Robert Schratt, Military Aerospace Historian
1:11:04 hours
Perfect storm for pulling an Alien False Flag Invasion
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He mentions the triangular craft which Mark SMITH and I witnessed on 13 November 2012.
The ship had a humming and ticking sound.
It interacted with my thoughts.
Two months before, on 23 September 2012, I experienced a visitation which started with the formation of lights in the shape of the ORION constellation, SIRIUS and ALDEBARAN.
The visitor was human however his skin was cream white, dark brown eyes and sparse hair with intricately sculptured facial hair “beard”. He wore a tight fitted black uniform – height 5’8″.
- At first I made him chuckle >> a look of surprise when I told him something like “no disrespect you are handsome but I’m not interested in having sex with you” – Then I became embarrassed when I realized that’s not why he was visiting and when I started to question why are you here? He became serious and I blacked out. I strongly suspect they did something and the craft on 13 NOV 2012 came to check if what they did had worked (mind interaction).
(I have a strong suspicion that I agreed to this – Before he visited I witnessed three crafts – two landed in the field (I call them the sport model) and I ran to them >> “hey! hey! I’m here! I’m here!” it was as if I was expecting them.).
. - Also important to note >> Until that moment, although I had several unusual experiences as a child as well as on 26 JULY 1980 at night while at a camp ground, UFOs and ETs were not in my consciousness, not one of my interests – Just to give you a sense, I had an extensive library (over 500 books) and owned perhaps three books on the subject which I had not even read.
13 November 2012 >> 20121113-Triangular-craft-interacts-with-my-thoughts-and-leaves.pdf
I strongly suspect the 2012 experiences are NOT related to New Partners (CSIS).
Then nothing until 2016 . . .
(New Partners (CSIS) allied with GUERTIN by Fall 2015 (that I know of))
27 February – 2 March 2016 – The Chair >> 20160302-SHIP-Flight-Simulation-Exercise.pdf – To this day, I have not published full details of this experience – I eventually will.
Now was it true? or was it smoke’n’mirror . . . you know, a mind-fvck . . .
After the experience (2 MAR 2016), I started having regular sightings and the first one was on 6 MARCH 2016, it mimicked the flight pattern practiced in the so-called chair . . . I have concluded this experience most likely fabricated by New Partners (CSIS)’s network as means to discredit me.
Important to note, that the sightings that started in 2016 were not like the one experienced with Mark SMITH in 2012. Four years later (2016) sightings were amber-orange dots that would appear MOST often in the general direction where I was gazing (in the sky) within a few seconds to a minute AFTER I stepped outside (satellite feed on the property) . . . first time it’s a coincidence but after the 3rd time and beyond (constantly, the pattern of behavior), well . . . not a coincidence.
Was it ET? No highly man-made.
They most likely were aiming for an emotional reaction, affect my perception “false reality – la-la land fantasy” . . . Instead, I took a logical approach, analytical perspective, no emotions rather curiosity and diligently logged each incident including what I was doing before, thinking during and after.
For a long time, I stayed quiet about all this in order not to lose credibility with the MARK SMITH case.
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