– New Top Secret Testimony
– Dr. Greer unveils the beginnings of the Intelligence Archive that is guiding the US Government in uncovering the truth about the UFO/UAP issue.
The newly formed Disclosure Legal team invites pro bono attorneys, legal professionals, and law students from a broad range of expertise and backgrounds to join in this historic effort.
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As Dr. Greer mentions most abductions, sightings and many unexplained paranormal phenomenon are man-made.
As I watched this, I couldn’t help thinking of 17 October 2019, when new partners (CSIS) tainted my reputation with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).
On 17 October 2019, I called OPP to my house to show them the recordings and to ask them to investigate because the Family and the GUERTIN were responsible for the premeditated death of Mark Smith. One of the Officer turned to me and with unease blurted out >> “yeah . . . huh but huh . . . you, you see UFOs . . . huh”
To which I immediately replied “Yes in addition to this case, I do” – The Family, the GUERTIN and certain CSIS agents discredited me in the community with ridicule. In the following days, I emailed several videos and photos. There you go officer. Snap out of your cognitive dissonance.
I have concluded that many of my experiences were man-made, courtesy of new partners who had recourse to the criminal / illegal Secret Space Program and psychological mind warfare technology.
New partners used CSIS as henchmen and sufficiently influential to have recourse to unacknowledged technology and crafts. That’s above GUERTIN circle of influence – sounds to me to be affiliated to the same illegal groups Dr. Steven Greer mentions several times.
These experiences were to twist my perception and create a false sense of reality. I haven’t posted the details of these experiences but now I will. Such as on 31 May 2017 when I woke up with a triangular body marking (photo taken) which occurred a few hours after capturing a sighting on video and for what end?
It occurred after Nicole PERIARD was on board with new partners (CSIS) and GUERTIN – The body marking and sighting were in preparation for PLAN A:Lure/Kidnap/Terminate Champagne. In Plan A they would lure me by making me believe they wanted me to join the Secret Space Program.
Once I disappeared, Mark Smith would run to the fake SON – From mid-2016 up to mid-May 2018 the plan to grab Mark Smith >> was by removing me as means to isolate him. On 12 October 2017, Plan A played out and failed – They would try again to use the lure of Secret Space Program in mid-March 2018 but I refused to join anything – again it failed.
The experience on 31 MAY 2017 was man-made and is one of many experiences all in the name of the Mark Smith operation. Their first choice to grab him was by removing me.
New partners (CSIS) had recourse to illegal technology, ARVs (man-made crafts) as well the criminal Secret Space Program – Above GUERTIN’s pay grade and realm of influence.
Now think of this >>> to ridicule or discredit someone, fabricate supernatural events using technology and effect man-made sightings. HAHAHA . . . people will ridicule you – smart isn’t it?
All experiences and sightings have been documented since March 2016 – each one of them. They leveraged my online communications such as video chats, zooms and more as well as in-house discussions. What a great way to trick someone to think that the paranormal events and sightings are synchronicity . . . ri-ight. Keep in mind, there was a satellite view “eye in the sky” onto the property. So it makes it easy to do a sighting (amber orange star-like dots) the moment your target (me) steps on the house porch and looks up – make it appear in the general direction where your target is looking. Ex-cel-lent.
All as been documented . . . NOT ONLINE >> handwritten – I have a binder for each year (since 2016).
I want to end this post telling you that I have known people who have been re-arranged psychologically by the illegal Secret Space Program. It’s very hard to snap them out of it because when someone is monitored (for intel) then that intel can be used to make / fabricate paranormal events and sightings. . . very hard to convince someone that it’s fake. I knew a lady who was convinced she was a Pleiadian here on a mission. She was handled by that Secret Space Program faction. They killed off her husband . . . he cut his throat in front of her. And once he was gone, they took charge. She eventually had to leave Canada permanently.
I can tell you other stories of people who are convinced they are being visited by ETs when in fact it’s all a fabrication done by the illegal group. Very hard to convince these people and when one tries, one is considered to be a skeptic – they don’t want to believe you. Their experiences are very real but they are not from ETs!
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