To give you a timeline view of what they did to us, you might want to go directly to this post:
7 JAN 2024 >> List of Programs “PSYOPS” played out in 2015 to 2019
Why this post? because there’s a lot of information on this site and the post above gives a pretty good picture of what they did – a series of posts in chronological order – a timeline of events.
Because of the psychological warfare tactics they did, it is often difficult for a surviving target (me in this case) to try to put it all together, so the link above (chronological) gives a very good run down.
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I secretly recorded when Mark SMITH was on the phone with them and after he would hang up. The recordings show the trail of demonic chaos they maliciously created all as a means to have me terminated so that he could be isolated and delivered to the GUERTIN clan. That clan owned him since 1979, sold by the family. When we started our relationship in 2009, they immediately tried to break it off covertly – abuse in our household – pure evil.
I was able to fend them off by 13 JULY 2014 (yes I did something). In mid-2015, a new partnership was formed with a partner that used CSIS resources and assets (e.g. monitoring in-house, electronically, satellite fed on the property, infrared to see body movements in the house). Bottom line >> We, the Canadian taxpayers paid for this organized criminal operation. Oh yes.
The original PERPS >> GUERTIN use the legal and MEDICAL system to carry out their crimes – experienced. The New partners who used CSIS are above GUERTIN’s pay grade and more influential within the system – able to use governmental assets and resources without fear of retribution. By Fall 2015, they took over / directed the criminal operation.
After reading or browsing the List of Psyops (link above), you might afterwards want to delve in the posts and documents suggested below.
These criminals think they are above the law – entitled.
Thank you for taking the time.
Be well in your mind and heart.
Lyn Champagne
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I recommend you read PSY Warfare 2016-19 primer documents, they describe their overarching monitoring modus operandi and INTEL use throughout 2016-2019 – electronic monitoring technologies are golden INTEL tools.
The Trafficking Abuse section details the timeline trail for human trafficking 1979 “when he was sold and how they did it” – Also goes into pivotal points in time such as 1983 & 2011, 1992, 1993-2007. 2007 and 2009-2014 – Family and GUERTIN were in conspiracy from 1979 up to his death in 2018.
TIMELINE 2016-2019 -> PERIOD WHEN NEW PARTNERS (CSIS) took over the operation. Keep in mind, the GUERTIN were already doing organized crime operations in the legal and medical systems.
The category called CRIMINAL OFFENCE lists by criminal offence what they did – it is not a complete list – there’s more such as having physicians in conspiracy willing to lie for the GUERTIN.
But the GUERTIN were limited to legal fraud “enslavement/entrapment” and then the medical as their territory of ensnarement and incapacitation.
They did not have access to electronic monitoring, psy-based technology nor security (OPP & Military) resources until new partners (CSIS) took over.
A double agenda – Covering my death under his death
(1) Terminate Lyn Champagne (new partners (CSIS))
(2) Grab to terminate Mark Smith (Guertin & Family)
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RELEVANT DOCUMENTS – Documents complement each other:
>> 2016-2019 Timeline of Events period when new partners (CSIS) took over the criminal agenda.
>> List of sickness by date and provocation a companion document to 2016-2019 timeline of events.
>> LISTS OF RECORDINGS 2018-2019 over 149 date stamped full length recordings and over 360 audio clips extracted from the original recorded material.
>> DESCRIPTIVE OF RECORDINGS covering February to April 2018
>> TIME MODULES 2018-2019 – assembled in 2019 – trail of events – laid out like a witness testimony with audio clips extracted from the date-stamped full-length recordings.
I started module assemblage on 2 February 2019 – Here’s what I knew and did not know in 2019 when doing these modules >> 20190202-Full-time-Investigation-What-I-knew-did-not-know.pdf.
20180109.0130.pdf 20180202.0215.pdf
20180217.0223.pdf 20180224.0227.pdf
20180301.0331.pdf 20180401.0416.pdf
20180417.0430.pdf 20180501.0510.pdf
20180522.0704.pdf 20180712.0820.pdf
20180822.0904.pdf 2018095.0927.pdf
20181001.1221.pdf 20190101.0228.pdf
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These people have to be made accountable for what they did.
Most civilians who know about this case, shy away because of CSIS’ involvement. In many cases, once I tell people (civilians), they don’t contacting me – many become paranoid convinced they are afterwards monitored.
For many, just the thought that there is a rogue organized criminal faction running under CSIS scares people especially if you have skeletons in your closet.
If you get involved and you have shit under the belt, they’ll find it and may try to use it against you (that’s my opinion).
This rogue faction has authorized access to mainstream governmental, intelligence and security assets and resources by hiding under protocol and procedures – they go undetected because they have the power to make it seem it’s authorized (approved) — just like the GUERTIN do using legal and medical systems.
The GUERTIN are highly influential in the medical and know the tricks of the trade to make their crimes run under normal protocols and procedures – under the radar unless someone picks up like I did.
Their level of influence allows them to set 911 alerts, coordinate ambulance dispatch protocols as well as to get medical staff to work in conspiracy as means to advance GUERTIN criminal agendas.
These people premeditated his death, enslaved and trafficked (start point). They oppressed without sparing cruelty and suffering all in the name of terminating both of us.
As I said often, we were the human-animals caged in the dungeon – the assets and resources from new partners (CSIS) made it so – the GUERTIN and family alone were unable to achieve that level of oppression. In fact, by mid-July 2014 we were able to keep them at bay “away from us” until new partners (CSIS) took over by late fall 2015.
YOU CAN CONTACT ME BY EMAIL or TELEPHONE, click here for coordinates. I am fluent in English and French.
I live in Prescott-Russell County in Ontario. I’m situated between Ottawa and Montreal. When necessary, I will meet face to face. Please keep in mind I have remained electronically monitored.
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Last Revised: 9 January 2024
Previous version: 25 September 2022
Views: 125