.
- Under guidance, the SON began calling daily –> yes-s let the SON foster that trust bond while she stayed in the background >> Let the new director “mind-war specialist” do his mentoring, coaching, handling the SON.
Where was Michelle GUERTIN? Around 26 AUGUST 2017, the SON announced that she was recently out of CANCER surgery and would be away until January 2018 – She faked cancer (to retreat in the background) – Prior to this false claim, she claimed to have been an Acting Director at CSIS.
The SON was super nice up until PLAN A failed (12 OCT 2017) – By 14-15 October 2017, the speech changed. He became the instigator pushing sex, mostly perversions (e.g. sodomy) – Boasted being a doctor “my son the doctor who loves me”.
Then on 26 October 2017 – black helicopters started flying low over the house several times daily (excessive vibration & loud) for 35 consecutives days until 29 November 2017.
After PLAN A failed (12 OCT 2017), they pushed humiliation (retaliation – a sort of punishment on the target (me) because PLAN A had failed and now they were disorganized – They had put all their eggs in PLAN A basket. That’s the short version.
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By 29 AUGUST 2018 . . . Mark didn’t care for BOUVIER (CSIS) with his excuses and nasty intel reports.
Mark was ready to press criminal charges against Michelle GUERTIN and his family for abuse.
And that’s when I pulled out the recordings that were stored in an obscure sub-sub-folder on Google DRIVE. They thought I’d destroyed them on 10 August 2018. Ta-da-a.
Around 10pm-ish, I started to review the List of Recordings that I had finalized on 22 MAY 2018. I didn’t stop until it was done on 30 AUGUST 2018 at 03:57am. When I pressed SAVE for one of the last time, all hell broke loose in the house.
They retaliated.
Next post to come >> 29-30 AUGUST 2018.
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Spoiler alert –> After mid-September 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) regained full-blown trust – Two weeks earlier would fake Michelle GUERTIN death (4 SEP 2018). BOUVIER the Hero, the Savior of the day, claiming CSIS was protecting Mark with a slew of black helicopters flying daily frequently over the house. jiving (1) with BOUVIER (CSIS)’s phone calls; and, (2) conversations in the house.
- My neighbor across the street was convinced they were watching his farm >> marijuana grow op. HE was pissed off considering that black helicopter flyovers were the same pattern as in Fall 2017 . It’s funny but it’s not.
In January 2019, neighbor and I had a good conversation about it.
Neighbor –>”the fvckers were checking my farm two years in a row”).
Me –> “No Marss, they were after us, they killed Mark”)
- They played out the black helicopter frequent flyovers stunt twice (Fall 2017, Fall 2018) – First time in Fall 2017 from 26 October to 29 November 2017 giving the perception that my communication/exchange with MUFON was cause.
In Fall 2017, I used flyovers to my advantage to get Mark not to engage with the SON – I told him they were protecting me. I knew how to get them to fly over and so I got them to fly when I needed them to fly over – Five minutes before, they would arrived, I would tell Mark that him and his SON better stop – if you don’t they will fly over in a few minutes . . . and sure enough they did. That’s the short version.
.- Now get this –> In Fall 2018, they used flyovers this way >>”Mark, they are flying over for your protection.” . . . “Oh, thank you Mr. BOUVIER” – I think I might have given them the idea – In Fall 2017, they could hear in-house.
BOUVIER TO MARK >> “Mark, CSIS is protecting you and the black helicopters are here to watch over you – I will represent you in COURT to fight your abuse case against the family”
Why not charge Michelle GUERTIN? oh, they faked her death on 4 SEP 2018. And the Troll-SON? well . . . poor fvcker committed suicide on 2 JULY 2018. We fell for it.
Next post >> 29-30 AUGUST 2018
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Written on 27 July 2022 >> 26 August 2017 – The Day they came in – blanket of doom | A year (2016) before, a special day
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