- Two-minute clip from Star Trek: Next Generation >> Prejudice-ONE-OF-LAST-FEAR-to-GO-AWAY-In-HUMANS.mp4
- And this 3 minute clip >> When they know you have prejudice or fear they are not interested in making contact.mp4
If you do a search in YouTube regarding so-called good and bad ETs. You will have a slew of results. Most are based on channeling and people who claim to be with the so-called Secret Space Program. You will quickly notice that only the super sexy blond humanoids are the good ones and all others are to be feared.
Many who claim to be contactees are really in contact with humans posing as ETs >> Germans-posing-as-ET-humanoid-species.mp4 – The blond humanoids claiming to be from the Pleiades.
Gee. . . I once knew a lady who was handled by Secret Space Program. She was convinced she was a Pleiadian on mission to witch-hunt reptoids. Blond pale skin just like the YouTube videos. In her case, they really did a number on her. They made her husband cut his throat in front of her then they came in as her saviors . . . the ageless tactic of covert predator turned savior. Doesn’t that sound familiar?
Amping up prejudice for ET species, in my opinion, is in prep for a potential ET false flag invasion.
After all you need to get the humans conditioned ahead of time. I’ve written extensively about this on this site. Latest post was >> 5-6-7-8 JULY 2017 – Alien False Flag Invasion using Human PREJUDICE to Control Narrative? They retaliated after I exposed it – Lucid dream on Ship & Sightings (videos included). In 2017, when I did a presentation on human prejudice, it pissed off. It also angered them in mid-February 2015 when I commented on a YouTube Video that human prejudice blinded – it was a fear mongering hate video about reptoids, anunnaki, dracos and hybrids – propaganda / gas-lighting as means to ignite the human “primate” prejudice emotion.
They really want humans to be imbued with that innate “primate” prejudice – They need it in order to do a false flag. Now keep in mind, they have been doing STAGED managed dreams with projections of ETs they want you to fear – I wrote about STAGED dreams in several posts. Here’s the latest one >> 11-26 JULY 2017 – Creating Global Initiative “Focus on Earth” – “Look Now!” moments (2 videos) – Nefarious msg delivered via STAGED Managed (Lucid) Dream Technology.
Another common theme, true or not, are people claiming to have been with the Secret Space Program for 20 years and usually to fight this or that ET species and when they return they are regressed to age they were when they joined. Folks, they have the technology to imbued false memories – this is not science fiction.
What to fear is not out there, it’s here right now on this planet and they are humans.They are psychopaths and not shape-shifting reptilians or other so-called species.
31 MAY 2017 – Sighting & Body Marking – Was it ETs? No, man-made, a psyop, a means to an end in the MARK SMITH Operation
Did ETs abduct me and brand me like cattle? NO.
HUMANS did, making belief they were ETs.
But most people don’t want to hear this even when you tell them it’s most like done by an illegal faction criminal called Secret Space Program. Most people rather believe the lie.
Dr. Steven Greer – Two Videos >> Part 1: Contact & the Cosmos | Part 2: GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE PROJECTS
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