8:53 minutes Viewing is not available in some countries. Disease X !??! . . . Oh nooooo . . . . run to the cave . . . . Where where where is the cave ?! RELATED POST The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend – Wind Blown Hare Another…
Category: Psy-Warfare
27 December 2023 – 96 Site Visits Soon After Writing About Psyops & Dr. Robert Duncan – Analytics Show Likely Organized to Coincide With Writings – Psyop?
As I was writing this post, I kept thinking of the times when I would voice out in-house “I am sovereign of self” to tell them they were not going to psychologically affect me. I knew they could hear in-house conversations – Soon after (10 min. or less), Michelle GUERTIN and her SON would call…
19 October 2018 – FALL Court – Profiling me? | Helicopter Pilot instinctively shields himself thinking I was pulling out a weapon
Since late September 2018, BOUVIER from CSIS was representing Mark SMITH in Court. He was fighting the family abuse case on behalf on Mark. Apparently, the FAMILY was contesting his large inheritance. Of course, all of the above were lies. On Monday, 15 October 2018, BOUVIER announced that I would be the topic of interest…
27 FEBRUARY 2018 – Day I Knew They Wanted Him Dead or Alive | Psyops played out January to February 2018
Mark SMITH was moving out on 28 February 2018, I was looking forward to it. But after the full force killing game from 24-27 FEBRUARY 2018 when on the 27th, he fell to the ground in full seizure, I knew then they wanted this guy alive but better dead . Since they could hear in-house,…
Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to a NAZI (Two Videos) – The RCAF Officer Who Brought Hitler’s Waffen SS to Canada
25 SEPTEMBER 2023 >> Ukrainian Canadians Expose Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi Heritage.pdf Her Grand-father lastname “Chomiak” took refuge in Canada – A wanted Nazi War Criminal that Poland was searching for up until 1980s. Article from Canadian Military Magazine “Esprit de Corps” The RCAF Officer Who Brought Hitler’s Waffen SS to Canada October 30, 2020…
By Dr. R. Fullmich (ICIC Law) – Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children & Colonization by Mind Control
Sexualization of Children & Mind Control | Sweden’s Dystopian Digital ID | The Criminalization of Dissent Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 50 years by seeking…
14 FEB 2023 >> Dr Steven Greer Reveals The Truth Behind The Recent UAPs
RELATED POST 10 February 2023 – Lucid Dream Classroom Auditorium with Off-Worlders? TOPIC: Alien False Flag – 11 FEBRUARY 2023 >> USA & Canada Announcement of Shooting Down UFOS in Alaska & Elsewhere Views: 280
*UFO/ET FILE in Wrong Hands* – Paul Hellyer – Final Revelations – Hidden Government overarching Government
I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU I will venture off-world factions are the ones who do not want disclosure – It is too dangerous for you and I – They will not contribute / help them to enslave us. It is for our protection. Disclosure and ET open contact cannot happen until genuine leadership is…
FIVE Grab Strategies from 2016 to 2018 – Organized
Supplemental documents: GUERTIN’s Containment Zone was Mental Hospital – Set up in 1990s 1992 – “The Setup” – 1st Grab Ops – GUERTIN Power of Attorney & PERIARD Legal Custodian & Dr. B.A. Boyd (mental hospital) 10 September 2018 – Dr. B.A. BOYD Former Psychiatrist Greets Mark in Last Attempted Grab Operation 2016-2018 GRAB Strategies…
GUERTIN Containment Area was Mental Hospital – Set up in 1990s – FAMILY in conspiracy – 1992 is the point of life enslavement – Psychiatry to psy re-arrange and mark as dangerous
Throughout 2017-18, they played out various strategies as means to ensnare him – The goal was to cease him covertly (where he thinks they are rescuing him). Once contained “grabbed” where did they intend to keep him? GUERTIN containment zone was the mental hospital – It was set up by GUERTIN in 1990s** ** Elaborated…