10 minutes (video will open in a new window)
Are Your Thoughts Making You Unhappy? Free yourself from the noise in your head
Self-Empowerment – How to Observe and Transform the Energy of Emotions
The Physician of the Future – Ralph Waldo Trine (1866-1958)
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You can easily learn to stop the talk in your mind.
You know you are making progress, when you catch yourself mind-talking again – a sign of self-awareness. Don’t get pissed off instead feel emotion of gratitude that you caught yourself. It doesn’t take long to master this.
I have learned this a very long time ago.
Thoughts evoke emotions which turn to action or state of being – your mood.
When you practice able to stop the mind chatter, you get to know the difference when thoughts are not yours – negative thoughts become ineffective.
Choose your emotions without being influenced by your mind. Here’s a practice . . . . before stepping out of bed, evoke the emotions of gratitude, joy and care WITHOUT having to think to evoke the emotions. When your mind, kicks in with a negative thought “pfft! gratitude”, chuckle and push it in the basement, and evoke the good emotions. It’s a service to yourself – within a few weeks, the mind will not be the dominant factor for emotions.
Psychopaths can’t feel those emotions because these emotions are under the umbrella of LOVE. Uh-oh. They feel satisfaction when they have tricked or twisted someone psychologically – tinge of pleasure of AHA at their ugly solar plexus but gratitude is not one of them.
In fact, the emotion of gratitude will keep you healthy. Very powerful.
These are baby steps to regain your emotional sovereignty. YOU CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL and not the other way around where your thoughts drive your emotions << that’s a bad trap where many are stuck.
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Here’s another example, when you see a rose, do you say in mind “Rose”?
See the rose without having to say in mind the human identification code “rose”.
When you’re driving and see a speed limit sign (e.g. 100 KM) do you say 100 KM in your mind? start practicing not saying it but just seeing it for what it is.
You can easily control your mind or rather your thoughts – it’s much easier than you think – it doesn’t take years, only a few weeks.
Oh, and by the way, THEY don’t want you to be able to master your mind – control the chatter and setting the mood because once you have that capability, you are much harder to influence, trigger and manipulate – that pisses them off. You can’t be triggered. V2K doesn’t work because you know (trust me) that the thought isn’t your own.
A few years ago, a friend said: “what are you? T’Pol (vulcan) in Star Trek? or Data?
I don’t know if I was suppose to take as a compliment or a reproach, I responded “thank you”. She (my friend) could not understand why I wasn’t affected mentally and emotionally after what I experienced with the psychopaths. On 14 September 2016, I had a life changing experience.
To know about mid-September 2016, you have to read this >> 2016 (May to 14 September) – Suicide Program #1 of 2 – Target: Lyn Champagne – V2K & Voice of God Technology – becomes ineffective after life-changing experience on 14 September 2016
After mid-September 2016, my perspective of life in this container (Lyn Champagne) totally changed. So when the psychopaths came in full force, I became an operative, no emotions of despair – Rule #1 do not entangle with sociopaths and/or psychopaths. Observe and note. See the reality of what they are doing.
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Dr. Robert Duncan (DARPA) – Intelligent Systems for Mind Control – 2015
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