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4 to 14 SEPTEMBER 2018
Many things were going on at the same time – They had re-organized – I anticipated they would.
Psyops – Highlights:
4-14th – FAMILY apparently had allied with a biker gang (81 percenters) who supported them and who were apparently after us – This information came from BOUVIER (CSIS) giving the perception he was on Mark’s side “Lock your door tonight“, Bouvier the Sympathizer.
To put weight, gangs of biker would pass in front of the house, slow down and stare with hostility – almost daily.
4th – Fake Death of Michelle GUERTIN.
5-11th – GUERTIN-led Lure #1 –> LOUIS insisted Mark attend her funerals.
10th – GUERTIN-led Lure #2 –> Former psychiatrist not seen for over 20 years, impersonated being his new family doctor (come and meet your new physician) – A grab that failed because for first time in 9 years, I decided at last minute, to go with him.
And to crown it . . .
14th – As per BOUVIER, someone reported to CSIS that I was abusing Mark.
- And that led me to write in SKYPE that I was keeping the recordings – Then I started to write in SKYPE a list of abuse incidents from his FAMILY more specifically his mother (Theresa LAVERGNE).
15th – Quiet day . . . At the time, I thought it was my long SKYPE information the day before (14th) that had shut down everyone including BOUVIER (CSIS).
Reality is –> By this time, all GUERTIN had crashed . . . New Partners (CSIS) were most likely in the war room conspiring / planning a new psyop.
Sure enough . . .
16th >> New psyop.
As I mentioned at at the end of post 28-30 August 2018 –> now that we had everything ready, to go ahead and press criminal charges, there was no one to help us.
For the new psyop, they gave the perception that they were answering the Call.
CSIS will protect you while BOUVIER, a CSIS lawyer, will go to COURT on Mark’s behalf for a criminal abuse case against the family. Also, apparently, the family were contesting the release of his (fake) inheritance.
- To put weight –> Black helicopters on demand in sync with in-house discussions and BOUVIER (CSIS)’s phone calls. The goal was to give the perception of safe & secure.
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Since 29 AUGUST 2018, I was in charge – Everything was ready to have them criminally charged for abuse (Michelle GUERTIN and FAMILY).
- I figured if there was an inheritance, it would come out when these perps were criminally charged – everything would fall into place.
PROBLEM -> We wanted to press criminal charges but couldn’t figure out how to do it – All communications were intercepted. They blocked all possible venues. OPP would not help us. RCMP would refer us to OPP. We were screwed. Time wasn’t our friend.
In late morning, LOUIS GUERTIN announced Michelle GUERTIN had died at 04:44am –> They faked her death like the SON in July 2018.
- Two common trends few days before faking respective deaths –> (1) recording material not destroyed, working on it at full-pin; and, (2) Wanting to press criminal charges against them -SON 2 JULY, Michelle GUERTIN 4 SEP 2018.
To validate (our perception) that she was dead, several authorities claiming high rank in the Brotherhood called.
Last caller was a so-called OPP Officer, who asked if we had comforting words for the family.
- To which I responded, “Yes, tell the family, good riddance.”
. - He replied (paraphrasing), “We can arrest you for saying that.”
. - To which I replied, “Please sir, give me your email address so that I can send you documents that would show you what this woman has done to us.”
He hung up.
5-11 SEPTEMBER 2018
For next 6-7 days, LOUIS GUERTIN called daily insisting / pressuring MARK to attend Michelle GUERTIN’s (fake) funeral.
- LOUIS preferred doing lures or be reassuring “play good guy” and not confrontational like Michelle GUERTIN and her SON –> openly demonic. LOUIS is introverted – subterfuge.
LOUIS was behind the 8 MAR 2018 Brotherhood Lure – “Come my son (Mark) and join the Brotherhood – be inducted as your SON rises in degrees” – It worked but they botched kidnap on 1 APR 2018 (bad hit for them – time wasted) – All of MARCH 2018 was about that lure >> MARCH 2018 – List of Posts – Events.
Then we have the Safe House Lure >> 17-20 August 2018. LOUIS portrayed himself as the sane one, the GUERTIN patriarch. Keystone-Louis. Mark went to his grave admiring this guy.
By 6-7th day of calling (10-11 SEP 2018), LOUIS was passive aggressive, sinister tone as he pressured.
Mark noticed and commented out loud about it in the house ->They high likely overheard – LOUIS stopped calling.
WHILE LOUIS was about to give up calling, another GUERTIN-organized lure was played out . . .
- (New Partners (CSIS) was not needed in GUERTIN led / organized lures other than alerting if something important is detected from monitoring intel like was the case on 10 DEC 2018.)
10 September 2018
Mark’s former psychiatrist Dr. BOYD from 1990s, who MARK had not seen for over 20 years, came out of the wood work – This was the last LURE led by GUERTIN.
- Mark was called by the clinic to come and meet his NEW General Practitioner “physician” – Dr. B.A. BOYD impersonated being the new physician replacing Mark’s recently retired physician (e.g. blood pressure pills).
Dr. BOYD was in conspiracy with GUERTIN – High likely on standby if any grab had worked. Once you abduct the guy, you have to bring him somewhere, for GUERTIN it was psychiatric hospital and that’s where BOYD came in. This perp had been in the shadows, waiting and here he was, doing the LAST GUERTIN lure.
It would have been successful IF ONLY I had not decided at last minute, first time in 9 years, to attend Mark’s appointment and meet the new physician.
This was disturbing to see –> Mark acted like a little boy with this man so I can imagine how via power of suggestion, BOYD would have been able to subdue him – putty in his hands. Mark the schoolboy who wants to please the schoolmaster.
Dr. BOYD had a surprised look when I entered the room – He became clammy and disoriented – I thought he was an impostor . . . someone faking being a physician, and I was right – He was there for a grab.
Then at the end of it all, Dr. BOYD let the cat out of the bag when he admitted that Mark had been psychologically experimented on “a lot”. He forgot I was there and answered with pride (ego), he seeped sinisterism as he leaned forward with a predatory smile – Mark beaming that the school master is smilingly acknowledging what they’ve done to him. Creepy.
- 10 September 2018 – Dr. B.A. BOYD Former Psychiatrist Greets Mark in Last Attempted Grab Operation.
GUERTIN Containment Area was Mental Hospital – Set up in 1990s – FAMILY in conspiracy – 1992 is the point of life enslavement – Psychiatry to psy re-arrange and mark as dangerous – Nicole PERIARD conspired with Michelle GUERTIN in 1990s.
Back to 4 SEPTEMBER 2018 . . .
After they faked her death, threats came from the Family who apparently had allied with a biker gang called 81 percenters who were after us.
Imaginary threat dished out by BOUVIER (CSIS)? Could be, however it doesn’t explain how come gangs of bikers would pass in front of the house, slow down and stare with hostility.
In the evening . . .
BOUVIER (CSIS) called with his nasty intel reporting routine . . .
Apparently, the family had allied with a biker gang called 81 percenters as well as allied with Mark’s ex-wife >> Cynthia Rosebush and her son, who apparently were prominent in that biker gang.
- Rosebush and Nicole PERIARD were very tight – GUERTIN, PERIARD, ROSEBUSH, three female enslavers in Mark Smith’s life. GUERTIN & PERIARD organized Mark to marry ROSEBUSH, a crack addict with a criminal record, 12 years his senior (same age as Michelle GUERTIN).
In early 2000, when he tried to permanently leave her, she hit him with a metal pipe while he showered – The plan most likely was to have him fall unconsciousness, call an organized ambulance to GUERTIN’s territory. It failed. A few years later, family provoked suicide (2007).
Here are audio clips (below) extracted from full-length audio file date stamped 4 September 2018:
When you will listen to these audios, keep in mind, we’d been on the run for over a year, where the name of the game was termination – They were relentless and had the resources.
20180904-1.19-BOUVIER-status-report[Biker-Family]-Mother-Xwife-on-Facebook-Xwife-herson-bikers.mp3<< as you can hear, I’m not too favorable of (criminal) bikers . . . why is that? I come from a security background worked in critical agencies . . .Also, when I was 11, I was cornered/isolated by a PEDOPHILE Biker and I defended myself.
- When he plunged his tongue in my mouth, I bit it with all my strength, I severed his tongue, blood everywhere, he desisted in pain unable to talk and semi-blinded “automatic tearing” we were in the middle of a lake in a row boat. After I injured him, he jumped off the boat and swam to shore.
. - Since he was vulnerable, if he had continued (underestimating me – a fool), I was going to twist, pull and wank his genitals. I was the kind of child, who wasn’t easily impressed by most adults – hypocrites – not afraid – I talked back.
. - Anyone who thinks children want to have sex with adults, needs to examine their perverted mental distortion – I’m very grateful today I am not a kid or have kids below age 18 on this planet – Children are not safe here.>> WEF-Driven – U.N. Sexuality Agenda for School Grooming/Sexualizing Children – Normalizing Pedophilia & Homosexuality. >> totally against universal / natural laws. Going after children – Satanic mind-set just like GUERTIN and New Partners (CSIS).
Interestingly, it seems that each time I bad-mouthed the bikers, they were sure to drive that day in front of the house, slow down and stare with hostility – Mark was afraid. I wasn’t.
On this day, BOUVIER (CSIS) announced that someone had reported me to CSIS for psychologically abusing Mark.
Get it right CSIS –> the family are the abusers.
I SKYPED many things – Here’s the first screenshot of many more screenshots (link below)
In next screenshots, I went after the FAMLY – I wrote about Family being in conspiracy in APRIL 2018, when Michelle GUERTIN and the SON attempted to kidnap Mark at the shopping mall parking lot . . . and more.
- In my mind –> There you go CSIS, here’s the information you need to get it right –> FAMILY are the abusers.
At the time I thought –> BOUVIER have you suddenly gone stupid? Of course it was a ploy but at the time I didn’t know.
. - When smart people play stupid, something deceitful is up.
15th – Quiet day.
- I will venture they used this day to troubleshoot in the war room what should be their next course of action – again what I wrote in SKYPE might have inspired them for the next psyop . . . the one that would get Mark killed.
On 16th, three things happened that changed the course of the operation.
16th – No more threats from biker gangs.
16th – BOUVIER (CSIS) came in as the SAVIOR. The one representing CSIS who, apparently was protecting Mark – Black helicopters on-demand were there to protect him. The FAMILY was No. 1 enemy. BOUVIER (CSIS) would represent Mark in Court, fight for him – In reality, they used COURT to do the inversion –> Mark was the bad guy, I was the influencer.
16th – LOUIS GUERTIN was sent in the background, portrayed as a destitute frail old man – The GUERTIN no longer participated in the operation.
New Partners (CSIS) took over making it seem they were on OUR SIDE. Black helicopters on demand in sync with in-house discussions and BOUVIER’s calls. Giving the perception they were protecting Mark – going to bat for us – They took over – I was no longer in charge.
If I questioned too much, this happened >> Black Helicopter super low over house.mp3 (there are more audio extracts for this incident)
MARK GAVE PERMISSION TO CSIS TO BE FULLY MONITORED INCLUDING INFRARED INTO THE HOUSE “OH THANK YOU MR. BOUVIER, THANK YOU” – Keep in mind, the reality was –> Since early 2016, we were fully monitored including satellite feed on the property minus infrared in house (16 SEP 2018).
Side Note
- Interestingly, from 16 September to 23 November 2018, BOUVIER (CSIS) didn’t want Mark to get medical attention. Told Mark to wait for his signal. I couldn’t understand why that was, especially if the GUERTIN duo were dead . . . CSIS is protecting him, so what’s the problem?
Mark only listened to BOUVIER (CSIS), the number one SAVIOR – When I misbehaved, seeding doubts or too much questioning, BOUVIER (CSIS) would portray me as a suspicious character.
On 29 NOV 2018, I called an ambulance thinking hospitals were safe. Was I ever wrong.
- Starting 16 SEP 2018, New Partners (CSIS) drove/led the operation (no GUERTIN) up until 29 NOV 2018 when Mark ended up in the hospital.
Once hospitalized, GUERTIN no longer needed New Partners (CSIS) to complete the job . . . “thank you, we’ll take it from here, we got this”.
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- Only once did he get angry –> on 7 APR 2018, he threatened me and my kids, threats of sending the Knights Templar after me, my daughter losing her job – He was outraged, Michelle GUERTIN was apparently freaked out.
I have no idea what New Partners (CSIS) told them – Keep in mind, GUERTIN didn’t have first hand monitoring live data – they relied on New Partners (CSIS) . . . “Imagine how you can tweak GUERTIN as you want … tell them anything …. false intel to get them react as you want.” – Illusion of free will. Puppets.
When we asked LOUIS what was his problem with me, he shouted –> I was the delay for the release of the inheritance. There was no inheritance, so what was it really? I will say it was the inability to grab him. They needed him (I believe dead) in order to release whatever was riding over his head. I was the delay for them getting their hands on him.
. - Interestingly, day before (6 APR), I had done a performance doing Enochian Magick, sealing her fate –> She was my replacement, my substitute “whatever fate they had in store for me would become her fate”. Even a raven fell in the fireplace (I took a photo). It was perfect timing – very dramatic – a seal of acknowledgement of sort. Then shortly after, a distinct pearl grey helicopter flew by and in my mind, it validated they heard and high likely saw the Enochian performance.
Is that why Michelle and Louis GUERTIN were really upset?
By 6 APRIL 2018, both Michelle GUERTIN and her SON were no longer trusted. On 1 APRIL, the SON had lure him to leave. Once Mark got to Ottawa, Ontario they attempted to kidnap him. This was part of the 8 MARCH 2018 lure instigated by LOUIS GUERTIN.
After that botched kidnap, the SON was no longer trusted. At the time, without the SON, they were screwed. From 2 to 17 APRIL, we were not bothered by any of them – they couldn’t call – Mark was calling the SON a “fucking clown”. But on 18 APRIL 2018, New Partners (CSIS) via a character called Terrence LEPAGE re-integrated the SON in our lives and they were back at exterminating me.
Interestingly, by chance, I re-encountered the guy involved in PLAN A (12 Oct 2017), he was wearing a jacket with a CSIS crest – He tried to hide his face. On 23 APRIL 2018, I called 911 – I knew within if I didn’t reach out for help I would die in coming days. My police video statement (23 APR) which they replaced with a false written statement in COURT (9 MAY) is supportive material to recording material and this website.
About the distinct helicopter (6 APR 2018), next time I would see it would be on 29 NOV 2018 as Mark was being transferred into the ambulance (in our backyard). Mark turned to me and with a comforting smile said it was BOUVIER and it was OK that he was going to the hospital. The older paramedic seeped being in conspiracy – sinister smile like a cartoon villain character.
I freaked. That’s BOUVIER? What!? I thought it was GUERTIN in April 2018.
Then the third time it would fly by was on the one year anniversary of Mark’s death on 16 December 2019.
Written 16 SEP 2022 >> Case Overview – Part 6 – 1-14 September 2018 – Must press charges – Michelle Guertin Killed Off – Pressure Attend her Funerary Service “Grab attempt”| Bouvier’s Intel Family & Biker Alliance Threats
Written 16 SEP 2022 >> 4-14 September 2018 – Michelle Guertin’s Death – Final GRAB Attempt Operation with Louis Guertin at Forefront – Failed
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Previous version of this post: 15 SEP 2023
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